Kosher Food

Question for Juden and Juden lovers: How many of you ACTUALLY eat Kosher?

Other urls found in this thread:'malkhuta_dina

Kosher is no bacon, also no milk with your burger.


Tbh it's saddening how many western Jews are losing connection to their religion. The treat it more like a label of victimization than an actual set of beliefs, law, religious convictions, lifestyle, and faith.

They replace the faith of their ancestors with liberal dogma and it destroys their family and self.


Is like halal?

Jew here. I keep kosher but not glat kosher. I don't eat shellfish or pork, and don't mix beef with milk product.
I dont have a separate dining set for milk and meats though.

If it's kosher it's halal and vice-versa, if I'm not mistaken.

BTW both are faggotry

So they finally taste their own medicine?

Not entirely true. Very similar, but halal foods are slightly wider of a net. There are also slaughter methodologies that differ between the two. But ya, usually if something has a kosher symbol it's halal.

Jew here, never have and never will. Food that is Kosher is typically higher quality though.

I used to eat kosher, but then I realized I was born (read: forced) into Judaism, so I began to try different things and ended up liking it, so I just do as I like, now.
I used to look down on the gentiles, but realized that they're people, just like us.

So much bait. Shit ain't kosher, bro.

Is that why my bag of potato chips has a k symbol on it?

That's interesting, why not?

I'm genuinely curious as to why some Jews refuse to eat food designed by Jews for Jews.

Sure, whatever
>shit ain't kosher
I've lost faith, so I don't really care.

Probably. The K and O encircling a U are the gold standards for kosher. Most major food companies get it approved because they don't want competitors having a monopoly.

There are varying levels of observance in Judaism. Some consider the rules of kashrut antiquated while others find them super important because half of the commandments are unable to be fulfilled anymore.

The k and OU are like kosher-lite, real jews dont mess with that

WHY did you look down on gentiles?

I get looking down on one race over another; I'm a white supremacist. What I don't understand is how you lookes down on EVERY ONE who wasn't a jew.

I can understand the irony in my statement. The thing is I don't think non whites should be hung by the neck, just seperated.


Thanks for the info

K and OU are accepted by all sects of Judaism except for fringe orthodox sects who don't even purchase food that isn't made by their own sect.

Actual Jews don't. He's LARPing to fuel some more hatred for Jews on here, not that it's needed, lol. Jews have 0 issues with non-Jews. We're commanded to obey the laws of the land as well: "Dina Dmalchuta Dina"

That pic explains my curiosity and why I posted this thread perfectly lmao.

I can stick around and answer your questions as best I can if you care to ask them.

I didnt say it wasnt accepted, but orthodox or any jews that are serious about their eating habits arent dealing with k, maybe ou but def not k


arabs and jews eat the same thing basically

>Actual Jews don't. He's LARPing to fuel some more hatred for Jews on here, not that it's needed, lol. Jews have 0 issues with non-Jews. We're commanded to obey the laws of the land as well: "Dina Dmalchuta Dina"

I doubt that very much. My final redpill on Jews was when I heard the story of a rabbi in NY rebuking a young jew for donating blood to Goy.

>WHY did you look down on gentiles?
Not necessarily look down, just a pride we feel for our covenant wit g-d. All I got was a shredded dick.

Yes, technically some orthodox sects won't accept K, but that's more due to internal religious politics and not actual kashrut laws. Most things approved with K but not OU are due to disagreements in what constitutes "animal product"

Judaism at all levels accepts blood donation now. That incident actually caused a massive debate and it was formally declared ok to donate blood. The only 3 commandments a Jew cannot break in order to save a life are
murder, adultery, and conversion

i became a rabbi . its a bit like becoming a notery which i am also licensed in 2 states for

all you gotta do with wipe the food down in pigs blood and say shalome. its what i do. if its a beverage then you have to put the pigs blood in it

i am contracted by a few companies and know some people who work in a coke bottling plant in canada which makes kosher coke. this is standard practice

Actual fact: blood isn't kosher. In fact you need to drain all blood using salt to make kosher foods properly kosher. It's part of what makes kosher meats have such a.... bland(?) and distinct taste.

>I used to look down on the gentiles, but realized that they're people, just like us.

Than why do some Jews (by some I mean an unspecified number that I can't quantify but I have seen qoutes and heard stories of) vehemently opppse helping the Gentiles?

Christians and Jews practically worship the same God, so why would some Jews fuck over a gentile who worships the same God?

Are than any records of jewish rabbis encouraging gentiles to eat kosher while encouraging them NOT to become jews?

Dumbass. All meats are drained of blood. There may be a tiny bit, but it doesn't affect taste. The red liquid is dye and myoglobin.


this is where foreskin goes

They don't. At least no actual major sect of Judaism. Some fringe sects won't interact with non-Jews, but they really only exist in NY and Jerusalem. (Some are the settlements in the WB). Jews are actually commanded to donate 10% of our wealth every year to causes and it's considered even more wholesome to donate to causes as distanced from yourself as possible. I donate to an organization in South America that helps relocate orphaned girls.

The method is the "unique" part, dumbass.

It's the covenant. Some Jews are too prideful (stuck up, really) to help a gentile.
I don't care, though. That life is behind me. You might as well consider me a gentile.

>The method is the "unique" part, dumbass.
The fact that you put salt on a piece of meat isn't "unique" dumbass. It's called pickling. And, it tastes wonderful when cooked over an open flame.

All salt extraction methods aren't pickling, you dolt.

halal....Muslims use a jagged rusty knife and torture the animal till it dies

kosher....Jews use a razor sharp knife so the animal feels no pain

Every major product has that symbol because it's a jew tax. The goyim pay extra for everything and the extortion money goes in some rich rabbis pocket. He then makes millions for doing nothing but collects food stamps and section 8cause he's a Jew parasite.

