Decent Woman

Do you think decent woman exist anymore Sup Forums?

Has the vapid culture of degeneracy gone too far for any sense of morality to be instilled in young people for it to even be possible for daughter's & older woman in general to be self-aware & humble about their natural surroundings

With the advent of technology rising so fast it seems like people in general seem to have forgotten to respect even the animals like we once did in the past,not to mention social media being absolutely pushed into people's everyday life as if it was essential for living & if they choose to not involve themselves into that mess they immediately get ostracized as an outcast.

TL:DR do decent woman exist with the advent of the social media being push at the fore-front into everybody's life

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>Has the vapid culture of degeneracy gone too far
but it doesnt stop here

Best bet is tp find a woman who enjoys going to church and practices what she preaches

Find an off grid family with a daughter. Marry her. Stay off grid. She'll still be degenerate in her heart but you'll remove access to temptation for her.

Not really.

Even a Mormon chick whose family didn't even have a phone till 2006 turned out to be a big slut once she moved out and got a cell phone. She was gorgeous and sweet and pure. Now she's just a slut with 2 kids by different dads, working on her 3rd divorce, with herpes and a self esteem issue.

>once she moved out and got a cell phone
Learn from this experience and do not repeat it.

Who knew that intellects weak enough to succumb to religion are also weak enough to succumb to temptation?

More news at 11.

2 choices
>QT Slav
>QT East Asian

Both have similar risks, pros and cons. The Ukrainian waifu being white, but high risk of gold digger. the nip, pros being more loyal, cons being yellow.
Like everything, you need to decide your deal breakers.
Some guys will only date white women. that's cool, but a traditional white woman who is loyal and wants 4 kids is almost as rare as a unicorn.
Some guys will date a qt3.14 nip flip or chink, but their hapa children will either be beautiful and intelligent or horrid and insane. not much in the middle.
For me I'm dating a half filipina half white, but raised in the Philippines. I'm a really lucky guy and will wife and breed her soon.
There's a decent amount of half / quarter white girls there in the Philippines, usually Catholic and traditional. that's my choice.
BUT it does bother me to know my kids won't be pure.
Idk, take my story for what it's worth. she's loyal and cooks and cleans and is traditional and good to me, just has some chink and islander dna.

Massive sluts are usually non-religious.

They do, user, don't give up.

>T. my waifu is good looking with blue eyes, loves cats, hates muslims and is a Christian.