>the classified document, called the "Memorandum of Understanding," shows that the NSA has been providing Israeli intelligence agencies with reams of raw intelligence data, such as transcripts, phone records, and digital network information, since 2009
>cnet >not fake news nice try shill. back2reddit with you.
Jonathan Barnes
this is bad, but its not one of the major issues we have with (((GREATEST ALLY))).
Israel offers virtually nothing to us, they are like annoying ticks except for their intelligence. This is sort of a ridiculous point I'm going to make because it 'begs the question,' in a sense.
Israel, along with Saudi Arabia, provide heaps of intel on Middle East states that we just simply could not get ourselves. We are ill equipped and way understaffed to be keeping track of desert pedos. So we exchange intel regularly with them and Saudi Arabia.
Now why i said this 'begs the question' is b/c we don't really need to concern ourselves with Shia goatfuckers. at all. We should expect desert kikes to tell us if anything imminent is coming and that should be the end of it all. instead it's used as a protection racket for themselves. "help we're in imminent danger come bomb these goatfuckers!" good goys.
Jeremiah Lopez
It seems america is a faggot nation. There is absolutely NO LIMIT of how much the jew can push you and bully you around, and you will still do nothing.
They took God from you. The made you gay. They made you trans. They taught you to love seeing another man getting fucked in the ass. They taught your women to be whores. They taught you to kill your babies. They stole your weapons and gave it to your most mortal enemy. They own your money. They own your media. They own your entertainment. They make you got to wars to fight for them. They own your politics. They go to your congress to shame you. They ridicule you. They brainwash you. They poison you. They hide the truth and teach the lie. They read your stuff online. They impede you to stick with your own kind. They give your tech to your rivals...
Second American civil war versus the deep state when?
Nicholas Ramirez
>Jew posting
I don't think I'd like to ever read a post by one of you faggots again. I fucking hate you bum niggers.. Every time I get the sense, even the first spider sense that I'm reading a jew post, I'm going to but a check in my little black book, kike.
Charles Sullivan
Must all unite together to stop the reauthorization of 702 It is the lifeblood of the criminals in Washington Fight and die but do not let them continue to spy on you or you are truly ensuring futile serfdom for all future humanity
Ayden Thompson
why are we funding other countries? We need to stop that shit and fund ourselves.
Cameron Harris
NSA/CIA/MI5 are full of traitors and Israel firsters. How else do you expect the international Jew to gather intelligence on everyone?
Juan Wood
...I thought this was common knowledge
James Hall
>Brazil dropping truthbombs
Julian Sanders
>September 11th 2013
Kill yourself
Carson Ortiz
>jews definitely control USA
Water definitely is wet
Eli Thompson
>nordbot doesn't archive haaretz Is he secretly jewish?
Daniel Cook
It was already fought. You lost.
Adam Hughes
Even based Nordbot called you out on your fake news sources. KILL YOURSELF SHILL.