Being Redpilled

>be me
>finished highschool a year ago
>passes all my ap exams
>took a gap year off to get in better shape for the military
>been obese most or my adolscent life
>finally shed off the pounds
>not ripped or anything but not fat anymore
>been using this sight for 3 years
>never touch pol
>heard its filled with "nazis" and that its a containment board
>browse pol
>find the greatest story never told
>begins to question whether hitler was really bad or not
>I fight with my leftist biaes against the man
>I finally get it
>Hitler was right
>the jews fucking rule the world
>still unsure
>goes back to pol for confermation
>gets redpilled over the election fully
>now a soon to be soldier by day
>a member of the alt-right by night
>wonders what to do to save my race
>relizes all the evil against him
>hitler knew that, but he took that chance anyways I say to myself
>but he lossed
>only mistake he ever made
>vow to win for hitlers honer
>seig heil
>das vult
>Das End



>says he's redpilled
>still presumably joining the ZOG military

Don't worry sweety you have it all figured out


"let's be edgy and use anti-kike memes, but actually spread intl jewry and high taxes!"

Came here to post this.

greatness only manifests in those that want to be great.op it will take me and you and countless numbers to turn the tide we need to vocalise.look at rockwell it need not a handfull but a brotherhood it takes one to convert a gathering it takes a gathering to covert a nation do not stop not never the communists can never win.

>all dem typos
I guess AP English wasn't in your curriculum?


Only got 3s on AP English. Its the internet, do I have to care?

>>seig heil
>>das vult
>>Das End
>when you don't realize that Hitler tried to unite Germany under Christianity yet could not overcome the rebellious, subjective, inherent disarray of Lutheranism and the Protestant system so he turned to Germanic paganism.

Congratulations on a post with no spelling errors
>do i have to care
spoken like a true champion of the white race, thanks for making us look bad

You should always give 100% to everything you do.

Did not put much effort into the class because I hated the teacher. I know it is not an excuse but I hate liberal propaganda.

As do I. But you gotta play the game, especially at uni.

>Soon to be soldier
You're cannon fodder for the Zionist war machine, also alt right is kike trash, just become a national socialist.

epic and do us a favor and kill yourself

>Spread international Jewry

No surprise a libergtarianism, an ideology full of Jews, is fine with it.

How do you even get into AP english with abhorrent spelling like that?

Got you.