Defend this, burgers:
Defend this, burgers:
Other urls found in this thread:
>This is what Americans actually believe
uh lol never seen or done but looks comfy
We purposely trained them wrong, as a joke.
kid rock should show what white trash are really like instead of sugar coating it and making it seem like they have 'culture' of some type.
show the real drug problems, meth, opiates, and the crime it causes, show the neglected children.
Hey OP. I think whatever you are trying to do just backfired big time. Thanks for posting a catchy song. I think I might go out and buy his album now.
I want to make a pool in the bed of my truck now.
I grew up in po dunk
Most of these people are smarter than you.
looks comfy. I will keep drinking, shooting off my buddy's grandfather's porch, cookin out, riding 4-wheelers, doing whatever the fuck I want, then leave in my truck while you watch Mohammad and his boys ass rape your family in your tiny apartment. Fucking eurocuck.
Welcome to America Eurofag.
australia is a good analogue for american white trash, and we are totally cucked by islam.
the white trash here work with the muslims to sell meth, furthering their micro jihad agenda.
and all of our outlaw MCs are muslim now.
just wait until they start moving large amounts of muslims to the south.
You support this portrayal of Southerners?
All it takes is a tarp and a hose.
There's both. Same as cities. Culture and garbage people.
Looks bretty fun tbqh
>shameless degeneracy
Rednecks are a lost cause
>You will never be brilliant enough to turn a pickup truck into a pool
Southerners, yeah. North podunk, not so much.
But sometimes up there too.
I know a white woman with a half black kid, and the father is a piece of shit who walked off - even the kid knows he's garbage. He turned out great because his mom is a great human who raised him right. Straight A's and all that.
But that's the exception. Her family is exceptional in general, despite being hillfolk.
That looks awesome, wish I could live like that.
Literally sounds like my perfect dream life :(
saddest thing about this is these are the people libs and race proganda hurt the most. Middle class and rich whites can always isolate themselves. Poor whites aren't smart enough to understand what's happening and are just fucked up the ass totally. Look how low they've sunk. These people used to build cultured houses and towns with architecture and held festivals with european roots. Now they're just meth addled trash.
Don't need to. They definitely have guns for when you tyrone and the homies try and roll up.
Americans bitch about blacks, but white trailer trash rednecks nobody gives a shit about.
Rely makes u think...
Hook it nigger
ok you defend slavs first
Defend what? People relaxing, and having fun?
>but white trailer trash rednecks nobody gives a shit about
what are you talking about literally everyone hates them
Defend the human garbage covered in tats, smoking while pregnant, race mixing with niggers, and eating themselves into obesity.
>White trash
Pick one.
That's part of what I think is sick about the video. It's trying to celebrate muh BASED BLACKS right along side poor whites. These poor people don't have the money to escape living in areas that they've lived in for generations and blacks and 3rd world scum are building ghettos around them.
lmao proving my point
shitslavs gonna shitslav
I never see any threads on Sup Forums. This is the only one I've seen in like forever and it has anons defending them. Nigger hate threads get made everyday but we never have white trash hate ones.
niggers are animals
well maybe this board is just filled with subhuman wiggers
i can't
What's wrong with freedoms?
So are the majority of white American southerners.
The difference is that niggers are just being niggers. I can accept that. Rednecks piss me off because they're purposefully living below their potential as whites.
I work in the hot sun all day as a logger, I could be considered a redneck. The people in that video are white trash garbage.
White trash should be taken out back and shot directly after the Jews and nigs are tbqh
Also nice larp flag, I bet you're actually a burger too
>they're purposefully living below their potential as whites
they're really not though. they have the iqs of apes
>I work in the hot sun all day as a logger, I could be considered a redneck. The people in that video are white trash garbage.
LARP harder faggot If you really did work outside all day as a logger you would enjoy this.
t. guy who actually works in the sun all day
ok ((((((((pirate)))))))))))
>Rednecks piss me off because they're purposefully living below their potential as whites.
Haha, not all whites have a super high IQs. Every race has scum. Blacks and whites just tend to have alot.
Kid Rock is from Michigan.
Not every person that busts their ass outside all day is a nigger loving, obese piece of shit.
who said I was a nigger lover? or obese?
Why does Kid Rock larp as a pimp nigger from the South??? wtf
I love shooting shit and mudding and drinking like a fish but I can't enjoy the video due to the high rate of terrible genetics displayed.
White trash exists all over the country. The South being somehow worse than anywhere else is just a meme that people believe for some reason.
yankee cant even spell southerners
>implying there's something wrong with it
Looks comfy, wouldcrackacoldonewith/10.
It's all retarded southern-nigger culture.
Western culture is for the refined American man.
