>tfw the most high profile Nazi outside hitler was literally a 5'5'' manlet, grotesque, quintessentially jewish looking, untermensch
When did you come to grips with the reality that Nazis were frauds?
>tfw the most high profile Nazi outside hitler was literally a 5'5'' manlet, grotesque, quintessentially jewish looking, untermensch
When did you come to grips with the reality that Nazis were frauds?
>implying the idea was that the German people were already supermen.
You don't understand National Socialism and you don't understand Nietzsche.
>ignoring the fact that Goebells is a 5'5'' jewish subhuman who lectures others on inferiority
Hitler was only 5'8 and black haired
The "Hitler was going to kill everyone who is not a 6'6 blonde" is pure bullshit.
expecting wizards to be ubermensch
I'm talking about something reasonable like 5'8''
I'm talking about F I V E foot F I V E
Literally mexishit tier manletism of the highest order and absolutely defective
*not talking about reasonable 5'8''
pls no bully Goebells.
Nordicism is a meme. G*rmans are nothing but a blight on Europe.
>continuing to fail to understand National Socialism and Nietzsche
>Implying the greatest propagandist in human history was inferior to anyone based on physical attributes
And in anticipation of:
>ye but race is only physical so ther
Anglo or French?
Brings up an interesting point; how much of WWII was propaganda? With the proliferation, we now have the ability to call shit out. We can point out fake news, we can look at Twitter and see the first hand accounts of events. Back then they couldn't; we know that the jewskin lampshades were a lie, what else was?
bait and chegged
goebro had physical faults but he was a master propagandist and devotedly loyal to hitler, he can not be faulted as a man who overcame not only physical but emotional hardship to become greater and stronger than I more than like every will
Goebbels was an ubermensch in spirit. You can shitpost when you've achieved even 1% of what he did.
Most likely Turkish given that he's posting with the EU flag whilst shitting on Merkel.
>gee i wonder how will people in the future look at me and my deeds - any notable historical figure
>a 5'5'' manlet, grotesque, quintessentially jewish looking, untermensch
is this the future they had imagined for us?
This x1000
Goebros diary is a hell of a read, he really was one of us
>Why? Yes! We're whiter and more Aryan than Blonde-haired, blue-eyed Slavs We! The German masterrace!
>tfw Goebbels was cucked by the aryan in pic related while Goeblels sat in the corner and fapped his micropenis and then raised his family like a good beta
they look like best buds in
every picture
lmao shut it down
Plus they kinda had a point about the "6'6" hyperborean ubermensch" thing. Look at Bismarck, Hindenburg, Skorzeny, and Klingenberg.
I will be the next Goebell
Goebells my third favorite behind (((skorzeny))) and heydrich
fuck off autist
He was not black-haired, people nowadays just think so because most photos of him were black and white. He was a blue-eyes brunet.
>be hitler
>fraud your way to power
>start a war
>lose millions of white men
>wake up and see the world today
>post your furor face
>looks 5'7''
>tfw he was wearing lifts
>tfw Goelels was literally pol incarnate
Got any PDF links?
Nazis and Hitler were zionist false flag operation to get gibs, diplomatic immunity, rights to expand Israel coz of "opression", and destroy nationalistic idea among european and american nations.
Lenin was 5'5"
...and make them vulnerable to marxist ideology
you realise how much this man had been through, yeah?
t. non-white spic
save le white race!
>doesnt have kids
>makes everyone hate white supremacy
t. hitler
Behold, the Superman! He is this lightning, he is this madness!
He wasn't jewish looking. Look at his bone structure. You have redheads and blonds who are jews yet have kike facial features. Prime example , Barbara Streisand.
nothing wrong with mengele desu
he almost died of pnumonia at the age of two and was soon after diagnosed with osteomyelitis declared "lame for life" he was weak of body but not of spirit if there were ever 100 men of his caliber alive today we would be luckier for it
t. 30% Anglo-Saxon brit.
You're fucking mongrels.
>he thinks ubermensch means tall or good looking
>you don't understand Nietzsche.
If you don't understand that the ubermensch was a state to be achieved rather than one that you were born into and that the National Socialist government sought to have the German people achieve the state of the ubermensch then you genuinely don't understand Nietzsche or National Socialism in even the most basic ways.
Yes, I'm glad you've come to this realization that not all Germans are the stereotypical Aryan propaganda piece. It's also time for you to realize that it's just that, propaganda. You'd be a fool to believe that Adolf Hitler was dead-bent on slaughtering all those who weren't the supposed Allies depiction of "muh master race." As he'd have to kill off the hundreds, if not thousands of those Germans who are swarthy in appearance, especially some of his beloved elites such as Goebbels.
The Aryan master race isn't what Judaism wants you to believe but instead, Aryanism is meant to unite all Europeans underneath the idea of Pan-Europeanism.
It should also be noted that Adolf Hitler admired both Great Britain and Italy, even desperately trying to prevent war with them up until he realized it was too late and begun the invasion of Poland.
deez cheekbonez
lol it amazes how many people think t. is tfw
Also size is irrelevant. In case you haven't noticed , The most important men in human history weren't basketball players....weren't they ?
