Why does the media want Trump to be impeached so badly?

Why does the media want Trump to be impeached so badly?

Other urls found in this thread:

white-house-logs.insidegov.com/l/73080195/Rinat-Akhmetshin#Details of Visit&s=3bvMZx

Because he opposes their plans.

MSM = Neocons/Dems

He is moving forward with drastic human trafficking bills. The establishment is riddled with diddlers...


They put all the eggs in Her basket, what else can they do?

He lacks that certain presidential bravado.
Imagine if you were president.
How would the media react?


And think about it, why would gays, and other liberals push to have Mike pence when he would be a billion times worse for them?

Trump is an outsider, and they want him out.

They're much too invested in #MuhResistance, were they to just drop it they'd be called outragemongers, and rightly so

because liberals are too stupid to realize if Trump is impeached that doesn't magically put Hillary in the white house. They would be stuck with Pence, again too stupid to realize that they actually agree more with Trump on policy. They are just blind and deranged.

They prefer a president that doesn't lie.

Because most of them still believe in the rule of law, and because most of them in Washington are friendly with the Washington foreign policy elite who regard the connections they believe exist between the Trump administration and Russia as essentially treasonous

Because the media's handlers want Trump impeached so badly.

>This is what the leaf actually believes

You don't understand, I'm not telling you what I believe, I'm telling you an honest assessment of what they BELIEVE. They may very well be WRONG in those beliefs, but it IS what they believe.

The amount of neocon dick they've sucked in the last several years should be proof enough that they unironically believe the Washington foreign policy elite, and you'd hardly argue with the notion that the deep state has it out for Trump, no?

Because he bitch smacked their egos on Nov 8th.

They don't. Especially late night hosts like Colbert. Trump gets ratings regardless of how they portray him because angry libs eat that shit up and sit around watching tv all day and night. I'm pretty sure Colbert wouldn't have a show anymore if Trump hadn't have won.

it isnt just the media, yah dingus

>Why does the media want Trump to be impeached so badly?
You confuse "media" and the neo-liberal/neo-conservative political operatives who are on TV all the time.

The American media is staffed with political ideologues who see it as their job to enforce their political agenda on their audiences by way of bias stories and selective reporting.

In the case of Trump the leftist media in the case of CNN, NYT, WP, and many others see Trumps win as a huge blow to the already flimsy liberal storyline after the mediocre 8 years of Obama. Hillary was just going to step in and continue the Obama legacy and push even harder left.

Trumps win in the 2016 election exposed the world to the deep state, liberal bias media, and overall poor equality establishment that held such a weak hand of power this whole time.

This is partially true as the amount of Jewish members of the media and practically the entire Democrat party leadership being Jewish really exposes the leftist Jew slant so obvious during and after the election. Jews are never going to find themselves welcome in the country ever again after their betrayal of the American people for their ideological goals. Jews never seem to be able to stay in a country very long before the native peoples want them thrown out or worse.

You'll also note that the MSM bigwigs are in many of the large groups in DC. Council of Foreign Affairs/Relations are all MSM, for example.

The MSM is literally the "deep state", along with some congressmen/ex-congressmen and government agents.

Half of Sup Forums secretly wants Trump impeached too

What if he used Russian information on all the Republican candidates as well?

Trump will never leave office. They can try all they want but the man has the biggest ego on the planet. He could tweet about "it's a coup!" and millions of people would march on Washington. The elites don't want that... they just want to damage Republican/populist goods to the point of being totally unelectable.

This true. Trads cant break into the popular channels of broadcasting because they get shut down by the kike owners.

Nope, that can't be it. They were madly drinking Obama's lies on a daily basis. Then they fell for Hillary's lies. Those opposing Trump want to believe the happy lies handed down from on high. Trump hits them with truth and they think its HELL!

And still no evidence against Trump! Meanwhile, Clinton' and Obama have begun to see the bodies they buried popping up.

Because if he gets impeached for winning the election via illegal means, they think they can invalidate the election results, and instead of running a new election (which they would lose), they will insist that their party be declared the winner. The insane delusions of retarded children. We need to kill them all.

Everything that came out of Kang nigger's mouth was a lie.

