Hey Sup Forums, why does the AB claim to be white nationalist/supremacist, but all they do is sell steroids, heroin and meth to insecure/blue-collar white guys and hang out with mexicans?
Aryan Brotherhood
If you deal drugs and turn your skin blue/black, guess what you are?
>a fucking nigger
Then why do they use nazi symbolism and rhetoric?
Because they are faggots and don't want to get raped by niggers and mexicans in prison? I don't know. I'll go ahead and call it cultural appropriation or whatever is the latest tumblr buzzword.
>Why does the AB and Mexican Mafia do business?
Because nobody likes niggers especially in prison
>tfw no anglo brotherhood
when the first post is also the best post
Because they are stooges of the jew used to turn people off to nat soc philosophy.
>say goodbye
It's just a way to not die in prison. They don't care about the white race.
>blacks are subhuman!
>covers self in black ink
Make one
The best strategy is to not commit crimes and go to prison. You know, like every normal person does?
>Putting the Confederate battle flag in with neo Nazi flags
Fucking cringe
The whole Nazi shtick started out as a way to unify whites in prison, to keep them from getting ass-raped by niggers. Apart from that, they're just another prison gang, albeit with a godly k/d ratio.
I'm a white supremacist.
The reason I never joined the KKK: I can't join an organization that is full of fucking idiotic cowards, whose members probably hold no real power or influence, who probably make less than $60k a year and don't have a degree.
The reason I never joined the Aryan Bros:
The same reason you gave above. They sell drugs, use drugs and do generally shady shit that brings disease to themselves and others.
The reason I never joined any fringe white supremacist RELIGIOUS group: Their logic is full of logic holes as they probably have the IQ or less of the niggers they hate. Most of these people will accept some form of government assistance like the niggers and immigrants they hate.
There is an untapped, colossal group of white men and women who would love to join an authentic white supremacist group that is void of fucking idiots, hypocrites and religious nuts, whose members have a degree, legit jobs and a family while contributing to the community instead of wearing bed sheets to scare away niggers. The problem is, none of these people are trying to organize others. In this day and age, it's hard to gind these people in real life because the culture has repressed them, and any serious, intelligent group of white supremacist is going to scare the living fuck out of the powers that be.
>white supremacist
Nice meme.
>sell drugs
>make less than 60k a year
>Can't parse paragraphs
>makes a post shitting on the brand
>uses a picture of spic gang members
Really motivated me to use my noodle there fagtron.
I will bet my life that 99.9999% of legit beadsheet wearing KKK members do not sell drugs.
>he's never been invited to the yacht club
No queers allowed.
There aren't any bedsheet wearers any more. That's nothing but liberal propoganda. Even hillbillies aren't stupid enough to reveal their power level like that anymore.
>t. Vidor
yeah you also forgot a key point, all of those three active groups are full of alphabet soup agency plants and any high ranking member is compromised in some sort of way, guaranteed. but i kind of agree with you, im proud to be white but i dont want to run around with a sheet on my head or go selling drugs in my neighborhood
Okay? We're talking about AB which is a prison gang.
They are a prison gang, dumbfuck.
the KKK now a days is 99% federal, state, and local under cover agencies looking to bust some cletus planning to bomb a black church. which is why they are basically irrelevant
Yeah, and how they are niggers because upstanding citizens don't commit crimes and go to prison. They feel left out so they dye their skin black to fit in with the other niggers. I don't know. If I walk in to a McD's and the guy working the register looks like OP's pic, I walking right the fuck out. So he's prison for life or something.
Yup. Even David Duke is milder than Michael Savage. There is no KKK, except in Rachel Maddow's fever dreams.
Because if you are a true racist, you have no legitimate options left for yourself regarding employment other than criminal activities. Of course, the larpers on Sup Forums wouldn't know about this with all the "hide your power level" and "tfw no gf" threads that consistently max out. Also, they have a strategic alliance with the spics, don't read too much into it. Both sides benefit from the arrangement.
Because white nat groups are mostly fed infil'd hatefaggots who can't into white pride, national socialism, nor fascism. That's the truth.
If it came down to a race war sure they'd help somewhat but in the end they're not good to associate with politically.
True. Even joining a militia in my state, you're probably not going to know you're sitting next to a fed.
I'm incredibly racist, and yet I manage to work with different ethnicities every day. What's your point? We don't sperg out in real life, just here.
Hey newsmen, we are all over the place and hold our tongues because we know we would be modern day lynched if you knew we were racist.
The AB does deals with ANYONE if it makes them money. They make money off mostly black people inside, where the majority AB is. They just don't allow anyone who is not white to join.