Napoleon: 5 ft 2 inches
Hitler:5 ft 8
Caesar: 5'7"
Putin: 5ft 6.5in
You forgot:
>dooms the causes of white nationalism and similar ideologies for several generations and possibly forever
The British peoples have achieved more than any other people on the planet you salty slav baby.
Doesn't change the fact that they're mongrels.
Absolutely quality
Cherry-picking goes both ways
>Oh you!
>nothing wrong with mengele
Apart from the whole business of torturing children to death obviously.
Which has clearly not harmed their ability in any way.
>I'm going to blame the man who fought for white nationalism and not the globalist cabal who vilified him
>my teacher told me that the NAWTZEES would LITERALLY kill anyone without blonde hair and blue eyes: the post
lmao thats his son from a previous marriage.
any (((skorzeny))) fans up in here? why would he have done any spy work at all for egypt even if he didnt know it was jews he had to have know it was the jews mortal enemy?
Don't forget jumping on pregnant women and sewing people together. I sometimes wonder if he was behind the pedal powered masturbation machines and bear-eagle Jewish WWE cage matches too.
he looks like some sort of classic gracile mediterranid
reminds me of the third one in pic related
He was just an opportunist without loyalty
Excellent post.
Fuck off. Goebbels didn't kill himself and his family either. Jewish propaganda. Seriously fuck of you kike shit. Fucking die
Napoleon was 5'2" in french inches, not the inches that Americans use these days. He was closer to 5'6".
Still a manlet, but not quite so much.
>work for us or we'll ruin your life and kill your children goy
I think he did the mossad stuff as cover for his Die Spinne and CEDADE work.
That was average height for back then, people have gotten a lot taller on average in the past 200 years due to improved diets.
The Jew is intelligent and cunning, some smarter as the median here, always handle them with caution. WW2 was just a ploy to ruin European imperialism, spread (((communism))) and place the ((( USA))) as superpower. Hell they even liberated their homeland (((Zion)))
sallowed cheek bones instead of plump, Im almost certain he was germanic but has a disfigured body from the osteomyeliti and pneumonia
He could be dna confirmed 100% semitic, hes a man of great honor, hitler orderd him to eascape with the rest of the higher ecelon, he refused and died with hitler, if you hate national socialism you know that there is honor in that.
He didn't look jewish at all
you have to be retarded if u believe this
Reinhard Heydrich looks like a genetic amalgamation of a Nordic alien and a Grey
the classic mediterranid has little to do with semites, it's more of a western variety with roots in the neolithic
iirc that third plate was in fact some guy who had skull metrics rather similar to Otzi the iceman
It wasn't. He was smaller than his own soldiers (on average).
Their just Manlets that got bullied and started a worldshooting
his war accomplishments particularly the rescue of moussolini among numerous others make me doubt that
mind spoon feeding me?
I'd say probably Alpine
Yes it was, in fact I was wrong.
He was taller than the average in France during that time.
what is it then? please help, user, I'm begging you
The world is a fraud.
france is a nigger tier country
Hello old friend.
lmao its finnish shorthand for "regards" like in the way you would sign a letter
>and black haired
Oh okay I get you, took a little google to catchup but I think youre on it.
Uhhh, I happen to own Der Untermensch.
Pretty sure it talks about kikes
He wasn't.
And the point remains...Putin is pretty fucking small...So was Hitler.. People who dismiss these men as "manlet" or "beta".. (people who have achieved NOTHING in their fucking lives and are deluding themselves into thinking they're "alpha" when they're nothing but slaves) are a joke quite frankly.
That pic is fucking gold
Honestly, pretty much everything. When your sending your own people to die for (((someone))) else you need a better reason than "it's a threat to the (((banks)))". People who genuinely believe that WWII was fought over muh poor Jews are the same people who think the war in Iraq was because they were looking for the Saudi Arabian Bin Laden who was believed to be in Afghanistan (if they think they're redpilled they'll tell you the war was "actually for oil" which is just as bluepilled as the Bin Laden thing desu).
The one no one can ever refute when you talk about death camps is the enigma machine. You can ask them for proof where they discuss the "final solution" (ie killing Jews) and they never can show you any physical evidence. They point at speeches and meetings, but they'll tell you they only ever "eluded to it" and never came right out and said it and any physical evidence (ie documents) were destroyed. But there's a couple of things that don't fit quite right.
Firstly they'll tell you that they communicated with each other in secret about how many Jews they were killing. This is a mystery in itself because Hitler never believed Germany would lose until the Soviets were already in Germany. To put it another way it would be like committing a crime for money, but knowing you were going to be caught. Why bother if you can't spend the money? Why send secret messages when you're going to win and thus can't or won't be punished? Why not send them openly? Secondly the most advanced machine they had for sending and receiving cryptic messages was the enigma machine. The British cracked this in 1941 or 1942, but the Germans were completely unaware and thought no one could crack it. So surely if you wanted to send secret messages about killing Jews this was the way to do it, right? Do you know how many messages were cracked by the British that discussed killing Jews? Not a single one.
It's always been Jewish memery and nothing else. Read some Patton. He knew.
Do you belive what you say?