Why does Sup Forums look up to normies?
Why does Sup Forums look up to normies?
Most of Sup Forums are crypto-normies. This board is lost. Let's go back to r9k.
Boy needs leg day. The girl looks like she could out squat him
Because Sup Forums are children and this is what chjldren do.
They look up to adults
OP pic is of children, btw
It's fine, he's an MMA fighter, neither you or her are out squating him.
This board is FOR normies. It's those damn weeaboos who fuck this place up!
>those fucking pants
>looks like he's been shit faced for three days straight
Most of these types of people are absolutely disgusting a-political types of center-left, and they lead extremely degenerate lifestyles.
Usually ends up with them having 1-2 divorces by the age of 45 and big child-support checks and a bunch of other dysfunctional shit. These types are very hedonistic, and literally the downfall of society.
Remember, very few major figures in history were "normies".
Decent b8 Sven. You'll ensnare a good deal of summerfags/newfags with this. You guys as a whole are quickly catching up with the strayans. I look at this as a positive step. Away from gender neutral syntax and social bewilderment, and closer to an honest shit posting career.
Keep yer eye on the ball kiddo. You'll go far here.
Getting tattoos is the most degenerate thing you can do
Thank God this look was not around for men when I was dating....