It's a fucking prison gang what do you expect
The "White Supremacist" groups you're talking about exist. They just don't call themselves that. They are known as "Clubs". And not the kind that had techno music and vodka jello shots.
I joined a militia when I was younger that had a fed infiltrator.
Cough cough Atomwaffen Division cough cough
the liberals NEED to have a boogey man! look at the SPLC dedicating pepe the frog a hate symbol, do you think if the kkk were actually active they would have to go after a cartoon frog?
Vidor is not what it used to be just so you know.
a militia with out a fed would be weird.
You make a great point. There is no such thing as a white supremacist organization in this country. Sup Forums is probably the closest thing one that exists and look at the constant shilling we deal with. And we're just a bunch of random normal people that like calling each other nigger.
Can you imagine if there were an actual WN group in the US? It would be on the news, 20/20, 48 Hours and everyone else would cover it. That's why none of us speak our minds in public. 1st Amendment is great. I'd love to have a chat with our Founding Fathers.
The most hilarious shit ever.
I know, I actually live around here.
Perhaps, I just don't know of any in my area besides your run of the mill "militia". I also doubt these people are advertising themselves.
Lol thanks, I'll look into it.
I do as well.
If not a fed, definitely a DHS informant.
East Texas is a shithole. Let's keep that narrative going. We don't need anyone else moving here.
Look dingus, they're not advertising because they don't exist. Appalachia (where I live) used to be a hotbed, now most older people have at least one mixed grandkid and the reason they've resorted to recruiting in prisons and from virgin autists on Polish Submarine Screen Door Repair forums is because no one gives a fuck anymore. You're more likely to hear "a white person and a black person make a beautiful baby" than "white power" outside of a few isolated pockets. Your time is over, good grief.
Whites and spics in prison have a sort of alliance to keep the niggers in check.
Oh you mean these guys?
I don't know how I feel about one of my buddies, who I thought was my buddy, converts to Islam overnight and shoots me dead.
Archived it
You're full of shit, just fyi. No one likes a mixed grandchild. How is that even possible when there are like 10 niggers in your whole reigion?
If the KKK existed then why do they have zero internet presence? It doesn't sense not to use the internet for marketing and recruitment.
You're forgetting to mention they don't rape like niggers do.
Filthy animals aren't even fit to share a cell with a fellow criminal.
Fuck off LARP fag. I've been on Sup Forums for a fucking week and people with your flag are the worst trolls ever.
>How is that even possible when there are like 10 niggers in your whole reigion?
Andy Griffith wasn't accurate to real life, you know.
>No one likes a mixed grandchild.
Yeah, you definitely have spent way too much time shitposting instead of interacting with real people. CNN loves portraying us as your fantasy though, good on you for feeding their narrative.
black bloc and antifa rage through the streets, destroying property and fighting police and its accepted. imagine if the right had equivalent groups and they did the same. Maixine waters would be calling for the natl guard to be deployed, elizabeth warren would be heading up a committee! yeah we can only reveal our power level very slowly.
agreed, and would even say that some groups have multiple informants working for different organizations or even the same organization, but the handlers aren't even aware.
The kid who killed the two dudes was a Mudshit who went rogue. No idea why the roommates let him stay with them. He was actually planning on shooting up a big meeting later in like a year or so.
Also the dude with the "bomb materials". He didn't he had shit for one of his college courses. No real bomb making materials. Now I could be wrong on that but until there's an actual report from the police/feds out and he's out to tell tale don't count on that being the case.
Some of it is pretty shitty, of course that coincides with the highest concentrations of nigs and spics.
And by Mudshit I mean 17 y/o punk psycho with autism who converted because he was an edgelord.
The "milita" isn't one of them. Your local yacht club is. The off-road club, the polo club, that private members only bar in the downtown core is.
And of course they don't advertise. You have to seek them out, you have to know someone already in them. If you want to do that, join the gym and start playing squash and tennis with random people. Spend time in hotel bars. Go support local fundraisers and try to get yourself an invite to a diner.
And when you finally get in, don't expect people to go around using nigger and shit. If you want that stick with the KKK and militias. Proper "white supremacy" clubs are more casually racist. They don't say certain people are better then others. That's just a simple fact that you work around.
You complain that the new hire at work is useless. You mention their name, and someone else will comment asking if she was a "diversity hire". And then you don't fucking say "yes". You just don't answer.
Damn, that's pretty sad. Andy Griffith was NC, though. I guess Teen Mom was more accurate than I'd like to think.
I know brother, I live here.
