Tom Hanks has got to be one of the greatest actors of our time. He is trying to spread a simple message. Can't you guys put aside your racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia just for one day to see how much good it does for us as a human race?
Tom Hanks Dropping Massive Truth Bombs
So edgy.
Only if the niggers do it that'd ever happen.
That shit only works if everyone plays along but we have niggers, chinks, and mudslims who won't get with the program
This & sage
A true American hero
It's so easy for rich, sheltered celebrities to preach idealism.
>science is real
>5 other tropes that science has debunked
>Rainbow flag
>No brown/black bars
I guess he's a white supremacist now.
That red-pilled motherfucker!
why this called shitpost?
do you go to the retard class and say shit to every one?
i didnt know he was gay
Wait till Tom takes the next step.
>Science is real
What did he mean by this?
Then he can move a few hundred 'refugees' and 'undocumented immigrants' into his mansion. He shouldn't be selfish.
What's wrong with this. Tom Hanks is bae.
Actors are faggots and aren't special.
If you can't tell that's photoshopped then you're blind
Tom hanks is a autist too
>No human is illegal
Let's all go camp out on his lawn. He apparently thinks it's alright.
He should have stayed on that tropical island with his faggot friend Wilson tnqh
His son is a degenerate wigger...
this really made me prepare a homemade coconut
He means his vagina has its own voice because science.
>Tom Hanks has got to be one of the greatest actors of our time.
Wealthy actors have no grasp of reality and should never be listened to.
No, get out.
Its fake retards
The word science is synonymous with faggotry. I say we give it another name.
>just go along with the agenda goy. no need to question it
fuck this faggot, and fuck famous faggots who think their opinions are worth a damn
>Can't you guys put aside your racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia just for one day
Fuck you you faggot nigger goatfucker
The Women's Rights (abortion) part kind of contradicts the others
God damn he looks like such a faggot holy shit
if you think any celebrity ever writes their own public statements on political situations your a idiot
if you think they arent paid for each sentence your a idiot
if you think black lives matter your a nigger
Jesus, can NO ONE see the .jpg artifacting around the text on his shirt?
This shit it fake, trust me, I can tell by the pixels, the lack of any highlights/shadows, the lack of displacement filtering.
Shit son.
why give niggers, women, gays and trans people need rights, when you could be quiet?
the shirt is objective and doesn't work.
I knew it was shopped but are you sure its not just his head placed on top of some kids torso? Those arms are way too thin for a 50 something year old man.
I wonder if he feels the kindness when he finds a recording of his wife getting trained by Tyrone and Achmed.
These cucks live in a fantasy land where all this shit doesn't happen. They think they are the bestest bestz of the best that ever was best. Children.
Never does it cross their mind that reality might pan out differently than they envision it. Worst are those that get cucked, find out and then still lie to themselves only to repeat the problem.
No self respecting white man would allow any of this shit because he would know very well what would happen.
But no not this guy. This guy thinks he's absolutely killing it in bed by giving his wife 'just the tip' off hiss micro dick.
High school never ended.
Thats not true! Physics, biology and chemistry are all lies! ... Who would even say that? Who / what is he even protesting against here?
"Black lives matter", "love is love" and "kindness is everything" are 3 ridiculous, vapid sayings that are utterly devoid of meaning.
"No human is illegal" demonstrates an adolescent level of understanding of the necessity of borders. I remember saying this shit when I was a kid.
T.hanks Tom for proving once again that Hollywood actors are the most clueless and brainless people on the planet.
The ONLY unfactual line is the last.
Holy fuck he is a loser.
How do i know?
Wigger Chet
digits confirm this amuses kek
>Science is real
>Black lives matter
Not to me, and given how the pavement apes behave in their ghettos, I don't think they care, either.
>No human is illegal
They can do illegal things, and sometimes a state of being is illegal--like being drunk on a highway or in this country without a fucking visa.
>Love is love
And faggots are faggots. Logically meaningless.
>Women's rights are human rights
Women are people, and have some rights that apply to them. Entitlements are not the same thing. Women have no 'right' to have the state pay for their mistakes.
>Kindness is everything
'Everything' necessarily includes cruelty and malice, which are opposites of kindness. Statement logically invalid.
Too bad the shirt doesn't say 'OP is a faggot.' That at least would have been useful information.
