/Midwest Reich General/


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lmgtfy.com/?q=midwest united states

Not that I like Ohio, but doesn't it technically qualify as a Midwest state? Just going by the official definition.

why does missouri get to be part of the south and midwest?

rust belt, same as pa, wv, va, ky


Doesn't that include Chicago, Detroit and St. Louis? This is like a nigger's dream reich.

theyll take care of themselves if shtf.
by that i mean kill eachother.

And there's a lot of Poles here too. We don't take kindly to nazi traitors.

>those states

Take off Illinois please

Michigan is ready.

I feel like Minnesota is ignored way too often. We got nords out the ass and no nogs in Duluth because of that massive lynching a while back.

were a deep red state everyone wants to claim

duluth here, right across the street from campus, is nice.

I've been once or twice, the city looks kinda fucked but overall it's nice.

>Ohio left off
I bet someone from Michigan made this.

Threadly reminder that Iowa is the spiritual, intellectual and political center of the midwestern reich.

You forgot Ohio

>T. Nodak

What do we do about the Chicago problem?


Turn it into a prison city like that one movie

The fuck is wrong with you leaving out Ohio? I get it, we're the eastern most part of the Northwest Territory, but for fucks sake, if we're not in the Midwest, Michigan and Indiana aren't either.

Don't have shop atm, this pic needs to have the "no books, open mind" signs changed & UK should read UN

Because we were a slave state above the 36 30 line. And we kill Mormons.


50574 here. Iowa is the best state in the union for everything but gun laws and nature.

>rust belt


I'm from Colorado and we consider every single one of those states the midwest.
What's wrong with it?
They certainly aren't West, we are.

50158 here.
> everything but gun laws and nature.
>and nature
Yeah that's the worst part about Iowa. All the land has been parceled out and we don't have any forests.

But on the brightside, Missouri and Minnesota are only a few hours drive away.


It's very long geographically and being on a hill makes traffic difficult

This post is fucking retarded. Do you really want to landlock yourself? You need a seaport. A channel to the sea is probably one of the top causes of historical warfare behind religion. Plus its just a shitty tactical space: Surrounded on three sides by the jewnited states, with no natural borders like mountains, etc, just wide open steppe, and then the just as cucked Canada on the top. As long as you're LARPing, at least masturbate yourself into a tactical position worth two shits.

lmgtfy.com/?q=midwest united states
Please tell me how Ohio isn't in the midwest

It's rust belt

>no legal weed
>no craft beer
>no mountains, beaches or anything even remotely interesting
>whole state smells like cow shit
>Des Moines barely qualifies as a city
>literal butter sculptures

>best state in the union


I'm surprised your bumblefuck state has an internet connection. Shouldn't you be out jerking off a cow or whatever?

A dead Mormon is always a good thing

As I said earlier, so is the majority of the great lake region. If that's your cut off, remove Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois (potentially Wisconsin too).

there, happy?

You are the worst type of Tourist.
Stay out of Colorado.


>no craft beer
Yeah go suck off other dudes in your dive in bar with your wire rimmed glasses as you pay 18$ for a 6 pack of pumpkin spice amber dog head spice ale you fucking faggot.

What's that Greater Ohio Bullshit? Maine has nothing to do with Ohio.

You a /k/ommando too?

>no legal weed
>no craft beer
Actually, we do have that.
>no mountains, beaches or anything even remotely interesting
I already said our nature sucked
>whole state smells like cow shit
*A lot of it smells like cow shit, but I will concede your point.
>Des Moines barely qualifies as a city
Cities are cancer.
>literal butter sculptures
What, are you jelly or something?
Fun fact: my cousin in law is related to the old butter cow lady.

I say this as a Michigander. Include Ohio dipshit OP.

>no craft beer
Where the hell did you even go?
Literally every restaurant has craft beer.


look at the fucking map.
look how closer it is to the east coast.
no one likes you ohio.

>You a /k/ommando too?
Of coursh.

Should add a greater UP & steal the northern coast from Canuckistan
Owning the water channel

There's always a few of us that pop up on /k/. We are a proud lot. Godspeed, my brother.

I'd say google the census bureau's definition of the midwest, but it seems you're not into reading comprehension. I'd also say see what states made up the Northwest Territory too, but I already tried. You're just fond of acting like a big faggot for no good reason and not adding Ohio into a place where it clearly belongs. Stop being so queer. I'm sure we can all agree that cornfields and guns are comfy.

I always include Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana in the Midwest. Am I wrong?

