>"Hi, I'm Fatima! I'm your new co-worker!"
"Hi, I'm Fatima! I'm your new co-worker!"
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks pretty hot.
>Hi Fatima, I'm not one of those crazy Christians that hate you
>I'm an atheist
I bet most of her face is hot but she was probably cursed with that arab nose. I've seen so many pretty mid eastern/Indian faces ruined by that nose
I love muslimas.
Britain loves the Wahhabi meme too.
Get that fucking ninja cosplay out of here.
She's showing too much skin.
>tfw Fatima is actually a common name in Brazil
>Not liking big semitic hook noses.
absolutely halal
Oh! I'd love to lick your hot ass
Mention that I am an ex-Muslim so she will never talk to me again.
"Hi, I'm Saitama! I'm your new co-woker!"
does that bitch know what a lint roller is?
>nuts in each eye
heh...nothing personnel, kid
"You're not allowed near the machines with that loose clothing, here is your fire-retardant uniform. I'm afraid the hood will have to come off too. No unnecessary fabric at all."
The nose is literally the easiest thing to fix.
You're not in uniform, correct yourself and a adhere to proper dress and appearance.
>Fatty Ma
This thread is more evidence that your dick is a multicultural globalist.
Best cut it off if you want to go full Fashy.
I seriously believe every Muslim should be deported from the United States.
There is nothing more rage inducing to me than seeing a woman in a hijab or burka. Maybe it's something atavistic, buried deep within my Catholic bosom that invokes such absolute fucking disgust toward the cursed spawn of Ishmael, who know nothing except subverting a culture, demanding special privileges, and generally being rabid fucking animals -- to borrow a paraphrase from Churchhill himself. Islam is cancer in religious form.
There is nothing worse than a Muslim, except for the Jews, of course.
tl;dr gas the Muslims, crusade now.
Fuck you
Then what would the point of it even be dedicated into "white culture" if you have no dick? Retard
kinda jealous she only has to do her eyes+brows. probably saves lots of effort
>Tal dansk kaelling eller vi sender dig hjem til at vogte geder paa en eller anden forbandet bjergside.
its the only correct response.
woman detected
>There is nothing more rage inducing to me than seeing a woman in a hijab or burka. Maybe it's something atavistic, buried deep within my Catholic bosom
Do you also get this triggered when you see a Nun habit?
I am a former Muslim. Muslims can be saved, but seriously the religion is braindead, even more so than MUH TRINITY. Dont deport Muslims, but restrict all future Islamic immigration, ban the religion. Im Bosnian though, we are more retarded than average.
>he likes his women plastic
I'm pretty sure Churchill hated Irish Catholics too user. Gas yourself, potato-fucker. (If you're French or Italian you're already a Muslim anyways :3 .)
Nun's do this voluntarily as part of thier religious character. Monks weat similar things, sans the headgear.
Catholic women are not forced (or even suggested) to wear a Nun's habit.
Do you see a difference?
Ok FATTYma, take your hijab off
Please, they arent remotely the same, stop kidding yourself.
While monasticism is forbidden, unless you are a Quranist or some weird Sufi, the proper comparison would be a female jurist. Every Christian woman is commanded to cover in church however, most just dont.
Roastie spotted
If you're a guy kys.
I'm not even gonna google that up
legit question:
can saitama fist a girl without killing her?
Muslim women arent supposed to be forced to wear it, but coming from a Muslim background, I can firmly tell you that many are forced by their relatives under threat of physical violence, so dont believe his excuses when he responds.
>doesn't know what a lint roller is
holy lelmao my man
Salam, Fatima. It will be a pleasure working with you.
Isn't mascara Haram?
Your umbrella cover is a security risk, please leave the premises.
Makeup isnt haram per se, but it is considered sometines innapropriate to wear it outside the home.
meant for
let me give you a tour
here we have srebrenica
here we have an unmarked grave,
get in
>get a call from hague
>it aint me starts playing in the background
He's punched numerous people throughout the series without killing them so he could probably fist a girl safely
>and lets be honest, he's definitely fisted Tatsumaki at least once
Fuck yeah, you goys have ninja dojos that are actually hiring!?
I would skewer the fucking shit out of the kebab good golly god damn those EYES O_0
----Name of Parish of Fátima, Ourém ----
>The name of the town and parish is a rendition of the Arabic given name Fátima ( فاطمة Fāṭimah). (Fatimah is the namesake of Fatimah bint Muhammad, a daughter of the prophet of Islam Muhammad.)
>Fatima was said to be the name of a Moorish Andaluzian princess kidnapped by a knight, Gonçalo Hermigues, and his companions. Hermigues took her to a small village in the Serra de Aire hills, in the recently created Kingdom of Portugal. According to the Western Catholic narrative, Fatima fell in love with her kidnapper and decided to convert to Christianity in order to marry him. She was baptized and given a Christian name, Oureana.
>Arab sources, however, claim that Fátima was forced into Christianity, as were most Reconquista captives. There is no documentary evidence to support either scenario of such a conversion.
Moorish princesses wanted the Big Portuguese Cock - that's the truth.
I see the difference, but I fail to see why you need to feel such rage seeing Muslim women wearing hijab.
Muslim women in the US aren't really supposed to wear the Hijab unless they're forced by their families.
and when you said "subverting culture" I don't think they're trying to force your women to wear the hijab, or do they?
I was just questioning his reason behind being raged.
Hello Fatima. You're fired. I don't think you'll fit in with the company.
Then find the faggot in HR who thought it was funny.
Mentos The Freshmaker!
Daily reminder that Muslim women can't resisted being CRUSADED by big white cocks
>brown eyes
looks like she probably qt as fuck under that burka
can't resist*
I've never even spoken to a muslim woman before. how easy are they?
Please don't blow me up
"As salam alaikum sister. Tell me what you know about the Jews"
put that wrist away
>tfw so many mud sympathizers on this board
pic related
>how easy are they?
Depends if they're practicing muslims or just born to it and have since been americanized eg: drink, smoke, etc
Knew one that only did anal to "preserve her virginity", bless her
>it aint me starts playing in the background
The accordion version right?
Just grab a a tub of that shredded pork from the back and we can get you started!
Armija Pravoslavni when?
Record everything that follows, report her to HR for being OY VEY annudah shoah!
Mohammed wasn't Turkish, keked anyways
kek you got it m8
Churchhill is an over rated faggot.
I have that shirt. Slava Bogu
Orthodox banner bearers, brah
All muds are insectoids to me, my friend.
>When Health and Safety run amok BTFO pc run amok
Absolutely British
I left a restaurant the other day because the hostess was wearing a hijab.
I own my own business so that cunt doesn't work with me.
I am so sorry
kill em all