Why are Americans so cringey?


Other urls found in this thread:


Self-obsessed neurosis from best goy syndrome


They're fine. Shut the fuck up

nah, neurotic =/= cheesy. it's true that normie American culture is extremely stale and flat, probably their German heritage is to blame here

Those are God amongst men you faggot. Now be a good little bitch and be quiet or respond to this post, either way you're doing what I told you too do.

A people descended from frustrated religious zealots, amoral adventurers bent on financial gain and rape victims with an inferiorty complex? What could go wrong?

fuck the oath cucks


>be me
>identify potential b8 thread
>don my alter ego(my name related)
>begin investigation
>mouse over OPs ID.
>one post by this user

he did the election in style