Ill start:
>greek who posts dead trannies
>spaniard who does his "gommunist genrals XD"
>The pagan who spams varg memes
Ill start:
>greek who posts dead trannies
>spaniard who does his "gommunist genrals XD"
>The pagan who spams varg memes
Obama leaf nigger. How big a piece of shit do you have to be in order to be that recognizable with no tripcode?
the turk dude that comes once in a while and posts ottoman rape pictures. what a fag.
one of obamas sons who always post nudes with black dick that i have to report and he does it in 3-4 at a time so hes double boxing (just a term dont try to be black science man) with phones probably
That American guy with the Sup Forums pass who reports these dumbass threads
>these threads get deleted on Sup Forums
I hate our jannys so much. I hope they reduce their pay
Pedo Turk advocating for pedophilia.
Bootyblasted German guy making those "Slavs are subhumans" threads.
I've seen that fggots videos. No livestock should have to endure that.
>Schizophrenic German
>deer loving German
>NORD"The Archiver"BOT!
>Suburban and Rural retards leaf
>Russian who is obsessed with proving Iberians to be Arabs
>le tru Iberian face guy
>r/asianmasculinity leaf
>t. nigger posters in general all write the same way
>American Anglo who tears into Krauts
>The Irish nationalist who defends Ireland against the accusation of niggardry
>Brazilian Libertarian trap poster