Tell me Sup Forums, how many of you unironically are pic related?
Tell me Sup Forums, how many of you unironically are pic related?
Nobody cares.
Bit chubby, Basement, on a computer.
On the other hand, I have a wife, a successful job, and this is not politically related.
Wow the left REALLY can't meme.
>being upset that the left cant meme
>he wasn't here during /mlpol/
>can't meme and is a lefty
Not me, I'm a blonde hair blue eyed chad with a 9 inch cock plus a 180 IQ and also a lambo
I thought the democrats elected niggers? Also youre clearly shilling lol!
when you put sage into the options field cool stuff happens
Horsefuckers need to be genocided. Everyone of you who says "mlpol was great" too.
>being this made that the left can't meme
You kids don't want to know what I did last summer
You remember that time Ted Cruz or Donald Trump gave a speech declaring war on a liberal cartoon frog at the height of their presidential runs? No? Hmmmm....
Just set a new PR at the gym, where I was the biggest guy there, now I'm laying in bed while my model girlfriend is cooking some filet mignon, and then we're gonna have sex. Tomorrow I'm gonna wake up, go for my morning run, then drive my bmw to work whatever time I want because I own my own business where I make $200K a year.
You know the left is great at memeing when they have to make memes defending their inability to meme.
Post MOS and unit you larping valor-stealing faggot
they make it up in volume
Why am I on your side ?
Nice deflection, dipshit, you gonna answer my question or what?
Funny part is, the meme OP posted doesn't refute that point
>tell me le Sup Forums
>how many of le you XD
>is le unironially XD
>le pic le related
>edit: up vote my good narwhal that bacons at midnight
>edit: thanks for the gold :)
>1 post by this id
11B fmr 173rd, and 82nd
I have that figurine.
Decide to turn your proxy off?
No, this is a different user.
Lay off the pic related.
Monster is superior
W-where did OP go?
the left can't meme
Well yeah, people only drink ripits because they get them for free sometimes.
Why are there so many jew threads lately, they must be trying to slide the April Lorenzen happening thread.
plz no body shaming
I'll have you know I live in my mothers attic, not basement thank you very much.
Also I have great skin, and more hair than he does.
Got me on being a glasses wearing fatass though.
>ponies and anime
pick one
sage for the strawman communist
Rip it's are pretty trash tier. I only get them if I'm feeling really cheap
Actually on april fools when we became mlpol it was great because all the reddiots who are like your picture left and it was great.
Horse fuckers are literally better than you kek faggots.
>drinking this shit instead of popping Go Pills
Jesus Christ kid.
Those caffeine mints in the MREs?