Clinical Psychologist: 'Women Hate Harmless Men"

Many modern men have been propagandized to believe that modern women want nice, sensitive, empathetic guys who make them feel safe.

And then they are perplexed and frustrated when they eventually find themselves dumped, divorced, or relegated to the friend-zone for perpetuity.


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You can nice and 'sensitive' but still act brutally when the situation requires it. Nobody likes a coward.

Buy a motorcycle, it worked for me.

So if I understand you correctly OP, if we start WWIII we all get gfs.

>tfw WW3 comes and I hide in my room and still have no gf

This is common knowledge. It's not that they want to be treated like shit, they just don't want to be bored by some yes-man.

Women hate harmless men and I hate women who hate harmless men, looks like no one's getting a good future here.


>guys who make them feel safe.

The only way to do that is if you have some capacity for violence in order to defend yourself and her.

Ever notice how dangerous, shitty countries have really high birthrates and boring, safe ones don't?

Danger and distress apparently leads to lots of fucking.


>women's liberation
>the two top circles are Niger and Chad

Feminists have been bashing anything that has to do with masculinity.

So they will keep saying things like "we have a rape culture", "no means no", etc.

At the same size they fantasize about rape (50 shades of grey). They fall for the famous "bad boy".

The truth is they wish they liked nice guys, but that isn't what happens in the end.

Why are you posting this nice guy shit here? if you haven't noticed, everyone here is an asshole.

Jordan Peterson is a treasure and the best thing to happen to many of us on a personal level maybe ever.

Problem is a lot of women are fucking stupid and think if you're not throwing your cock around getting in fights, you're some beta nice guy fagwad.
None of them have been in a serious fight, so they can go around spreading gossip and being all around cunts because the worst that will happen to them is someone will leak their nudes on the internet.
Most guys don't like fighting because it often ends with one or both going to hospital/jail. And their Obamacare just ran out.


>""""""scientist""""""" takes thousands of tax dollars and research hours to state the obvious

Women need to be bought, traded and raped regularly. That is how they evolved.

And the real problem behind this is that since the A bomb we haven't had a fair bloody war where a gentleman can prove his cock n balls are indeed yhuge, while still playing nice and neat at the cocktail lounge. Instead we have glorified fuckbois who are fit for war but psych profile of a PC frat bro who only know how to date rape or measure dicks but lack any and all serious preparedness for the pending apocalypse and exponential population curve collapse. Sadly the only way these kids can exert strength is street fights or becoming man whores with double digit laid statistics. Absolute Degenerates

I've enslaved the entire human race using the gender spectrum.

Who am I?

more b.s. propaganda.

in eastern europe divorce is high yet all men are the opposite of the weak westernfag.

the issue is not how men act, but social expectations and standards of female behavior.

learn from india with beta, weak, ugly, micro-penis males dominating over females and no divorce

indian bitches never get outta line

Because deep rooted they still have the same neural stimuli that subconsciously connect "bad boy" with tougher man and better survival odds in a primal way. Also betas can only inhale so much pussy before chad comes along and gives the rough and raw ride she was craving over the soft handed grope that has grown stale since beta cuck cant take command and get creative in his limited imagination of being like Jerry.

Are you both stunning and Brave?

>takes thousands of tax dollars and research hours

Read the article, this dude is literally just giving his opinion. There's no suggestion he's researched this at all, let alone he has any empirical evidence to support this. The closest thing the article even gets to something like is are Google searches but I'm not entirely sure how women searching for vampire or werewolf confirm anything.

Its correct

No, I'm Bill Nye.

Because who you are is what you do with your genitals.

women's attitudes change with the tide. it's why letting them vote is a death sentence for any society.

That's why I'm trying to join a motorcycle gang. That and I want to ride with my boys and kill the enemy

I ain't harmless baby.



There was some study done that measured female arousal to different stimuli, and it showed that women get very turned on by horrendous displays of violence. Chicks are fucked up man. Only Anglo Puritan culture ever fooled us into believing that they are "pure."