All the text is completely straight, even though a shirt has wrinkles. I'm just here to shitpost, though.
Tom Hanks rents out the private island where they shot parts of Castaway every year for a month and invites all his friends over to have drinks, food and entertainment provided for obscene amounts of money, inside his insular little Hollywood world.
I'd rather someone else lecture me on ethics.
Clear photoshop
What is my destiny Mama?
You realize he just shopped that shirt, right?
he's part of the hollywood pedo ring
"Science is real" except when it comes to evolution applying to humans though. Then we're all equal and it's irrelevant if you're in a completely different environment separated for thousands of years. Sure we observe animals in this situation who end up with different strengths and weaknesses relative to one another, but that doesn't apply to humans because reasons
No, I didn't realize that. Thanks for letting me know, I guess black lives do matter.
Damn, a celebrity thinks that? Well, I better think it, too.
The more famous someone is, the more correct their thinking is.
>Science is real
>Yep, strawman
>Black lives matter
Not to me, and given how the pavement apes behave in their ghettos, I don't think they care, either.
>low-level racism with no argument.
>No human is illegal
They can do illegal things, and sometimes a state of being is illegal--like being drunk on a highway or in this country without a fucking visa.
>You picked DUI as your illegal activity? Found the Billy.
>Love is love
And faggots are faggots. Logically meaningless.
>Used a scary word.
>Women's rights are human rights
Women are people, and have some rights that apply to them. Entitlements are not the same thing. Women have no 'right' to have the state pay for their mistakes.
>Not dropping Birth Control by the cartload into every poor neighborhood on Earth directly contravenes every White Suprmeacist's goals. You're clearly an idiot.
>Kindness is everything
'Everything' necessarily includes cruelty and malice, which are opposites of kindness. Statement logically invalid.
Tom Hanks is a Hollywood archleftist like all the rest of them. Why anyone listens to fucking ACTORS about politics is something I have *never* understood.
Looks like massa Henks need another job - he needs to show,that his thoughts are correct. Money dont grow on trees and no peace for the wick
They are using photohop to fake info, be aware fgts
>best actor
>therefore political opinions are correct
>put aside your racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia just for one day
Get a job in customer service and let's see how long Tom holds out.
You forgot to mention the part where they make more money than you by MILLIONS and pay much more in taxes then you. So really, they're much more powerful citizens then you and your shitty busy work job.
So who really is the monkey here, nigger?
>1 post by this ID
Actors in antiquity had the same social standing as whores.
>great actor
Every movie has a scene where he throws a temper tantrum for a minute and a half as he violently tries to squeeze out a single tear that the camera then zooms on. He's a douche
How's Chet Haze doing?
all the actors I used to like are dead to me including Hanks -
I understand now why in the old timey days actors were excommunicated by the church and not given a christian burial -
they are in fact the tools of satan
>can't spot the leaf quality shoop.
How fucking new are you?
>all the text is on an exact horizontal line
seems real to me
[citation needed]
>no brown or black flag sections
literal nazi desu
>be me watching a guy who is known for being a badass in programming
>i see him wearing a t-shirt that says #heforshe
>he eventually says that he has a blog dedicated to feminism
even STEM ins't safe anymore
>put aside racism, tyrone lynches me because he wants my phone
>put aside xenophobia, a beaner floods my community with drugs
>put aside islamophobia, get blown up
OP is a faggot
Daily reminder Tom Hanks was gender fluid before it was cool
I forgot about that show
This reminds me after the jayz shill concert, Mrs C said something similar, paraphrasing; "that's a great message" to rapping about "slangin' dem drugz" and "murderin' nighas" etc. Amazing times we live in.
Imagine how mentally bereft you have to be to regurgitate shit like this and think that you're "fighting the power", as if those views aren't 200% backed by every mainstream media and corporate outlet there is.
Joe is Joe
I loved him in Castaway but does he really want trolled by Sup Forums? Because Tom Hanks thats how you get trolled by Sup Forums.
I don't even know what's real any more
you forgot misogynistic
can't do anything right
fucking leaf
Tom Hanks is only good at acting. As a person, he is dumb as hell. Like most Hollywood celebs.
i read the title and 10 words into the post without reading his shirt or noticing the flag
and i thought that for ONCE a big celebrity that has a lot of influence would be red pilled
thanks for making me have hope and then tearing it away you faggot leaf