I'm getting really tired of this shit.
I'm getting really tired of this shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
Gas, lots of fucking gas
Cultural domination
Make reproducing the "new" virtue-signaling
All we need is low energy prices.
Oh no, LGBT people scare me, please make the scary gays go away because it triggers my feelings and violates my widdle snowfwake safe space!
Aw, you precious little bitch; (bless his heart, i think he has a case of mental retardation).
Come here you.
a large flow of electrons
Eat shit you faggot, you parasites cant reproduce so you molest and break healthy children. Every fag should be gassed.
Fix Conversion Therapy so it's appealing to normies.
Gas the liberal ones.
Leave the others to me.
put it back in the closet and leave it on the fringe of society. expect people to have families and wives. but maybe as a condolence not be so stringent about sex and maybe allow people to do their thing as long as long as it doesnt interrupt the the family. i.e. wife can go have lesbian sex once a month or something in secret and not worry about but not be open about it.
>Western society
With a mp40
Involve China. China just made any media display of homosexuality illegal. As China is the world's largest market for films, Hollywood and TV dramas are going to have to decide whether they value Social Justice over cold hard sheckels.
Also, China is buying up more direct control of Hollywood through stock purchases. It won't be long before they can claim "Hollywood and media in general needs more diversity...too many Jews in management."
But would it be an improvement? Wouldn't the Chinese want to pull America down so as to improve their own position?
>letting fags have kids
>making them go unnoticed in society
Fucking genius plan m8. No way it will backfire.
Jews blame White people for everything. Would be funny if the Chinese jewed them out of everything.
I don't create slide threads.
These faggots are wicked people and I've had enough.
We need answers.
They continue to reject God.
>thinking you can fix faggots
They are all pedos and they all need to die
Castor oil
More specifically, have every faggot say the Muslim creed, renounce it, and send that list to your local mosque.
>Not knowing the difference between gay people and faggots
Srsly there is a path to decency which is not an expressway back to 1952 you regressive idiots. You are literally bitching about the result of an overreaction and proposing another overreaction to fix it. Break the oscillation between extremes. Break the cycle. Choose sanity.
Mental retardation? Are you kidding me?
Your whole fucking movement is about embracing a sexuality that inhibits a race to reproduce. Do you see male monkeys and pigs fucking eachother because they were inherently born that way? Mentally programmed to stick their dick into a festering, bacteria growing petri dish of a human orifice?
We are programmed to reproduce, anything other than reproducing in a heterosexual relationship or enjoying sexual activities in a heterosexual relationship is wrong, purely by natures standard.
Homosexuals and other unnatural scum that modify their body to adhere to a unnatural practice need to either stop, get help to stop or stay away from any humans that are still developing.
1952 wasn't harsh enough.
Faggots cannot be fixed, they cannot be saved, and they are all pedos. Capital punishment is the only solution. God did it right with sodom and gahmora
Late & forgetting to change the name field
They reject God fundamentally, but most gays aren't wicked(cruel/violent). Many don't even support the gay agenda that gets pushed by the media... They're getting used as tools like immigrants and nigs before them.
You do realize that all the faux nazi homophobia was just a meme to keep annoying easily offended liberals off Sup Forums. Then you normies got on here and you are so stupid you actually believed the memes.
Video basically shows that gays experiment with consensual sex slightly younger than straights. Video producer then concludes, all gays are child molesters. Confirmation biased moron.
>faux nazi homophobia
I don't think you know where the fuck you are.
with fire
Why do you feel the need to fix other people, OP?
Since they cant stay down. 3% minority leaking into everything and attention whoring.
I bet no one would have problem with LBGWTFBBQs if they werent such attention whores.
Yes fucking 3% but general public currently things they are over 20% due to media coverage .
Can you start with me daddy Pence?
Freud was a fraud and is largely part of the reason we're in this mess.
Shut up you fucking faggot. Jordan Peterson is a basic bitch philosophy 101 pleb too.
Hating faggots is not a "meme idea".
I'm not down with Freud, honestly.
His boy Jung, though...
Meh. I'm okay with homosexuals and some traps are cute, but the parade stuff is a little much. Kind of isn't helping.
Mike Pence have the right idea
Also the video shows them admitting they are pedos. Stop lying.
It is so obvious when homosexuals on this board try to defend homosexuality. They will lie and say ANYTHING
Join us on /christian/ discord and chan. God Bless!
>Social Darwinism
Pick one.
Also, all are technically equal before Christ and God, but only those who willingly and openly recuse of their sins and repent before God. The sodomites and heathens that infest the West do neither. Fire is the only way for them to repent. Fire and Steel.
You are mostly correct.
>God did it right with sodom and gahmora
>be omnipotent all-knowing being
>make your creations flawed
>damn them to eternal torment for being as you designed them to be
>also cut off your foreskin because reasons
>law of moses
>all aqual in christ
Jezz, i wonder who could be behind this post.
Dude if you like traps then you're a homosexual. No way around that.
>scare me
You Homos are one of the most disgusting beings once you look up data and statistics. It's not cute or natural according unlike what the (((media))) portrays. Homosexuality is only built around sex and hyper pleasure, not marriage, love or reproduction. STDS and pedophile is rampant in your community. Degeneracy to the max.
>Templar flag
You should know this
No, it's just that you're a degenerate
That's why gay stuff in movies is always just side things: so they can be cut out with zero repercussions to the story. And Chinese TV tends to be very insular and domestic-focused.
If I had a bf I'd probably just rub dicks with him. That's technically not sodomy, right? You guys can't kill me for that.
Romans 1:26-32
>6 million
literally ignore them
Kill them
But the Bible explicitly states that you're only allowed to kill gays if they commit sodomy. The ones mentioned in that verse were punished by God, not man. Also "shameful acts" isn't specified.
Is that a part of the "Don't like it, don't look" procedure?
>because reasons
he doesnt know
I mean it. Their movement thrives solely on attention. If you dont give it to them, they arent being acknowledged. Thats the point of it all. Of course, the fact that we tried to ignore it is why they are trying to throw it into our faces over and over.
But keep ignoring them. Nod, say "ok", and go back to your daily business. If everyone did this, 99% of the time, the gays will either trip over themselves, shut up, or do something radical that will make them terrorists. We win in all situations. Be like ghandi and let them make their own deaths.
You're so full of shit.
Good people have been staying quiet and now we have this level of unacceptable degeneracy in our streets.
>Dude if you like traps then you're a homosexual. No way around that.
I don't generally care about what I am or not and neither should you? I have a strange list of sexual preferences that I would have a hard time quantifying with general words. Like. I'd be fine with a 26-gendered tentacle monster from Venus as long as they liked taking walks with nature and were a good conversationalist. I'm down with that, too. I don't know if there's a phrase for that.
Insult them and post stuff that triggers them until they go.
I went to a pride parade for the first time the other day and it was so full of love!
OP why do you want to stop the flow of love and happiness in this world?
Wake up call for all the sissy boys ITT
There is literally nothing wrong with being gay
Thanks but out 90% is bs. the rest is statistics
>tfw australia considers being gay a health risk