(((DRUDGEREPORT))) & (((Foxnews))) are now the enemy. Why do Jews hate Russians So Much, /pol?
Because Russians used to be you.
Jews used to control Russia and use the Russians as their own property/Muscle.
Russians took the jews power away, so most of them ran off to America to start over.
Now they control America and will use it to get back at the Russians. There are other strategic issues at play, but just pure resentment is a big factor.
The Jews who control America are literally the kids and Grandkids of the Jews who controlled the Soviet Union.
They will eventually launch a war - they are laying the groundwork already.
Started personal boycott of Fox yesterday when they started bleating "it's proof of collusion" just like their sister station CNN
Never did never will trust Murdoch slime
Fuck matt drudge too. His site is useless now too
>Implying I can't read back like two paragraphys on the bolshies in 1917. This will be obvious, and it's easy to redpill on it. When things get hot, I won't care. They're absolutely fugged if they think they can just rinse and repeat.
Un fucking believable, right?
The only things anyone needs to get a fair representation of the news of the day are
>Sup Forums
>Trump twitter (+ couple other family and admin related)
>Maybe one not horrible outlet like The Hill twitter feed just to catch things as they happen
Tucker's the only man left on the entire network. Hannity too and those judges, but they're basically retards compared to Tuck.
Still on the network i would watch for something big are:
Watters (all love Trump)
only anchor left remotely bearable is black chick Harris Faulkner
Tucker is tucker. I could take or leave his style and his politics arent really in sync with ours but he has made a lot of dopes look bad so on the whole he's a net positive
Drudge is playing them dumbass. Its not I'm going to do a press conference on the birth certificate then have vets come on stage for a half hour and kiss my ass tier but it will be close.
>If you play alarmist and raise alarm maintaining zombie-tier hypnosis, you win
Fucking what?
>ITT people don't know shit about Drudge headlines.
Oh, you silly kids.
They lost control of them
maybe, just maybe, there's actually something to it this time?
You're right. I don't get it. I'm not in on the joke. What's the fucking joke. Explain it to me.
You'd think a board that's based on satire of satire while satirizing the whole event would 'get it'.
>why do jews hate the russians so much.
fuck off drumpfy
O-oy vey.
Only guessing that the supposition by these dopes is that the idea is to play along sound alarm bells only because you know the big shoe that really incriminates the Dems as essentially carrying out a sting operation against Trump family in order to falsify FISA requests with illegally coordinated entrapment meetings as the basis.
Only guessing. Could definitely do without them playing the "turn on Trump" card so easily and naturally. If thats the case
Drudge knows what he is doing folks, he knows exactly what he is doing
Drudge is a kike. With jews you lose.
Important to understand how delicately ordered the strategy to really whack the Dems for corruption has to be done in. Equally important to make Trump himself seem totally divested from any knowledge of what's going on with regard to new revelations against them. Drudge is smart but hard to pin down allegiance wise
Drudge shows you the ongoing narrative of the press. Watch closely.
>Now they control America and will use it to get back at the Russians. There are other strategic issues at play, but just pure resentment is a big factor.
This so much.
>The Jews who control America are literally the kids and Grandkids of the Jews who controlled the Soviet Union.
Can you name these people? They need to be named.
Look at bill kristol and you can see this.
Trotskyist parents and now he is top of the republican thinktanks
The conclusion: we must advance a means for a power above their own and beyond their reach to come to be.
how does America knock jews out of America?
I missed out, what happened?
I didn't know his parents were Trotskyists. Supposedly Wolf Blitzers parents fled to America during the lolocaust too.
I need some context. What have they done to show their hand?
There's only one way. First, this anti-Semitic climate needs to keep simmering, and then some kind of disaster needs to befall America. Say, an aircraft carrier gets sunk.
Then we will need a scapegoat.
Well one of the most prominent financiers, working for Kuehn & Loeb, was Jacob Schiff, who near singlehandedly maintained Trotsky's safe keeping in NYC and helped to raise what would become large important parts of the Bolshevik revolutionary army
Name sound familiar?
Some hosts at Fox and The Drudge have started getting tired of carrying water for this Amateur-Hour administration.
