Other urls found in this thread:
>Not open carrying a gun to scare cucks like this away from you.
Should tell him about all the bugs that die and the kids in the sex trafficking
>can't beat up a vegan
How queer are you?
>Fishing is legal
holy fuck, if only he was carrying.
Fish are literally to retarded to feel pain.
Was really hoping they would throw him in the water. With the fishes he loves so much.
You can't hurt fishes. They have low cognitive abilities. They can't "experience" pain. They're basically the vegetables of the sea.
So he'd be in good company.
>Pick up
>Throw shrill creature in river
>Urinate onto shrill creature below
I'd rather scare some insane hippy away than have to go to jail for fighting.
fraudulent and homosexual
He fucked up the fish even more because the fish has a giant hole in its mout now
Low IQ Americans immediately wish to resort to savage violence. How uncouth.
That aside I bet 80% of the people in this thread will say a lot of bullshit but if this happened to them they'd probably cuck out and say they're sorry
we need to have a vegan war now. These people are the absolute worse.
blocks your path
For some reason I couldn't stop lau.ghing when the faggot said he was harrasing the fish, then he looks at the fish with the camera. You could see the fish be like, nigga pls, let me die in peace.
You sure did a 180 nigger.
This makes me ashamed to be plant based.
>mfw I helped a kid catch his first fish the other day.
You're right. I do want to resort to violence. I want to revert back to a primal state and pound you like a savage ape.
I'd explain that slavery was fine, along with denying women the vote, hence destroying his argument. I'd resort to moral relativism, not because I believe it, but because I'd want to see how he would argue in favor of moral objectivity. Obviously he can't do this because he is retarded.
Should be detained, bound and transported to the middle of a jungle in his underwear. See what he plans on eating to survive.
This is why people laugh at them when they claim science has proven man made global warming.
What if his kids bed gets bed bugs?
we literally just had this stupid fucking thread
they're wrong, here's why -
and the archive version for spastic children -
Good luck his house is probably filled with roaches and spiders because
Fish can't even feel pain
aren't bacteria living organisms? What happens if their kid gets a bacteria infection? Do they just let the kid suffer?
>tfw you compare a human child to a fish flopping around
truly enlightened argumentation skills
where does this shit happen at? is this like a government psyop? to have people constantly looking over there shoulders for roving random gangs of lunatic progressives?
Should've stomped the ever loving fuck out of that fish right in front of them.
stop linking this video, don't give them the attention that they so desperately crave
*Bang* *bang* *Bang* *Bang* *bang*..........*bang*
soy boys need to get bopped. dude was completely out of pocket.
>fish feel love!
No buddy, that's lust. What they feeling is LUST.
Nice berreta
>Woman cop.
Why is this allowed again?
>tfw you throw a dead fish back into the water to let rot away having served no purpose in its life rather than for it to be consumed
my own theory is that scaley fish are basically unfeeling mouth+asshole+instinct creatures, but soft fish like catfish have capacity for intelligence
i base this solely off of bullshit
fuck off she's handling it well.
>what if this was a dog?
>what if this was a cat?
>what if this was a human child?
That's right, pal. Just imagine if that fish was something else.
>dude you've got a low iq if a random stranger gets in your face and starts screaming and your first instinct is to resort to physical violence
>then if they did and you dont hit them youre a total pussy
I want her to handle me well
>Low IQ Americans immediately wish to resort to savage violence. How uncouth
Pic and timestamp to make sure you're white and not some aids infested nigger
Oh fuck, they're from FLORIDA.
>t. Califag or Jew Yorker
>all animals can feel pain and love and emoshons equally
literally false. they're neurologically incapable of feeling pain the same way humans do
faggots like this need to be exterminated
have u ever had issues with your trigger spring assembly...i'm...uh...asking for a friend
Fish don't feel pain or fear.
If you're gonna put in the effort to be vegan, why not put in the effort to actually learn something.
Oof this wouldn't happen to be a slide thread would it?
Vegan has a point. Whats hes doing to that fish? You cant eat that fish after its dead in the sun on the ground. Hes just torturing that fish.
>tfw a beautiful cast at a vegan and you manage to hook him in the face, with your quick jerks on the pole translating into the ripping hook tearing across his paniced face
So the cop let him go?
The fuck?
When he got in my face I wouldve laid him out cold and said I felt threatened. Video evidence wouldve backed that up. Well at least in my state where I have the right to do that.
Fuck you. Do you really want these nutbags in Florida?
>comments disabled to everyone
When you completely block out the opinions of everyone that's when you're in the wrong
Cumming wildly in water and it happens to land on eggs. Not even lust
Mike and Kayla Leaming
1 min in. does the vegan save the fish?
or does he stand there and let it die?
He had bigger fish to fry
>Talks about garden of eden
>Jesus fed people fish
He saves the fish in pure autistic splendor.
The second video is him debating with the cops.
I'd blow smoke in his face and then flick it at him.
what's funny about vegans who talk about animal suffering, is that there is evidence which suggests plants feel pain.
They basically doxed themselves.
I've never had a single issue with the 92fs,it's never malfunctioned either, and All I shoot is steel case.
Is this dude trying to get brownie points from hippie pussy?
This is the equivalent of a attacking a McDonald's cashier instead of the CEO. mass overfishing and maritime pollution but you know- attack the two guys with a permit by the lake...
He said he sent someone to get a bucket of water. He was planning on eating it.
>animal activist starts lecturing u about how fishing is animal abuse
>i dont keep wat i catch it's just relaxing
>animals are peeple 2
>i am interested in what u have 2 say; lets go get a hamburger to discuss your interesting theories
>activist has anuresym
Holy shit there other video is even more autistic. I would have killed myself if these were my family activities
This is why you should club your catch as soon as it comes out of the water.
Why are they fishing in a city park anyways? Don't they have a lake or river to go to?
can liberals make a point without sperging or chanting?
If I was one of the fishermen I would've stomped savagely on the fishes head just to watch him react
Mail him dead animals desu senpai
>that shirt
women couldn't vote
black people used to be slaves
so he just compared fish to women and blacks?
Vegan antifa come verbally attack this Tiger for killing:
i gotchu f.a.m
if this is true then I hope all vegans fucking implode
>Is this dude trying to get brownie points from hippie pussy?
It's not "hippie pussy" it's "I have an eating disorder, but I call it veganism" pussy.
Wait but tilapia are an invasive species where that video was taken I think. Youre encouraged to catch them why is the vegan yelling.
Flood their videos with fish recipes
>comments disabled
DESU i feel bad for that fish :(
Muh nigga
World Staaaaaa-
Oh wait, they're white.
It's often invasive as fuck. They breed like crazy, and can live in shit ass water, in high density, often turning otherwise habitable water into literal cesspools. You HAVE to fish these things out in many cases.
I dont care what that rural retard said he was going to do. You hook the fish between the gill and mouth on a lead and leave them in the pond or get a bucket of water right after you reel em in to hold them fresh. Guy would take that rotted fish home and discard it since its inedible dying like that.
carlos! you fucking beaner!
that is fucked up to just leave the fucking fish there to die.
humane way would to just stick a knife into its brain.... boom, over.
These fuckers are just Americanized bullshit. This is they type of shit you don't see in poor countries when fishing and hunting is all people have to survive with.
ONLY in America!
This is pure communist Marxism.
I am being serious.
I love fishing as much as the next guy, but who the fuck just leaves it to flop around and die slowly? I just give them a good wack on the head with a club and get it over with.
Michael Leaming ~31
Saint Cloud, FL
(801) 878-4981