White House logs show the alleged ex Russian counter intelligence specialist Rinat Akmetshin spending 13 hours at White House before he met Trump Jr

white-house-logs.insidegov.com/l/73080195/Rinat-Akhmetshin#Details of Visit&s=3bvMZx

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
So, please explain how the definition of treason applies. Typical leftist moron, throwing around cool sounding words he doesn't understand to try to sound smart, to other leftist morons. While conservatives laugh at your stupidity. Would you also like me to stick your stupid "rule of law" misinterpretation up your ass? It only takes a second to google a definition and prove how stupid you are.

Ummm, no.

If trump gets impeached it will be war

They made him into Hitler in an attempt to make him lose because they thought they controlled public opinion.

Now they're faced with the reality that they lied about him, and that they don't in fact have the power they thought. They're doubling down because if he gets impeached, they never have to accept either of those things.

They don't actually hate him THAT much. Only their zombified viewers do. They're just locked into it.

I was describing how they FEEL and what they BELIEVE, not making any claim as to the accuracy of that belief.

>Media wants him to be impeached
>They think this is possible by making news stories
That doesn't make sense, just because they're saying it doesn't mean it's true, and screaming Impeach won't make it happen.

Do they think impeachment is a vote of public opinion?

He destroys their narratives

Their plan is to influence public opinion, and thus house/senate opinion, and thus impeach.

something something deep state something

He represents an extinction event for their influence and prestige with the American people. If he succeeds, they will no longer be relevant in American life.

because they where called fake news and they got fucked hard. they cant keep making up a story about Russians when they think Russians made trump pres.. when it was the USA. and Sup Forums. they have to talk about trump to keep people watching

M8, have you been paying attention? Leftists believe biological facts are matters of opinion!

I'm gonna need to see all your data on that one. Even people on pol that hate trump dont want him impeached because he pisses off the left like some kind of shit-posting wizard.

Are you sure about that?

For the news media it's mostly ratings and vindication. The lamestream media is going extinct and trust in them is continuing to decline even lower than what it is now. If Trump is impeached they'll get tons of views and will have their Russia conspiracy theory proven right.

Trump is the antithesis of everything the leftists represent.

Just a few decades ago, leftists worldwide dreamt of mass globalist revolution and the eradication of private property and creation of totalitarian states. They thought it was a great thing to use basic claymore mines to kill a mass of civilians trying to escape FROM their countries, because this was "fighting fascism"

Their moral and ideological universe is so alien to yours that you cannot comprehend it. They hate "whiteness", hate "colonialism", everything Western.

If you lived a thousand years and had to think of something to do each day, after how many days would you act like the people in that video?


Bill Clinton was given $500k for "holding a speech" in Moscow

Obama gave a billion or something to Iran, and went on friendship tours to Russia, saying he would have "more flexibility after the election"

Trump's foreign ties are insignificant compared to the entire establishment, probably less than 1% as much. It's still used as an avenue of attack.

They are animals, not humans.

People you see on tv are either down with the deep state or blackmailed by them. Anyone else is weeded out and fired or suicided before they can learn/do too much

Be gone! Don't you understand that those like yourself who are being paid to comment here will inevitably be defeated those who comment out of pure desire?

But is there any evidence of collusion? Take your McCarthyism and shove up your big gay fucking ass kike.

To give an example of how this works in Norway:

We have strong employment protection laws.

However, the process of gaining employment is much less transparent.

After someone has put in a number of years for a journalism education, they are expected to work many years as an intern, part-time worker, project worker. Eventually they might become a permanent hire.

This is a crucial distinction, because the right to keep coming to work even if you piss off the heads only apply to permanent staff. Any project based staff can simply not be reused, not be called when they need someone to cover sick leave.

I just saw a notice that our national broadcaster had given permanent employment to a journalist I had noticed have written with a left-wing bias in the past.

So yes, there's strong employment protections for full time workers. All they have to do however to have a political bias is to refrain from constantly calling and rehiring those who aren't rabid leftists. You can sue someone for "unfairly dismissing me from a permanent role", but not for "unfairly not hiring me for yet another temporary position", it's at least much much harder to prove.

Over time, when someone works in temporary roles, they will produce enough text for the heads to understand whatever political bias they have, and they can pick freely without restrictions based on that, and form their political bias precisely as they want.

If trump gets impeached, it will be war. So many snowflakes are going to die. Quite sad really.

>why are the people HRC was flying around in here private jet, being served champagne and invited to exclusive parties for free, salty HRC lost an election.

Idk user you tell me

Because of this twitter.com/altrightmrpepe/status/885579707621748736