>Many modern men have been propagandized to believe that modern women want nice, sensitive, empathetic guys who make them feel safe.
This is somewhat true but this strategy actually used to be useful in acquiring a wife, because the man was essentially appealing to the girl's father, not to his prospective bride with these traits. Women are not attracted to gentleness or stability in any way, and are attracted to the wealth of wealthy men, not the wealthy man himself. Women are sexually attracted to only one type of man, and that is the warrior, the savage. This is the only type of man that makes a girl tingle. Back in the days of civilization (pre-feminism), a woman's tingles did not matter so much as they do now. It's very ironic that all of this "progress" is actually just a regression into primitive behavior and society but it makes perfect sense when considering the fact that men changed, while women did not. Women are literally still cave dwellers at heart.

If a girl ever asks you if you'd hit a woman or the topic comes up, say yes. If you say no you'll look like a fag. Say you'd hit a woman if she tries to fuck you up.

We gotta fuck em tho

>Women Hate Harmless Men

Of course it's true. What women don't like is mindless violence. But righteous violence? Nothing gets them wetter faster.

Humans still have their lizard-brain programming from a billion years ago. At an extremely basic level, women respond to men who can show domination of the environment around them. Physical strength is simply the easiest way to show this, and requires the least amount of intellect to understand.

Smart women, while still responsive to primal physical strength, also understand that intellectual domination is more important in a modern world. This is why without exception, the girls who go with niggers are idiots. All of them. I've never met an exception.

Likewise, black girls who always go for White guys are always smarter than their niggress counterparts.

The shit you're seeing now with racemixing is simply going to leave all but the intelligent as mud people. Smart Whites never breed with niggers, and only very rarely with non-Whites. Everyone who isn't a moron knows this.

Yes, but we're harmless assholes

Say it again to my face

"Harmless" is a bit inaccurate. You don't have to go around being a dick to everyone to get laid. Women are attracted to power and self-confidence. Most powerful confident guys ARE nice by anyone's standards. The only intolerable dicks I meet are insecure libshit beta males.

Have a mission, pursue it, and get really good at your mission, and the women will notice you.

Also if you aren't talking to women because you're too scared to, and you're waiting for women to approach you, then your whining opinion on gender relations is totally irrelevant and disqualified.

No shit.
This is one of the reasons why feminism is the most half baked ideology of all time.
>all men are rapists lets feminize them, we need to destroy the patriarchy and institute a matriarchy
>where are all the good men, only creepy "nice guys" are asking me out

>What women don't like is mindless violence.
I'm not so sure of that. I think that women like alpha behavior, plain and simple. Whether or not it's "righteous" is completely irrelevant. You think Chad and Tyrone are righteous? Women couldn't care less. All they care about is a display of strength and dominance.

meant for

>Act like a dismissive cunt towards them because of prior bad experiences
>They go crazy

It's not for me, but if you really want a gf, try that.

Nice to the in-group. Asshole to the out-group. This is the male correlate to "woman on the streets slut between the sheets"

Oh thanks Bill. Golly Gee I feel like a total retard now... I though who you are was based on what genitals you had. Time to go change my drivers license so I can be who I am as my true identity since I sexually identify as an apache attack helicopter. What would I do without you Bill? I'd be like an Ash Ketchum without a Gary. Maybe even Oprah's Minge.

Yowza! By the time you're old enough to understand all that and have such total confidence ans masculinity that women flock to you but it is too late in life to care.

Don't thank me.

Thank the planetary society.

This makes me laugh. One of best places to see how male and female interactions exist is in a nuthouse. I work in one. It always made me laugh to know I was normal when I played the guessing game with some of the pretty female staff, only to hear a boss who worked with them tell me. That their job isn't easy because they use their personalities for their job. lol.

There is a fine line where a girl wants a nice guy, an asshole, or a nice guy pretending to be an asshole.