>for some reason
Michigan is the Georgia of the north
this, from the backwoods of Washington to the swamps of the Florida Panhandle, from the Desert outside of LA littered with trailerparks to the Mountains of Appalachia up to Vermont and Maine
>I love shooting shit and mudding and drinking like a fish
Me too. Those things are great but everything else about the video was wtf
I know that. What I meant was Kid Rock always pretends that he's from the South. One of his biggest rap songs was a rip off of Sweet Home Alabama.
i'm not going to counter signal the south
go look up where all the niggers in the US are and post that map
the irony here op is that you'll have to act like you like these people during the collapse cause they'll be keeping you alive.
>One of his biggest rap songs was a rip off of Sweet Home Alabama.
In which he sings about being from Michigan.
Another reason the south is objectively shit.
you mean THE reason
The race-mixing shit and the niggers are what get me. I refuse to fuck my genetics up.
From Kid Rock's Wikipedia "He grew up on a six-acre luxurious estate[6] where Robert regularly helped pick apples and cared for the family's horses "
Slummin like a mah fucker.
Nice spelling faggot.
But you can't say that.
Thass rayciss
Genetics account for nil. All about how you raise them.
honestly this is what american culture should be about, if liberals didn't divide us like they always do i'm sure we'd all get along fine
That's the white life
I'm drunk. tomorrow I will be sober
but you will still be living around niggers
don't know if i always agree with that, someone born with a genetic disorder is always going to have issues because of that. culture can only correct so much.
Fucking Yankee scum ITT. Most of the problems that exist in the south, are because of niggers. White trash are nowhere near the boon on society that niggers are, despite being poor and low IQ. White trash stick to themselves in the woods, they don't shit up the rest of civilization like niggers do.
I'm not watching a youtube video.
Genetics have a role and I have no Idea why anyone would want to destroy their own people but to each their own can't stop 'em.
aw shit nibba. me on the left.
Seems like it would be more appropriate for him to make rap videos wearing gay little English riding clothes
in 50 years there won't be white trash because they'll have all mixed with blacks
you'll just have a giant mulatto underclass like hueland
Here's the casting call for extras on this shit. I don't use the word cringe often because it's become a cliche. Is it OK to say "douchechills"?
I don't understand. What is there to defend?
>We purposely trained them wrong, as a joke.
a thing that is helpful or beneficial:
But not Nigtroit.
Seems like he was close enough to get it though.
Meant harm. I am retarded.
Crime rates
We already have niggers and we simply shoot them when they act stupid. Achmed isnt immune to bullets and will get the same treatment. Problem with Australia is you lack the racism and Christianity of the the Southern states.
Dude grew up picking apples and caring for horses on a luxurious six acre estate.
Swap out the people with city folk, apply a filter, post it on social media and folk will say its cleaver and a cheap way to beat the summer heat.
I wouldn't mock southern ingenuity. This beats swimming in public piss filled pools. And you can reuse the water in your yard or garden.
Pool water has toxic chemicals in it and is bad for the environment.
Did I defend it enough eurofag? Looking forward to you union falling. You will never be the United States. It's obvious that is what you are trying to do. It's funny watching you try but the jig is up.
Keep making fun of the thing you can't have... Freedom.
we're not that racist anymore man, most people down here get along fine with blacks. not to mention interracial marriages have doubled in the past 10 years in the south. now i know that there were few to start with (it went from like 1.1% to 2.2% or something like that), but the south you know is changing fast.
>some guys make a pool out of their truck bed on their own property
>some european comes along and doesn't like it and wants to regulate them
Looks like people having good time. You don't go out very often do you
They should have done it with 5% or higher. Those DNA tests aren't THAT advanced and anything smaller than that is just them taking guesses
Because ultimately white trash is still superior to niggers.
You know he saw it. Or was at least aware enough to know where NOT to go when he went to Detroit and why.
Google maps link
I grew up on a farm just over 100 acres about 50+ miles from Chicago. When I visited the city I knew EXACTLY where to go and EXACTLY where I would die.(white male here)
Clean your own house first before trying to clean your neighbors.
I grew up on the Southwest side of Chicago. Instant death is overstated. If you're driving and it's light out you can go anywhere and be relatively safe.
In fact, I'd argue that white males such as us would be safer than a black male who can't be readily identified as a friendly. Too many in shitty neighborhoods are eager to think anyone they don't know (who is black) is opposition i
Texas culture > white trash southern culture
That's gross. Make the KKK great again.
niggers just can't compete. They are on another level.
Why does Kid Rock act like a whigger then?
He threw in a few token blacks for PC correctness, otherwise, it's just white trash having fun.
No defense required or given
3/10 troll harder newfag.
White trash is disgusting but the difference between them and niggers is that most white trash is actually nice and kind, as long as you do not go out of your way to intentionally anger them somehow.
Honestly, I would not even mind living among rednecks. I have not had any bad experiences with them, unlike with niggers.
Niggers are aggressive and threatening from the get-go.