Getting certified kosher costs little more than the flight for the rabbi to the facility to check the practices meet standards. It costs practically nothing and ensures your competition doesn't get a monopoly on a market.

That's so bizzare. Different people worshipping the same god and they act like that. Christians and Muslims do the same thing, Sunni vs Shiite, Catholic vs Protestant, Baptist vs Pentecostal...

So if you consider yourself a gentile, are there honestly any differences or prejudices you may hold against gentiles and yourself?

That's exactly what a jew would say. Thetre's no law of the land that says you have to respect otr think highly of other people.'malkhuta_dina

>hurrr that's exactly what a jooo would say

Fuck off, wanker.

A monopoly on a market? Literally less than 1 percent of consumers care. And this is a big business for Jews. It costs hundreds of millions more than a plane ticket. Lets call this what it is-a Jew tax. Or less politely extortion.

so i ate this thing called pastrami its just like ham but its made from beef. its like smoked beef. shit is awsome its kosher i think.

not only that. you need to pay a certified kosher jew to check if something is kosher or not. shit is crazy, they have to look vegetables with lenses to check for bugs and larvae.

It doesn't cost anything if the facility is already kosher. It just requires the rabbi check. That's at most a $100 plane ticket, lol. And I assume you've never done business in your life then. Business meeting with a Jewish guy you want in?You're catering it and someone is providing the food. If the potato chip Lays is kosher but the competitor isn't, Lays just got a purchase. That Jewish business owner who is supplying food for his break room? Brand recognition, he now purchases the Lays because he remembers he eats them. It's basic marketing; it's not my fault you can't grasp it

Pastrami is amazing. Love it.

Vegetables are already screened for bugs as is, getting them certified kosher is beyond trivial. My rabbi would even do it for the local farmers market folk in his spare time since he bought from them as is.

Look, I'm a Jew and I agree that it is a tax on most food. Plane tickets can be in the thousands. Hotel adds more costs. Food, per diem, etc.

The cost of having to pay for certification is probably greater than potential losses due to Jewish customers switching brands in most cases.

If it is like a maker of matzoh, sure I understand the need for certification but for potato chips, which would naturally be parve anyways unless they contained bits of insects or animals, it is a racket.

If it were actually cheaper to simply tell the market that purchases kosher food to piss off, they would do it already. In fact the donut store near my place lost their kosher certification because it was cheaper to go without it and they simply didn't renew certification. It's a free enough market in that regard, no company is forced to certify kosher...

No they are not forced to but clearly there is pressure applied. I am not referring to farmer's markets, who I had no idea even bothered with kosher certification. I am talking about big, mainstream brands, especially purveyors of products that are naturally parve, for whom it is a waste of money and time to lose potentially maybe 1000 customers a year maximum. It is a racket but you are literally JIDF.

Also the reason they need to certify kosher is for the frying method, not because chips aren't parve. If it's cooked in lard or something similar, it isn't kosher. It's why skittles aren't kosher, they contain gelatin and the makers don't see the point in changing the recipe to corner that market.

It obviously is not cooked in lard. There is no reason for potato chips cooked in vegetable oil to require certification. If you cannot read a nutrition label and see if something contains gelatin or lard than you are too dumb to be Jewish anyways.

1000 a year maximum? Are you actually just gonna sit there and make up bullshit like that? My friend's company orders more than 1000 units of food in a week. And shockingly.... he buys kosher brands for his employees! But ya I'm just a Jidf shill trying to defend kosher practices instead of derailing Holocaust threads or some shit...

I could point you to a nutrition label and be positive you couldn't name half the shit in most food. It's a streamlined methodology that obviously produces net profit for the companies or they wouldn't do it.

You really think it produces profit to label water bottles with a kosher symbol?

You say that like a bad thing
Never correct your enemy when they make a mistake.

They probably ask for any added crap in the water (Dasani adds salt and as you know there's kosher salt) and then are done with it. Wow that answers why they'd have a hecksher!

Kosher salt is salt made for koshering food. It isn't somehow inherently kosher whereas the rest of salt isn't.

It is a religious tax on food and household products. If it is voluntary than can you name a major American manufacturer that chooses not to pay it?

And Jews are the only religion to have government food inspectors. That's right U.S. tax dollars go to pay Jews a government salary to enforce religious laws. The legs of the Jewish tick go deep.

Non-kosher salt contains extra iodine.... and yes I can. As I mentioned, skittles are not kosher. Neither are starbursts and hundreds of other candies. Most ice creams aren't either.

Not surprising.

Halal foods do too.

And Iodine is not kosher?

I meant a product that would not have contained meat or dairy to begin with and so doesn't bother to pay the tax.

Adding iodine to the salt makes it not-kosher. I don't have the exact verse to quote for you but it's some crap about altering the state of the food.

You think they would buy store brand to save a few cents.

Kosher food (at least here in the UK) is RIDICULOUSLY expensive. I sometimes casually browse the kosher sections of supermarkets and I'm honestly surprised that practising kikes can ever afford to eat. An average-sized beef brisket would cost me about £8-10. The kosher ones I've seen are about £22. Crazy.

They sell non "kosher" salt that doesn't contain iodine. Please link me to where a) Kosher salt does not contain iodine and where b) if it did it would not be kosher.

Jew here:
Fuck that shit, bacon's delicious

To everyone wbo has posted, I appreciate the insight.

This was my first post on Sup Forums after lurking for about a week. The question came to mind after grocery shopping the other day.

Jew here. I don't, because kosher food tastes mediocre (especially meat). Also it's ridiculously expensive, and inconvenient to buy.

I think my ancestry is Danish and also I do not think that I am capable of love, but I do use Kosher salt because it goes in the salt grinder that came with my pepper grinder.