Wtf have you done to me Sup Forums?

">"be me
">"browsing Sup Forums 1 year
">"ultra right wing, redpilling everyone irl
">" never hide power level, feel shits not an issue, im normal""""
">its 2 am, drinking with GF.
">" "lets go to bed user"
">" "nah im just gonna rewatch the greatest story never told"
">"mfw she understands
"mfw Hitler > sex


You can never leave now, Sup Forums is always right in the end.


You made the right choice user

And tonight I got in a fight with girlfriend because "isn't it weird how the only extermination camps happened to be in Soviet controlled land?"


What's with all the quotes you potato nog

Malaysia. You are max 5"5 with 4" dick. Your family would be lucky to eat potatoes for dinner

My mother is ultra fucking liberal and has gotten very upset when I speak politics.
However, her thesis on college was titled "Hitler did not start WW2". Fucking rofl,

I might be a coconut nog, but at least I can into greentext.

> t. expat, not even really a coconut nog

hh and praise kek

once was a normie. conservative but normie.
>1+ year later of browsing pol
> have started to believe in the old gods and publicly defend hitler

>">" "lets go to bed user"
>">" "nah im just gonna rewatch the greatest story never told"
>">"mfw she understands
>"mfw Hitler > sex
better come up with a solution to dick her down or she's gonna leave ya

So you're saying user needs a final solution?

>So you're saying user needs a final solution?
I like where this is headed

Not everyone on Sup Forums is a beta pleb. This thing doesn't finish until 8am. She will be refreshed and instructed to suck my dick before I sleep. Although Sup Forums is a great place, lots are naïve and hostile towards girls because of anxiety and antisocial tenancies . inbe4 larping or whatever

kek my gf is surprisingly non-judgemental about my unironic natsoc beliefs, but I usually wait until after sex to watch my nazi videos.

>implying implying implying

>mfw i finish my chick first with a good dicking
>mfw i'm left with a tired unenthusiastic handy
>mfw i cheat on the stupid fucking cunt for being lazy

fuck women op

got to be plenty of good enthusiastic chink sloppy-HJ's up there in Canada relatively cheap, eh?

Only cucks accept handjobs. Had 1 my entire life

nah son farmer's daughter pussy is where it's at
I'll take a nut however I can get it, but I'll get more on the side

Least you are honest