My wife is angry

My sister in law came to visit. She lives 6 hrs away. She has been with a guy for 8 years, and I actually really like the dude. He is Hispanic and actually a good guardian that has helped raise a 13 year old girl that is not his. We got drunk and started discussing politics, and it went bad from there. They are not Trump supporters and we are. She started talking about how the wall is a stupid idea and that the borders should be open.

Then in a drunken tone he confessed he has lived illegally in the US for 38 years. He was brought here at the age of six months by his mother.

He was removed from my home today by law enforcement because I reported him to a good friend that I knew would understand that my wife and I had no interest in aiding criminal activity.

Everyone is pissed at me and I do not care. The wife is pissed but we have a pre-nup so she says she now feels stuck with a heartless bastard.

What would /pol have done in my situation?

Other urls found in this thread:

>obvious bullshit is obvious
get the fuck out LARPing fuckwit

I would have made him a servant under the threat of calling ICE.

If he was a good guy who is able to raise children then he is contributing to the US and making it a better place. His kid would be raised white and fully assimilate and later join the workforce.

You fucked up and ruined the life of a good guy who was brought to the US not of his own choice.

I also don't believe you

I'll take things that didn't happen for 500$, Alex

>0% of this is true

BUT if it were you did the right thing.

I weighed it. In 38 years he has made no attempt to become legal at all.

>If he was a good guy who is able to raise children then he is contributing to the US and making it a better place.
No, he can fill out paperwork and make it happen.

There is ZERO excuse to be an illegal.

He has always worked for Mexican restaurants and found out why.

Cool story bro

Hitler approves


>1488 get
You did nothing wrong. He has an easy out anyway. If he really was with your sister-in-law for 8 whole years he had plenty of time to get married and get his citizenship from that. Marriage to a citizen is literally the easiest path to citizenship we have. It's his own damn fault he's in Mexico now. Lazy spic had 38 years to sort his shit out and he never did.

He is being extradited to Texas for a past criminal charge.

All in all it's just another spic over the wall

You did good OP.

>He is being extradited to Texas for a past criminal charge.
Perhaps he shouldn't have been a criminal.

I would have done nothing. Who was really harmed by him being here? You said yourself that you thought he was a good guy. What's moral isn't necessarily legal and what's legal isn't necessarily moral.
I'm sure this is bait but if it isn't, you're definitely Lawful Evil.

So you just think laws aren’t really meant to be followed?

If we each don't do our part, how so you expect to stem the tide of illegal immigration?

>He is Hispanic
Stopped reading right there.

You did the right thing. He was an illegal. And in point of fact, his self serving sob story about being brought here at 6 months is an obvious lie.

As is the rest of your story, incidentally, but who cares. It's fun anyway.

America first.



but those digits.

The sister in law knew he was wanted in Texas on a statutory rape charge. She says he had sex with a 16 yr old girl when he was 19. He ran.

>defending an illegal

I would've done the same. 38 years to register.

>bragging about being illegal

yep you did the right thing

When she started discussing how we should have open borders...... I just lost all respect

Obvious shit post

What am I shilling? Does it bother you that in the south people are doing this as a common practice now?

He had 38 years to become a legal resident. If he loved his life here so much, he should have done so.

She probably mad your too stupid to place an anonymous tip like anyone over 55IQ would.

How long is too long for an illegal brought here as a child to take to get their status as a legal citizen?

I wanted them and others to know I did it.

He has to go back.

idk dude, and sometimes its impossible. I had to leave my now legal mom and sister over there. while my 18 y/o brother is still struggling to get a job anywhere, he's illegal.


Good Goy. Do the work your (((gubmint))) wants you to, and report on your neighbors. Here are some shekels.

didn't say you were shilling, just shit posting. trying to troll perhaps.
no way you fucking did that.
I would be the first person to give you a hi five if you did actually do it, but you didn't soo...
>obvious shit post

At 18 I understand its almost impossible but im talking about a guy that is 39 years old.

Ohh maybe I need to put my glasses on, but then you are assuming you even know what kind of a-hole I truly am.

Bruddy gud bread

I think 50 pieces of silver is the standard payment.

I thought it was thirty

I didn’t know I get a reward.

Bruh this is the definition of lawful neutral, you break the law you pay the consequences, regardless of who you are. Lawful evil would be if the guy was legal but OP found out that the notary missed a stamp during the notarization of his papers and used that as justification for him being illegal and being deported.

The digits speak brothers

Again how long is too long? Why after decades of living in the US have many not tried to become legal? Especially non- criminal migrants?

Good report, he was probably molesting that 13 year old

You're doing God's work, user.


Blessings to you with your digits.

Thank you for doing this. You did the right thing and you've given me the courage to do the same. I know so many people who've come here illegally and got their papers sorted out as soon as they made enough time. It really annoys me as a legal immigrant that this lazy fuck couldn't be bothered to get himself in order when my family and I had to wait 12 years and spend fucktons of money for our papers. Seriously fuck all these leeching, entitled bastards and good on you if this is real.

Is that illegal in Texas? I'm from Maryland and that's legal here.

Apparently not, parents can press charges.

Lol called immigration thats funny

If only my wife thought so.

