Other urls found in this thread:


Kill yourself and get permanent citizenship in hell

show me your tits

If you really want this,

Call the State Department, turn in your birth certificate, SSN card, driver's license, all other forms of state benefits, and reasoning for why you are rescinding your citizenship. They will try and talk you out of it and warn you of the consequences. Just say you are ready and follow through. Once you are done with the process you will have to leave as you are not a citizen anymore. The US Constitution will no longer apply to you and you will no longer be protected by it.

you have to find another country that will take you first.

IIRC Canada was don't some sort of fast-track since Trump.
You post like a leaf,might as well be one



The US is the number 1 country that foreigners want to get to. Number 1 by far. And you want to give that up?

We accept some applications

Others, we just Otto

Get the fuck out cunt. Mexico or Canada will take your worthless ass. Sweden seems to be the place you want to go. They losers of all types even your ass

If you don't have brown skin you are stuck where you are at. IF you are brown skin just walk right on in and watch as everyone cheers you on and bolsters you.

I hear Somalia is the new promised land.

People do oddly enough, but the thing is they usually are people who go to Europe or Japan. Very rarely do they go to a 3rd world shit hole. The ones that go to 3rd world shit holes usually end up dead due to drone strikes or military actions.

>actually wanting to leave the United States months before the single largest scandal in world history get blown wide open

Retard or shill?

>the same

France said it would take Americans that are disillusioned with Trump, bye!

I'd swap places unless you live near niggers.

Do leave. I'm coming to take your place in about a year or so and praise glorious USA daily.


if you're gay we have a rooftop apartment for you

Fuck off, we're still full.

>tfw dual citizenship with Finland and I will be moving to a nice little farm on Saaremaa Island in Estonia next year.


both to Reddit and your home country.

You're American so they'll accept you everywhere. Just go to an embassy and ask.

Come to France and give your place so you can pay 70% of your income in tax

Every time I hear this though I figure that they're just young and haven't seen the whole country. Vermont, Arizona, Idaho, Florida -they're like 4 different countries. Now Japan I could see. That's a pretty unique country. But if you're not ethnically Japanese you're going to have a hard time.

It's hilldawg or Loretta shit posting



America is huge and varied. If you don't like living in NYC move to rural Ohio. It is much like moving to a different country only the currency and language are the same.

If you don't like the language, the southwest is almost like a forgien country.

Good riddance to liberal rubbish

What a nightmare.

People who expat to Japan are devout weebs. These people REALLY believe they are living the anime life when they leave the US for Japan. Problem is even if you are an American, if you aren't Japanese looking you are an outcast for life and no amount of money will change that.

You want to keep your US citizenship because of the protections it provides you both domestically and abroad. You don't get a free pass like this one too often in life.


i lol'd for real


Off yourself

That's not bad, just try to get your citizenship back. It takes a decade or more.

>be me
>identify horrible b8 thread
>don my alter ego(name related)
>begin investigation
>mouse over OPs ID.
>one post by this user

Plenty of places on this bitch of an earth will sell you a second passport with no questions asked. They tend to be dirt-poor and no place for snowflakes.

Get used to this timeline, user. You're stuck in it. Count your blessings and remember that plenty of Sup Forumsacks would kill to have your problems.

highly underrated

sorry, I'm coming

Don't forget you must pay most of what you owe to the US government. Expatriates are taxed heavily, which is what keeps most commies from doing it.

Easy KYS

you are a leaf you arent supposed to be this savage


become jihad and get citizenship in sweden. they'll welcome you for being misguided

no shit, I will trade identities with you to avoid the crazy long immigration time needed for the US


Everyone just sage and move on.

Im swiss and american.

Welcome to the club