Gypsies in Southwestern Pennsylvania

>Most of the 40 or so Romanians who have moved to this community in the past two months do not speak English well, if at all. They do not know American customs and are unfamiliar with codes of conduct.
>The Romanians, who said they came to America to escape persecution in their Bucharest-area homes, have been processed through U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and have been released as part of the government’s Alternative to Detention program, which monitors flight from other nations. They are members of the group known as Roma, or gypsies, and are distinct from ethnic Romanians. Roma are minorities in many European states and often face prejudice and discrimination.'
>Angry residents at Thursday’s meeting said the newcomers throw trash around, park their cars in yards, disobey traffic rules, and are disruptive in markets. Others said that they’ve seen Romanians killing chickens and children defecating in public.

Yurop, could you please take back your filthy Romani refugees? They are currently infesting my nice little town in Bumfuck, Appalachia, and shit's quickly getting out of hand. There should not be Gypsies drag racing up and down suburban streets and shitting on sidewalks in middle America. And we're supposed to be getting even more of them.

Sup Forums, how do you deal with Gypsies?

Nothing you can do sorry.

This is why the county I used to live in was much better off when we had the Klan. I'm ethnically Irish Catholic, so they were no friends of mine, but large groups of outsiders would never dare move in. Drug addicts were kept in check when we had the Klan. The sheriff was a member so their activities/ crimes were never investigated. Sounds like this area needs to start a chapter.

Just shoot em, no one will miss them.

Are there any Romanians on right now? Is there a crisis going on over there that's causing these roaches to flee?

I've met immigrants from the Ukraine, Italy, and Bulgaria, and they've all been wonderful people. I have nothing against immigrants. But these Gypsies are disgusting people.

Also, is it worth it to try to fuck a gypsy girl?

Don't do that.

My town is 50% Hungarian so they keep the gypsies away. Also 75% of the churches are Orthodox. Feelsgoodman

Gypsies are subhuman,mate,and so are southern "romanians" who are pretty much turk half-breeds. There is no crisis going on that makes them flee,only the fact that we treat them like subhumans here(unfortunately,NGO's and other politically correct funded bussineses who help minorities are slowly gaining mainstream even in countries like this).
Also,no,don't fuck a gyppo

How are the churches there Orthodox when Hungarians are catholics or protestants?

>southern "romanians" who are pretty much turk half-breeds.
western romanians are mongol half-breeds
eastern romanians are russian half-breeds
now what?

No idea. Most of the Hungarians moved here during the 50's when they were taken over by the Commies so maybe that has something to do with it. A lot of them are rundown now but most still operate.

Erm Romanians arnt romani gypsies... Fucking retard. Romani gypsy are better than Romanians and better than Irish did gypsys I wish we had more of the romani than dids and Romanians here

I'm not sure who to hate more, Californians or Gyps.

Mongol half-breeds? You pulled that out of your ass,my friend. You go in every major city in Romania and you see that nobody there looks half-asian. Although,in eastern Romania,it is true that people have more slavic blood than other Romanians,but not necessarily half-breeds.


>raped by Hungarians for centuries
>not half-mongols
come on now.

Refugees were a mistake. Every persecuted group in history has deserved it, no exceptions.

Aww, are the Californians finally going to learn how to racism?

There are lots of different Californians with varying degrees of degeneracy but gypsies are just pure trash.

Not the state of California. Pennsylvania town of less than 10,000 called California. It's unusual that a govt program would have these people relocated here, and not in a bigger city on the coast or something. I mean they could have at least dumped them off in Pittsburgh.

>It's unusual that a govt program would have these people relocated here
Oh no it's not. Refugee dumping is the busing of the modern era. It's specifically used to make areas less white.

Hungarians tried hard to assimilate the Romanian population in Transylvania,which was larger,but their plans didn't work fully because villagers were frequently organising revolts.
Also,Hungarians aren't mongols,even if a lot of their population got raided by them in the Middle Ages.

Where do you live that you had the KKK running around and a KKK sheriff so recently? Sounds pretty nice.

All those US posters in the past
>What's the deal with gypsies?
>I don't think they're so bad
>You exaggerate the problem

They are beggars, thieves and they make terrible music until you pay them to fuck off or call the police.