Get lost dope
These two blithering idiots have been against Trump since the day he and Melania came down that beautiful escalator
Hell, Wallace and Baier were both flanking Miss Megan in shitting up the first GOP primary debate with MMFA talking points put into question format
>implying shrimp and "cornhole" wallace were ever on our side
Every day, Foxnews, CNN, Drudge, MSNBC etc.:
(picrelated from right now)
>A kike and the faggot that fucks Anderson Cooper in his butt-hole.
Color me surprised.
>Name sound familiar?
Hmm.. I'm not very educated on the subject but the name is familiar. Who are his descendants today? Can you elaborate a bit more?
i dont understand why people think drudge has turned...
One of the top Congressional leaders of "The Resistance", old bug eyes, Adam Schiff
Schiffs are Rothschild tier
I fucking hate this kike. Part of why is is that he looks so white, but he's a kike. But also he called Tucker a Russian spy live on air for simply asking him for proof of wild kikey claims re: RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA
Yeah it sucks I can't even watch Fox for more than 5 minutes anymore without them giving credence to Russia bullshit
Fixed that for you
>Why do Jews hate Russians So Much,
The world hates Russia, go drink a potato.
3.10 troll harder newfag.
oh shit! this guy is related to someone who funded Trotsky? There really is a Marxist conspiracy in the West...
Look Up.
you can't
It's no coincidence he represents a corrupt little district encompassing West Hollywood and all of what's known in LA as Little Armenia. Huge portion of his votes are Armenian
Saw this in a comment at Moon of Alabama earlier
" The so-called Jews appear to be Khazars, with a natural linkage to Ukraine. Completing the circle, the conquest of Crimea is said to be a long-term goal of Zionism as another settlement for Zionists, which may account for so much rage now, after Putin snatched it back out of danger at the last minute, and offered what Sheik Imran Hosein calls the first major defeat to Zionism in its more than 100 years of existence."
Not the first time I've read something like this.
>Wallace and Baier
Speaking of them, just after the 11:15 mark: youtube.com
And how can they call it Fox "News"? It's nothing but speculation about Russia (and very limited side items) all day. Can go to the nearest pub and be just as entertained listening to drunk people talking & giggling over each other for hours on end because at least they don't have to stick to scripts.
Because the great empire of TartARYA
The Aryans were real and much closer to us historically than previously imagined.
Take the Fomenko pill fellow anons...
(((Matthew Drudge))) is a homosexual Jew.
"His parents are Reform Jewish Democrats who both worked for the federal government"
"Drudge had a long homosexual relationship with Washington D.C. landscaper, David Cohen."
>(((Fox News)))
Remember it was (((Fox News))) that was the home of Megyn Kelly. Also, (((Fox News))) is full of Jews like (((Chris Wallace))), (((Charles Krauthammer))), (((Bill Kristol))), and many more.
It is going to be fun watching the Jews squirm over the next 4 to 8 years.
Do you know about this?
there's been some top tier research and writing on this, how the neocohens are the same gutless chickenhawk merchant scum as the socialist hebes, and by controlling both sides "sides" they control opinion, what passes for debate and of course both "opposing" "sides" of the red-blue puppet show that masquerades as the post-1913 political system.
>jews run the greens parties
>jews run the dems and use field niggers and quadroons as their muscle
>jews run the repubs
Along comes old fashioned early 1800s style yankee trader Trump and it's action stations - to oppose him and us, not get behind him and kick ass across planet earth.
When they've finished with America, if we don't stop them, they'll have another 300-400 year interregnum where they rewrite history and steal any good bits of the superior people they parasitized.
A tale that goes right back to their origins as semite field niggers in 1200BC.
Holy Russia used to be unshakable in their disdain for Judaism's evil. It was one of the last strongholds of Christendom for a long time. Jews wouldn't stand for that. With the destruction of the Romanov dynasty, brought about by Rothschild operating out of America, that time has passed. Now they are fucked beyond belief and likely never will recover.
These Bolsheviki Jewish demons are not forgotten, nor is the Satanist Stalin who killed his own family under the teachings of Marx's nihilism and desire to bring all of humanity into darkness. Even now, Lenin's body continues to be doted on and preserved, instead of hung out in the streets for Russians to shit on. Lenin and Stalin still are viewed as positive leaders in Russia and revered. This is going on under Putin's leadership, who is a Jew too. Such is the way of Judaism's brainwashing on the poor people of Holy Mother Russia.