Trump is gonna make Macron kick out the shitskins YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!
Trump is gonna make Macron kick out the shitskins YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!
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>Macron is positioning himself to become Trump’s European whisperer.
kek, that's wishful thinking. Macron hates Trump.
That's a fucking long article by Darlene Superville to say that what we already knew, that Macron is good at diplomacy and putting anyone at ease.
His goal is still to make the exact opposite policy of Trump's.
Sorry if I'm taking this a new meme seriously, I saw many similar posts in the catalog.
Also you claim is not in the article.
That's where your wrong Muhammad Abdul Jamal shitskin
shut the fuck up, fat pig.
On paper, yes, but it will take months if not years to process all asylum applications.
fuck off shill
Dude macron is fuckin based at least that's what some based pedes told me
I'm not the one fanboying him.
Macron coined something like "make climate great again" precisely to humiliate Trump.
Are the US desperate again for a friend?
This post is fair. We want to be hopeful across the pond
No we are best friends with Japan now
Nice wall you got there. Nice anything about this back home. Make france something something
I'll have what you smoke. Macron is a globalist, he wants open borders. He also is a naive moron (think "Make our planet great again"), and probably don't understand why it's ultimately a poor choice.
Your going back to your shitskin country. It's a shame you women and 40 year old children are gonna get tossed the fuck out. Have a nice trip.
French post is exactly right
new faggots who take pol 100percent seriously headline readier call him a shill kek
Fuck off french faggoti go suck sum baggeti
If macron doesn't work with trump. Britain and trump will burry him in trade deals.. including Poland.
You're trying to hard as shil
you could shitpost and people would take it more seriously but ur a faggot
My dear gypsy friend, you realize the Macron faggots have been actively shilling this cunt for the last four days?
get off this board shill are you a journo perhaps?
Oh, but he will probably work with Trump, or at least give the appearance to do so. It's not incompatible with his globalist agenda. But he won't close the borders to the migrants, nor push for a restrictive immigration policy for Europe, what we need the most precisely.
American/French alliance vs Russia when?
>make climate great again
>to humiliate Trump
how will he ever recover?
You don't understand, Romania. Clearly you don't.
I met my best bro when a stranger and I got so mad at each other we came to blows. The fight was such a good fight we shook hands and had a beer together afterwards. Been bros ever since.
This is how real men act. Maybe you should try.
You're fucking retarded.
>Imma invite some asshole whose guts I hate as the guest of honor for our Bastille Day celebration
>Hurr durr furr durr snurr
Face it Francois al Momoud. You. Are. Screwed.
This is typical Machiavellian twist for both Trump and Macron. Everyone expected US to be buddy-buddy with Great Britain since Brexit and say fuck off to the rest of Europe, but going with France got everyone caught off guard. The euro-merkel-fags got BTFO and put on notice how fast Trump can change things up. UK gets put on notice to work harder for US friendship, and France get's back some of its prestige. It makes so much fucking sense that's it hurts me that nobody noticed it before.
Now Macron has WAY more leverage in Europe in comparison to Merkel and that's a big boost to the French self-esteem, which let's face it, is the only thing the French live for.
Macron is an elite globalist.
He is not and never will be /ourguy/
saying some good things does not make him /ourguy/
come at me when he makes one policy change that's in the interest of someone other than his rich elite banker buddies
until then he's a french manlet faggot with a ghoul for a girlfriend
this is not true, you're a shill
Also if you've noticed, ever since the G20 nobody has been talking about Merkel, it's ALL Trump + Macron. That's some fucking master room-oxygen-sucking by US+France. Trump benefits from this because it legetimizes him in the eyes of reluctant eurofags, and Macron benefits because he gets such a higher profile which is very important for a new leader. He's got so much more clout to do whatever he pleases now. This is some 69D chess desu senpai.
France is a shithole
yes, Macron is trying to force his way into where Merkel is now. He wants France to take the lead role in the EU.
chances are Trump will fuck him over to make sure this doesnt happen because Macron is a globalist, elite lefty banker who blames terrorism on global warming
He is married to his teacher. Now considering his inability to end abusive relationships, what influence do you think his former kike boss have on him?
Cause we all know Trump never goes back on his word.
No shit he's gonna say that. His country is full of niggers waiting to blow shit up and bluepilled faggots. You can't shove a redpill down people's throat. It takes time, and if there's any group of people destined to get redpilled fast it's the French because they're arrogant and think they're better then everyone else.
well, he hasn't yet, on anything.
he's already in charge, he very much has the power to "shove redpills down peoples throat"
All this is true, but we should shill for him anyway. It would be funny to watch all the lefties change their opinions of him just because we like him. Would prove they are just contrarians and don't think for themselves.
Macron wants to steal our meme energy to push his lefty proposals through.
You're not fooling anybody and Sup Forums is not going to believe he is /ourguy/
You guys retarded af and Frenchie is right. You guys are so desperate to find a savior you'll jump on anyone's dick.
If you were from France you'd know that Macron constantly talked shit about Trump, and only stopped liked a couple weeks back.
He has a great potential to infuriate the Left by stating basic facts such as"African make too many babies". But at this point we need smart policies, not words.
Above all, he should take a clear stance on things like Islam, birthrates, fertility, immigration, and the migrants problem, but it seems clear that he won't, and most probably can't, because we're every day closer to a civil war.
So well, I very much hope that I'm wrong, but I'm pretty blackpilled as to the future.