So what is the end game of these people? If in a private, member only club of white supremacists conversation is still tounge and cheek, what's the point?
As I have said, just because I'm a white supremacist doesn't mean I want to hang every nigger and gas every kike. I wany separation, but if a war breaks out a war breaks out. How the hell is separation achieved by people who speak tounge and cheek in a private, member only club? How do they organize and do their duties for the 14 words?
AB has a pact with all Mexican's worth giving the time to. They hate blacks equally and share a united front against them especially in prison.
IDK, but I like quality Nazi videos
Yeah the story was close to my area. You would think smart guys wouldn't allow a total fucking nut near them.
The point? The point is you're all in a club together. You help each other out, give each other favorable deals, toss contracts each others way.
You surround yourself with people like you and look out for each other.
But now you're talking about war and "the 14 words" and shit. You're on the same level as the fucking KKK and militias. Why are you against joining your equals?
I think OP was just illustrating the type of Mexican scum AB allegedly hangs out with.
>Hey Sup Forums, why does the AB claim to be white nationalist/supremacist, but all they do is sell steroids, heroin and meth to insecure/blue-collar white guys and hang out with mexicans?
Did you fail to notice the part about them being a fucking PRISON GANG? As in they committed massive felonies and were sentenced to PRISON.
The short answer is that most of these assholes were already drug dealers before they joined AB.
Young dudes.
Also fuck yeah Florida masterrace
They'd be stacked in the ovens with the jews and trannies if we were living in Germany 80 years ago. I think they are more Mexican than anything.
It does not have to be this way. Their power lies in the fact that we cower ourselves into the shadows.
AB is larping to the max--all the leaders are literal jews. There are several documentaries about this little irony.
The less white a group becomes the more intense the desire to protect what remains
>implying that actual AB members ever get out of prison and/or take straight jobs.
Those guys are deadend lifers. You'll literally never encounter them in the free world.
You faggots can say all you want but these men actually kill niggers. Muh tattoos are degenerate, well son some of those tattoos you earn some for killing niggers some for race riots. And these guys have named the jew before u faggots jacked off your circumcised baby dick.
But they mainly formed to stop niggers from rapping white boys.
If you want to be successful in life this is how it must be. I could sperg out at work and lose my job for no reason, or I could keep posting holocaust denial infographics in t_d threads here. What's more effective?
I didn't think so. God if feels good to be FREE white and 21.
That's MS13 not the AB you fucking retard
Not true. California dumped a bunch of them out onto the streets so now we have a lot of homeless gangs the state forbids the cops to come down on. Most if them are white and obvious AB members are in their ranks. This is why I can't take the whole "white supremacy" thing seriously because there are a bunch of white niggers actively living on the streets dealing drugs and getting cracked out.
Well I got a bunch of free innawoods gear from him.
You know what's great about being a law abiding citizen? I get to make $250k/yr while believing this:
All I have to do is refrain from calling affirmative action niggers niggers. The best part is when we talk about how hard we worked for our positions and they can't say shit because they and I know they got their job for being a semi-literate nigger. Fun.
Huh. I did not know that. Are you sure they're AB and not Nazi Lowriders or PENI or some lower tier white prison gang?
AB started with good intentions, and devolved
into an extortion racket.
Dude, I'm not trying to degrade you, but what you say the point of these "Clubs" membership is, various militias and what the KKK used to do back in the day is the same thing. When I say "war" I mean if that day were to come, which in all reality is not probable.
As for the 14 words, what's wrong with them? By giving contracts to each other and helping one another, you are securing a prosperous future and life for whites and their children. What is wrong with a white ethnostate? These "Clubs" are just the beginning. In order for a white ethnostate to happen, it starts with these clubs, and keeping white areas white, and pushing the "diversity" out. I'm all for that.
As I said, I want to join a "proper" white supremacist group. That doesn't mean I want to help Kathleen Joe in the trailer park who wouldn't know what to do with "help" if she got it, muchless "bite" the hand that helped her.
Fuck disgusting prison niggers. Sorry.
You have a point, and I've been doing that online for years. At work, I talk "sense" to coworkers who are on the brink of being people like me. I'm just saying more must be done. That doesn't mean let's go start a race war.
Fucking commiefornia producing that show Kikes on Bikes otherwise known as Sons of Anarchy. Why wouldn't whites want to supply arms to "minorities;" they kill each other. Whites are the real minorities.
You in FL too user?
as someone who's family has belonged to a yacht club for generations the user above was larping it's not a secret white supremacist group it's just old white people who own boats and like having brunch. You might make some decent connections there though, and I fucking wish it was a secret white supremacist club.