He gives you two options:

A) Tomorrow, the world returns to 1400 AD racial groups. Every non-white in Europe immediately dies. Every non-NorthAsian in China dies, etc.

In places like the Americas/Australia, only pure indigenes survive. If there are no pure natives, only the top 1% of all native-blooded people survive. All white (and black) Americans die overnight.

Furthermore, all lands are protected forever by an enchantment that blocks foreign races. Any non-European entering Europe dies the instant they cross the border. Any European entering China dies. In this way, the races of earth are physically holed into the land they were native to circa 1400 AD. The enchantment does not expire.

B) Nothing happens, the world stays the same.

Which do you choose?

The one where everyone but the white people die.

The regions/racial definitions are as follows:

NE Asia
SE Asia
East Africa
West Africa
South Africa
North America
South America

The Genie is an Arab

Oh yeah, all racially mixed people (defined by races at 1400) die as well. No mulattoes, mestizos, hapas, etc. of any sort.

A genie? I would gas that shitskin.

its a white genie

Everyone knows genies give 3 wishes.
I would use my last 2 wishes to fix your false dichotomy

A 12 inch pianist.

the "pure" indeginous peoples of north/south america would be the solutrean peoples

ie pre glacial age southern europeans, 40k years ago ... 100% neanderthals, even purer then modern whites

This would eliminate almost all humanity except India and China. Those two nations would go from having collectively 60% of the population to 99%.

Because the if the non-whites didn't take over Constantinople, the scientific progress we have been through wouldn't have occurred.
Because the white scholars left Constantinople to Europe and if that didn't occur , thee renaissance wouldn't occur.
And if the incident was around 1400, Granada would never be overrun by Spaniards so the Maghreb and Turkic Countries would still have scientific progress but those knowledges wouldnt enter Europe due to Spaniards dying when they would enter Granada and Andalusians dying when the Cross Andalusia.So Europe would stay VERY far behind.

Oh and Almost all Indians and most semites,all Spaniards and all moors and the Japanese and Polynesians die.
So no.

India is mainly made up of Turkics+Aryans+Dravidians+Mongoloids.
So 90% die.

Actual Nazi summoned Genie here, whoever replies to me with Quads gets their wish.

No, they weren't. American natives are part ANE, part Asian "proper".

All current technology and inventions would stay. The only change is that the people in a non-native environment would die.

Most Indians would live, since most of them are racially pure when defining 1400s Indians as a reference pop.

Similar to how there are no actual indigenous Europeans left (they all got Aryan invaded), but there's still a definition of European.

Others have mentioned India, but even China has had tons of racial mixing since 1400. This would virtually eradicate every civilization on Earth.



The redpilling of all white people, both now and for all subsequent generations.

racemixing and open borders for all, as well as free sex changes for any and all children.

It's this implying that any country occupied by 1400 A.D.can remain that way?

Do you realize that by 1400 A.D. whites were pretty much everywhere anyways. Just because Columbus didn't "discover" the Americas until the late 1400s doesn't mean there was never any white influence until that point. White spice merchants traveled and semi colonized the world as early as the 1st century A.D. Vikings came to what is known as modern day Canada in the early 11th century.

The first wish would basically only guarantee that foreigners couldn't be sympathy emigrated into white countries because of the bleeding heart types. It would pretty much still ensure modern day colonial rule and expansion, without any risk of the introduction of the negative African slave trade, Muslim conquest, and Mongol immigration.

I like it.

No one has to die. With an all-powerful wish one could just make everyone in the world an 18-year-old 10/10 looks, perfectly healthy and intelligent white person. That would effectively end all non-whites while allowing the transformed to live out their lives.

>but even China has had tons of racial mixing since 1400

citation needed

>Do you realize that by 1400 A.D. whites were pretty much everywhere anyways

Not really, just a few merchants and perhaps some mixed descendants.

> It would pretty much still ensure modern day colonial rule and expansion

Are you illiterate?

true, but that's not part of my thought experiment


And I wouldn't even flee to Europe.