You may as well start a new thread because this OP is acting like a derisive nigger. He didn't even save the flag.

The Midwest is Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio. The rest of those are flyover farm states.

And good luck to you my friend.

Everyone I know from Michigan tries to associate with the East Coast and everyone I know from Ohio tries to associate with the Midwest. I mean, for what it's worth.

Texas, Ar-Kansas, and Louisiana are def south. Oklahoma, no fucking clue what it is but I don't believe it is midwest.

Absolutely and undeniably wrong.

Omaha Nebraska should be our capital

Very. Unless you're Missouri, anyone who fought for the Confederacy should remain in the south. It's only fair to their heritage. I could be swayed on Oklahoma because of it being forced injun territory, then fellow flat farmland with a shit load of tornados.

michigan is more than ready

Hello non-midwesterner.


>implying the Dakotas want anything to do with your retarded pussy reich

No one gives a shit about your blood out here. We'll gladly fly our asses back to europe to kick kraut ass AGAIN.

Then we'll fly back, crack a beer, and fuck native pussy.

Are they or are they not in the middle? And what does the Midwest have to do with the Civil War?

I'm from Michigan

We already have a movement organizing
Midwestern Alliance

cry some more bud.

I don't get it. Is it just the yuppies moving from the east coast pretending that they're still living in some shithole hovel in New Jersey? Why associate with a region you're not even geographically linked to?


this bread came late today, but I support

I don't know, man. I love Michigan. All I'm saying is everyone I know in Michigan tries to associate with East Coast. I think it has to do with UM all butthurt about not being Ivy League or some shit, but UM grads are butthurt about everything. Again, to be clear, I love the state of Michigan.

It has been very well established in countless threads already that pic related is our flag.

Hail the midwestern Reich.


Fuck that bullshit. I'm not fighting under that flag.

Give me a sec, I'll design something better.

Midwestern states (aside from the large amount of Missouri bushwhackers) fought for the Union during the war. It's a cultural touchstone for the area because of what individual states contributed to the war effort. Most people can go back and see their ancestors fought too.

This is an awful flag.

sorry i couldn't find a bigger map

You do realize that all the corn grown in the midwest is owned/farmed by like a few hundred people? No one else fucking cares about corn.

>*bluegrass playing awful loud
Whale I weesh you luck, if ya needin any cotton in the future surrlee we can werk sum thin out.

One true flag of the Midwest

also that flag is literally the equivalence of canada's leaf

That also sucks.

I haven't saved one yet either
Was going to make a flag that was a confederate flag clone except there would be side bars connecting the crossbars & split the crossbar color into a top bottom, making a big M W

>ear of fucking corn

>ears of corn

I'm all for butthurt UM students if that's the case. They can make believe all they want until the reality comes home that they're going to most likely settle down in a suburb of Detroit and manage the googles for the rest of their lives, or move down to the true mistake by the lake, Toledo.

>A group of states seceding
>The United States letting it happen


Corn is ethanol and binders and other industrial products. Not just a food source.

Let's see your contribution then, captain vexillology

Where's our capitol again?

we have a site in the works for all that are interested.content, ways to join, and improvements coming soon.



New Chicago after the cleanse

The American Midwest is possibly the safest place on Earth for folks of European descent. I myself am in Minnesota, and am a literal refugee from Southern CA. My kind were over-run by Mexicans and it was no longer safe to remain in the town I grew up in. Sound familiar? Anyway, CA has a population of 38.6 Million (!!!) and MN only has about 6.5 Million. There's plenty of water here and the air is clean. The people here are naïve beyond belief and are also dysfunctional socially, partially due to being isolated and partially due to being of Swedish stock. Stockholm syndrome anyone. It's a nice land. Great country, people are nice to your face but are rude AF behind your back. They are tight-knit and don't accept outsiders really. Of course, they have no problem cucking out and allowing Somalis and Hmong to move in. Place is also full of fags, especially old bull-dykes. Everybody hunts deer and is into fishing, unless your a vegan pussy from the Twin Cities. For me the place has a "...for they know not what they do" vibe. I plan on staying, although maybe I should have landed in Wisconsin instead?


hahahahahaha. You deserve to be white genocided.

isn't there a shit-ton of nukes in south dakota?
thx i worked hard
ethanol is fucking trash
not midwest, unless we start accepting honorary midwesterners, you're out of luck

Shut your mouths heretics.

see that smells like a honeypot, and even if it isn't it's still fucking autistic

it's not a honeypot, it's an autistic website designed on an autistic website designer made for special needs children