Why is there never any discussion on Roman Paganism?

Not a pagan was raised Catholic, but why is there never any discussion on southern European paganism? Seems it's all blonde losers larping as 'muh Thor.'

not cool enough

>Roman pagans invade and wreck Germania for centuries
>"Not cool enough"

I enjoy all Eurpeam deities. What about the old Celtic deities and the the ancient Finnish realigions. European animism and the druids.

Pardon the typos. On mobile.

Roman paganism is good. The greek system is the best though.

>caring about dead religions


Get out normie this is too big for you to understand

I'm half Italian so I was interested. Pic related is my ancestry. Pls no bully.

Because they stole all their gods.

If you want a real redpill, look up how the Romans basically invented modern Christianity by combining Jewish Mysticism with several Pagan and other traditions. It was done to create a passive, docile, subservient, controllable population.

I can't stand the Celtic myths, particularly the older ones. They all seem disjointed to me and at points incomprehensible. Wooing of Etain was interesting, though.

Religion is supposed to be easy to interpret. That is how they get a following. Why bother with a religion that has since passed? But whatever, it is your time wasted.


Even if this is true Roman paganism birthed some great philosophy, stoicism being one.

>A bunch of fit naked dudes
>only one topless women

Yep that's Rome.

Discord Code: w68tguT

join the discord. we have channels for all types of european paganism including graeco-roman.

Theres literally nothing wrong with liking ancient mythology, but why the fuck does it have to be a political thing? For literally ages people have been fascinated by ancient cultures but now its part of some neo Varg cancer bullshit about your "heritage." The last Odinism larper I talked to had direct ancestors from Ireland ffs

Thanks pal, I just joined under the name Don Farfalle.

Everything is political. It won't stop being political until every last White man, woman, and child is dead. Everything has always been political.

As for why, OP? Because Asatru has been a thing for 40 years. Hellenismos only got a name in the past five or so and even then "Hellenismos" is Greco-Roman. At least Dodekatheism has been a thing for the past 599 years (Gemistus Pletho is unofficially officially the first Greek Neopagan) and has had a name for it in English for the past ~20.

Want to be a Roman Pagan? Start interest in it.

What's the point? 90% of the time European mythology gets brought up it just degrades into people whining about Christianity.

Then why is it that the countries which have adopted the atheism Jew are passive, docile and subservient, while religious countries like Poland have made it clear that Muslims aren't welcome?

Because Poland, like all countries that came into contact with the USSR, was a poor shithole not worth putting the time and effort into subverting. Poland isn't even that religious, church attendance is abysmal just like, again, EVERY country the USSR sunk its claws into.

Let me put it like this: If you wanted to dig your claws into a country to extract profit from it, who would you prefer to fuck over? The countries with the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th largest GPDs (Germany, UK, France, Italy) or the 24th (Poland)? And because Poland was not on the top of the list the Polish media was not as tightly controlled as that of other countries and a right-wing party managed to get into power. Do you remember when Sup Forums was abuzz about the Polish elections? Because I sure do, and in many people's minds Poland was a cunthair away from being pozzed.

"half italian"

Get the FUCK out of my country shitskin

Not much is known about Celtic deities because the druids did not want outsiders worshiping Celtic gods, so all their beliefs were passed on verbally and anything that was recorded would have just been burnt by Romans and Germans.

Taranis, Esus, Toutatis and Lugh are some deities the Celts believed in.

Because it never left, it exists as the Roman Catholic church.

There's a reason why you're ROMAN Catholic, user.

(And his name was Constantine the Great)

People who are Nordic Pagans are either:

>nerd losers
>edgy metalheads

Or a combination of all of them. Varg is an edgy metalhead nerd loser for example.

Paganiggers nordicucks always try so hard to claim """""non-white""""" Rome and Greek culture and civilization.
Paganism is a Catholic term to begin with to define non-Catholic religion.

Fuck kikes snd theirbkike book, I am monotheistsvand honor the culture of my ancestors.

Because this is not /his/


Its talked about but the threads get overwhelmed with christcucks.

See shit like this is why you never see any interesting conversations go into the pagan discord you'll find someone to talk too.

Has no one met a real pagan?