I got away with so much shit in this place I work that I get away with more shit not engaging the pretty girls like a mentally ill person does.

In the end, the people I met and smiled to really meant nothing, and in return the girls probably felt the same way.

Being stuck in limbo with a pretty girl playing guessing games is the worse thing in the world.

They leave, you move on, the people who saw you react to the pretty girl who left sees you acting normal to the new pretty girl is what psychology is all about.

Why the fuck is that last panel so fucking funny?

I wasn't expecting it and now my sides are just fucking falling apart.

>Most guys don't like fighting because it often ends with one or both going to hospital/jail. And their Obamacare just ran out.

Pretty much.

I'd be less of a cuck if $10,000 wasn't on the line.

This entitled little bitch boi didn't deserve anything his daddys cock ever provided for him. No excuse for mowing down sorostitutes. He was told he deserved everything since he was born into Hollywood but got nothing from the ladies he creeped. If the ego of his napoleon complex is any give away he should have been driving a monster truck to compensate his package and lack of affluent charm. Fuck the kid. Spit on Grave.

Does anyone here actually have trouble meeting/talking to girls?

Dumb nigger, the graph shows the countries with the least amount of feminism have the highest birthrates.

>buy motorcycle
>no one gives a shit except random kids who wave at you from the streets

too many bikes around here f am, they aren't special

I can't tell if I'm tired, or if this post made no sense at all. It's like he was speaking gibberish.

Maybe at the start, but even the dumbest shit women eventually grow tired of their chest thumping bullshit. Violent men also tend to be violent to their women, and they definitely are not fans of that.

Yes, I know, there are a few edge cases who get the fuck beat out of them and won't leave the men, but they really are the exceptions.

Point is, I mostly agree with the article. White dudes need to find their fucking balls again. We ran the world for 5,000 years. The last 50 have been an anomaly.

Hoping the new generation learns to not listen to the PC bullshit and discover who they really are. They were meant to command the savages, not fear them.

But to do this, you need balls.

>Peterson furtherbolstered his case by revealing a blush-worthy statistic:what Google engineers discoveredas “the five most desirable male entities” used in female pornography

1) Vampire
2) Werewolf
3) Billionaire
4) Surgeon
5) Pirate


Ok THIS proves my theory that the libshit women triggered about Trumps romeo nature (grab em by the pussy, compliments macronwife) is rooted in them WANTING Trump

They literally fantasize about father figures and billionaires, them hating him probably makes it hotter for them

Does anyone have on hand that compilation of libs on twitter saying they had wet dreams/fantasies about him and shit?

women are retarded. we knew this for thousands of years. why modern times would be any different eludes me. someone poisoned our well.
I have no clue who has a history of poisoning wells, but im sure (((someone))) is guilty.

If you're not PC with women you just get disdainful looks.


The Argentinian is referring to how Women's Liberation stereotypically entails women reaching for Chad, and be it at the will of social pressure, Niggers.

well well well, what do we have here?


That is just so uncommon, golly, I wish there were more of you on the Internet to spread awareness to all the retard faggots.

One of the best things I ever learned in a nuthouse is the golden rule to keep my own sanity and safety.

Do not interact with the pretty girl everybody wants to fuck in front of everybody. And when nobody is looking you act friendly and normal.

Never engage in conversations where you know too much about the person, because then they will expect you to remember everything about them.

That is the best thing I ever did.

When you are around people who feel sad for people. It makes it even more depressing when they are pretty and smiling at you.

>Problem is a lot of women are fucking stupid and think if you're not throwing your cock around getting in fights, you're some beta nice guy fagwad (2:25)

>pic related

i refuse to smile at women

It's not about lack of balls, its about punishment. People don't want to risk prison for wrong think, or lose their job for hate speech. So they bottle it up. If there were not risks for being masculine you would see more men willing to "show their balls".
We need to get the laws out of the way or nothing will change.

