Trump & Macron thread <3

People can joke all they want, but I really love that we are building a relationship with France. I feel like we've lost touch with our European roots and haven't had much of a relationship in a long time. It just really makes me happy to see this kind of open, totally hetero affection for our brothers.

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Macron is going to play Trump like a fiddle.

This just warms my heart and makes me feel like the future is positive. All the terrible leftists preech "love not hate" while being the most hateful, spiteful people, but this is truly what love and respect looks like. There's a difference between saying and doing.


I don't care how identical to Trump he'll start to act or do, it's the kind of thing to take with a grain of salt, I want to see deeds before I can like him.

He needs US to help get rid of his shitskin infestation. Face it. Trump is his God.

Can Macron be trusted? I thought he had connections with the Rothschilds?

>totally hetero

Holy shit Americans,Have you fallen for macron?
To honour the 100years since USA entered ww1 macron plays daft punk? While grinning like a fucking idiot..he's fucking mocking trump and the fallen of ww1 ..fuck macron