She is mad. I am sleeping in the camper tonight.

They're shooting the messenger. You didn't do this to him. He did it by being an illegal.

Do you think all laws are meant to be followed?

Yes, Do you not? I may not agree with all but I have no choice but to live with them or try to get them changed.

>My wife is angry
Stopped right there.

I'd check those digits and get yourself a white nationalist concubine to breed you spartans for the race war.

This for sure, fucking spics are all pedos.

No, I'm not a bootlicker
You always have a choice

Had to slow down humping. Training my boy how to field load rifle shells, and live after the race wars.

Same thing. Fuck it.

Bootlicker ? How can the country be improved when all like you stick their head down and let others make choices for you?

Those digits are the only reason I'm replying and not saging.

Obviously this is fake but if it were true then OP did the right thing desu

If he came here at 6 months, before he learned to speak, and has lived here the entire time, then you've successfully deported an American.
He might be dumb, or lazy, or obtuse to law enforcement. But that guy should be regarded in the same manner as those whom reject the ACA or drive 10 over the limit; as nonviolent offenders that aren't worth prosecution.

If he was wanted in connection to a statutory rape then use that, allowing anyone to go free because they are a "nice guy" is an abhorrent reason nor does it prevent him from doing it again.
Push the fact that as a woman she should understand how the victim must have felt, and she should be ashamed for hiding the facts.
Also your a mad man keep it up.

This is bullshit Texas has Romeo and Juliet laws, age disparity of three years is acceptable, parents cannot file for rape charges on there daughters stead only she can , so either OP is a faggot or the spic is a liar

Huh: as far as aiding and abetting, nobody who isn't one of the 4 of you could know that he told you that he was illegal, so you would have had perfect deniability.

That being said, fuck him. Do your paperwork, put a ring on it, or get the hell outta my country.

Maybe he should blame his mother. American? Yes you are right, but not quite.

FBI, I would report him myself.

There was an amnesty in 1986. If he came to the US at 6 months old, then he was here long before that and would have qualified.

19 year ago? Check again Romeo

You're so retarded. Romeo and Juliet laws only apply to LEGAL CITIZENS. Had he stayed, not ran, had gone through the process, they would have found out he was illegal and he'd be fucked. Of course he ran.

Maybe they did not come forward, or qualify.

Hey if you make it to you mid 20's and do not consider making your legality a priority then you need to go.

Shit's about to get real. Kelly said the won't extend TPS for Haitians today. That's 60,000 Haitians. He also pissed the Hispanic Caucus today by telling them DACA will end up in the courts by September and he won't defend it. Trump's about to deport over 1 million people by September.

> In the president’s first three months in office, ICE arrested 41,318 immigrants, up 37.6 percent over the same period last year. Most had criminal records, but the largest increase was among immigrants with no records at all.

Why the fuck was there an amnesty in 1986

Maybe they should start offering a reward say $100.00 US if you report an illegal and they get deported. .

so this guy was raising your wife's nephews/nieces and you thought that deporting him would be better for them? i'm all for banning illegals, but this is just autistic.

A poor example when it comes to teaching them respect for the social contract we all live by and the laws that govern the land.

You did the right thing. Your wife will get over it.

Because Reagan was a cuck who mostly sat upstairs in the residence watching westerns and running the country based on the advice of an astrologist.

I dunno,


You get the reward of knowing your that guy, I mean does he speak espanol? Has he ever even been to Mexico? That's a fucking shitshow, and although I know what you did wasn't wrong my gut tells me you're a bitch.

The six month old just packed his shit, pawned his formula and found the border because there was no work for six month old babies in Mexico, where in America he can work harvesting tobacco or something.

stop trusting your gut. Yes he speaks Spanish. I do not know or care if he has been to Mexico. Obviously he wanted to go back as he never tried to solve his imigration status.

This is a larp for sure, but it would unironically be the right decision. Sending someone back to their home country isn't killing them.

Good job hombre, you are on the front lines of Making American Great Again, and I salute you.

Im sure he has only worked in Mexican restaurants since he was a kid. I am going to miss his food. Easily could have opened his own place if his priorities were straight.

um if real you are dumb like waited until they went home and reported him for his job location not his home, given you the best degree of separation.

Just tell your wife why the fuck were they living together for 8 years and did not get married just tell your wife your just trying to force the issue and get him to fucking commit instead of being a pussy and marry her sister.

I can agree that he has been promised legality for decades by democrats, and made poor choices based on their lies. Of course I am now the evil Trump supporter that ruined their lives. Not the Democrat leaders of broken promises and shattered dreams.

So his parents committed the crime. That doesn't mean we are responsible for it. He could have gone back at any time, and he fucking should have. He's a piece of shit for being in the country illegally, and he knew it the entire time.

And then he committed a rape on top of it, so fuck him.

I agree that his parents are to blame, but he prolly believed one day he would just become legal. I am not sure how people today actually think that’s going just happen.

retardation is no excuse for criminality.

no get rid of the illegals then faggots are next
that u can believe

Man, that is brutal.

If i was your wife i could not sleep next to you after this.

I wonder if any of your family will speak to you after this.

>he is Hispanic

Pic related