ITT we post drawings made by Trump supporters

ITT we post drawings made by Trump supporters.

yes! someone post barron's DIY mangas!!






Dumping btw

Notice me senpai. Trump will defeat evil and send Hillary to jail





Breaking my chain you fucking aussie




Is that fucking infinite chan







Ooo nice, collected





Pedophiles need to burn alive.



alright now post the unedited one






Lush if your lurking give me a (You)

the one with the big titties!!






does anyone have the original












that is the original
It even got r/donald in it.
how more redpill do want it to be?

I agree

>why jeb?




I read all these memes in his voice.even this one post is his voice.






Woah now, Pence comes next. My folder is big.
















That is pure nightmare fuel.





Holy Kek was this that shit tier deportation Bill Clinton did?









