Remember the days when Milo was relevant? Holy shit, what a fall from grace

Remember the days when Milo was relevant? Holy shit, what a fall from grace.

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Milo was great because he exposed all the Trump supporters as the fag and nigger loving degenerates that they really are

LMAO! Holy fake news, Batman. Milo isn't selling his book in the UK. Those sales represent 152 mega fans who ordered it from the US. LOL. The libtarded media lose again.

I watched a video from Kraut andTea about milo after his incident, Milo did not care about lot of this shit until he realized he could make money off of it. Gays are ok, but not just complete degenerates. I hope he fuckin burns even more after his crash. The guy has implied America should give reparations to blacks and does not care about facing the actual problems. He just wants to trigger dumb college bitches.

>defending Milo
>Kekistani flag
Of course, T_D

>Kekistani redditor defends the honor of a kike faggot who loves niggers on Sup Forums
When will you people leave?

>no rebuttal
>being a butthurt faggot

Yeah that kinda happens when you defend pedos

He's sold 200,000 Ebook editions. He's not going broke anytime soon.


It says "best seller" on Amazon UK. I'm guessing they only stocked 152 and are sold out.

>"sells just 152 copies in the UK"
>it's not even for sale in the UK

They forgot to mention that part.


and how come then it was #1 on amazon for top selling books?

>top seller
>only 152 copies sold in UK
Brits confirmed for illiterate.

If that nerve was touched any harder, it'd be a sunday school kid.

They don't speak English in the UK.

he is one of them, look at his catholic ties and past as pedo toy, who cares?

Exactly, the British are official muslims.

Hey cuck, his book is banned in the UK, so those 152 copies sold were never shipped.

This. We are fucked as a society. Time to just sit back and let it crash. I'm moving up north somewhere in the tundras.

butthurt much you feminist loving scum?

that made me both cringe and cry at the same time

Democrats are the REAL racists.

No, my fellow based black man! We support ISRAEL

Why do people continue to write about this bomb throwing fagot? He is the very definition of a no one, adds nothing substantive to the conversation, and can be safely ignored.

Yet here you are

Literally whom?

In the future a book will be written about the rise of the "alt right" and Milo will just be a footnote. Pic related is the unsung hero who will be on the cover.


Brits only buy cooking books.

>that tweet got about 10 times the retweets as the amount of copies he sold in his home country

I support Israel. At least they are capable of (((almost everything))) unlike some other beings. BTW there is no use to tell me how every jew wants your waifu to fuck blacks.

First Sup Forums user will be on the cover

Second that "Rise of the alt-right" book will out sold in the UK by "How not to burn a cheese sandwich" cook book.

152 books is a lot of books
4 me

the book needed to be released last year or early this year for it to be relevant in any way.
milo hype died soon after the election was won

#2 on NYT best seller list...

Nuke this thread . The cock gobbling originator of this post was discovered digging through Milos garbage for used condoms to smell. Turns out he was recently involved in a huge kiddy porn ring..

>In the future a book will be written about the rise of the "alt right" and Milo will just be a footnote
In the future, the "alt right" will be a footnote.

He could of exposed the pedos in Hollywood but chose not to. He's probably a pedo himself tbqhwyf

He made it safe for gay people to like Trump. He was the one who got me to try twitter the week after the cologne stuff.