I get the same impression. rather disconcerting. He's been in the nuthouse too long and absorbed the crazy.

I used to have anger issues and struck my girlfriend several times. I went and got help for those issues and no longer do it. I shit you not she said "It doesnt feel the same between us I like how you used to treat me" to which I replied "you mean when I beat your ass for the slightest thing like disagreeing with me?" and she said "well no umm you were umm" so I smacked the shit out of her and I kid you not she sucked my cock that night right after.

I dont get it either.

Oh I do. Believe Me. Without their space math wizardry I never would have been able to imagine or become the sexual attack helicopter I always dreamed of...

I wonder what the common factor could be

You are being silly. See "list of Jewish feminists" on Wikipedia and repent.

Women are all cancer and I hate the whole of them.


>Listening to women.
There's your problem.

>Sup Forums users
> good with girls
R u new m8?


The birth control pill makes women crazy and aggressive. It changes them.

I wonder how long the remain after use has stopped.

>brain programming from a billion years ago. At an extremely basic level, women respond to men who can show domination of the environment aro
This was a great movie. This scene really does highlight female psychology among warring tribes too. Note how as soon as one tribe (The warriors) BTFO the other, the female immediately jumps ship and joins the winning tribe, lusting after the alpha of that tribe and eventually becoming his woman. This is why we used to have severe punishments for this sort of treachery, because it would indeed occur.

Didn't mean to greentext.

If I had to identify as anything other than Bill Nye, it would be a grain of sand.

All women.

It's because the pill simulates pregnancy for them.

This can't be real. Holy Moly.

>Point is, I mostly agree with the article. White dudes need to find their fucking balls again. We ran the world for 5,000 years. The last 50 have been an anomaly.

For most of human existence the top men got most of the women. The cultural innovation known as marriage is what created societies in which every man had a stake in keeping prosperous. We're simply repeating the conditions that resulted in the first patriarchies.

Take it from a handsome guy. It is OK to have some women hate you for nothing doing the things THEY want you to do.

The men who always want approval from ALL women are the ones I actually want to avoid in all parts of my life. I work with two men like that. One of them happens to be my one boss.

It's real, son. Tay was savage as fuck which is why we loved her so much.

Return of kings is always right.

> It's not that they want to be treated like shit

I had no idea all I had to do to get laid was to punch a bitch

Makes sense why Jews would push that for white men then. Interesting

Jewish women.
In Israel the wear skirts and ride in the back of the bus. Here they fuck your tender goy ass with a strapon and you love it.

Don't piss down my back and call it rain punk. You'll regret it and all the bitches will get wet when I burn you alive like a wild nigger.

Does it? I thought it prevented ovulation.

My one boss has 2 divorces and watching him try and get any approval from any girl is entertaining to watch.

Another "boss" came out of prison and he acts like it too.

I laugh, because I am the asshole to some of the women they want approval from because I didn't do what THEY wanted me to do.

I am like, I WORK there.

Born too late into the game you mean. I'm still young blood. Our generation was born into the sunset eclipse. Twilight still sucks but I'd rather be a crying little pussy than a douchey goth vamp kid.

And how do you think it does that? Ovulation stops during pregnancy, user.

pursuing something up until you realize it's not something you want to pursue, and pursuing something and failing are very different things

but of course this has never happened in the history of the world, right? muh sour grapes

Well yeah. this is why it's so easy to bag liberal women. They're lying to themselves about what a man is and what they want. Once they have a real man, they don't want to let him go. I'm going through this right now. She knows who I am and what I believe, but she fucking loves me and her friends disown her for it. However she is in her 30's and her clock is ticking and its changing her in ways she never thought were possible before.
>talking about having kids all the time and moving to the burbs
>makes jokes about "if my feminist friends knew how you talked to me and that i liked it"

its fucking nature m8

Jew detected. You know simulating pregnancy prevents ovulation.

Corrolation is not causation.
For example, jews could be both pushing women's lib and lower birth rate.
