Why can't w*ites handle the superiority of us Turks?
Why can't w*ites handle the superiority of us Turks?
Switch to geographic location if you're actually a Turk
Guess again wrong! It's stomedy
Support my thrad
you morons blew it on WW1
Please fuck off, mate.
Dont forget WW1
No, the word is smell. Whites can't handle the smell of you Turks.
Fake map. Spain was never ruled by turks
please explain this
Y'all turknigger destroying yourself by corruption, collution and Nepotism. no wonder Kemal Attaturk can destroy your "empire" easily
it's fake obviously
Say what you will about the Turks (like how you can't trust them at all to keep their word),
it should be a matter of public record that, Like the great Emu War,
The Turkish forces of WW2 managed a more than competent beach defence against the poorly used, poorly deployed ANZAC troops, that, rather than finding a safer place to land at night, chose to try to storm some FORTIFIED Turkish beaches.
Fucking useless Brit intel and strat was the cause of thousands of Anzac soldiers basically doing a version of Omaha beach on Turkish soil.
I have no problems with Turks. I would have been a Donmeh Sabbatist in the OE
>Not actually Turkish so posts 'Muslim' flag.
wh*Te bois are mad because they have small penis so we lease their womens. wh*Te bois kys faggot wh*Te faggot faggot fags i hate wh*Te """people""" i want kill to these fcuking homos
That map is pretty generous with what it considers conquests of Islam
Go home Cenk.
I enjoyed the Ottoman Empire's history, actually. It's a shame that decadence became rampant, and their society collapsed like the Romans before them
*checks sources* fuck, I feel stupid.
*NZ gains one shame* which country takes the point for the correction?
your pic doesn't touch where whites come from
>a few pirates raid Iceland
>this somehow equates to owning Iceland
>ywn manhandle the superiority of Anzu's feminine benis
>mfw Turks/Muslims start getting uppity again.
could you at least try to be a bit more creative with your bait
This is what the roaches fear