This is what porn is doing to men in the west
This is what porn is doing to men in the west
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Quitting porn made me quit videogames. Now I just go outside and maybe sometimes play a bit of Dwarf Fortress in the evening before bed.
It's nice.
That sounds horrible desu.
The ultimate is to feminize yourself completely, completely give in and become a sissy slut, but do not take hormones or ever entertain the notion that you're somehow a woman. But you must have a very, very intact identity to do this and not fall down the rabbit hole.
Nice work bro, wanna greentext the process of how quitting porn lead you to also quitting video games?
Why would anyone want to do this?
But why?
>On vacation at gramps place.
>Cant wank for a week.
>Spend all day cooking boar or fucking around in his garden to pass the time and not think about wanking.
>Eventually go home to small apartment.
>Same mindset, go outside to pass the time instead of locking myself indoors with dota.
Good stuff bro, you figured it out. Keep it up. Seriously.
Look at those veiny ass arms
If you were already called a pretty boy your whole life, it's sort of an underlying desire. To not be the one making decisions, to turn the mind off and just focus on what's pretty and shiny. You can see how dangerous this is for the mind. I wouldn't bring it up if I didn't know for a fact that tons of guys are going this route anyway. Trading everything for the pretty and shiny. But my point is that if you knew who you were before, you will come out on the other end with a sort of insider knowledge. Not that that's why I originally did it. I did it because I'm a pretty boy. But I saw quickly how fast it was changing me and I became aware very quick.
>not fall down the rabbit hole
But what if I want to dress up as the OP pic?
If only it were that simple...
You're confusing porn for media pushing cultural Marxism user.
Porn sites are promoting miscegenation, cuckholdry, homosexuality, incest etc... Literally have never witnessed tranny porn outside of /pol
Are you gay? I know this is pol, but I'm curious. I don't relate to what you're saying at all but I would like to hear more about your realisation with this.
Uhh you do it. As much as you want. I sucked a guy's dick last night in this position. It was so hot. He fucked my face for an hour straight, and I didn't say a word. Do you think my mind was on at that point? Uhh, no.
But my mind is back on now. It is like getting engrossed in a video game or a hobby, but a whole lot more engaging, considering how it is intimately connected to humanity, emotion, pleasure and pain, your vital energy as a man.
For some men, becoming feminine is the most masculine thing they can do. Those know who they are, and they must be very careful or they will just become another flaming faggot bimbo. Who will have a lot of fun, but will just be a plague on society.
Lmao, look at this homo, I bet you kiss girls too, fagget
A few years ago I had 1% gay thoughts, now I have 99% gay thoughts. I can't say where I will be again in a few more years.
Everyone has their methods. For me quitting cold turkey is just better, but I bet it works for people even if they don't know it yet.
You'll be dead in a few more years like most traps, Kiked piece of shit.
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Most of these trannies are starting when they're kids. Blame their SJW parents forcing this shit on them.
Nothing is wrong with being trans. My entire crew is trans.
Everything is wrong with being a bigot, you cis scum white male fascist fuckwits.
My Xbox crew:
Kaze Djinn
MeGusta Tu Toto
Yo Boi Randy
p0tat0 salad69
I don't mean any offence but are you perhaps on the narcissistic side? I know a few gay guys who are definitely on the sociopathic side and its not that they aren't into girls (they are)... they just like fucking dudes because they claim its easier than dealing with going through the motions with women to get some pussy
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Hate me more, I love it.
Go to nhentai, it's everywhere. Freehand Tamashii posts the hottest stuff.
>Canadian Based
>People actually think it's the Jews and not our depraved Postnational Country trying to destroy the fabric of western culture
>Yo Boi Randy
Oh no, anything but Randy smalltits
They claim that. I don't believe most things people say much less gay guys.
Let's be honest, the current culture in the west is totally to blame for this.
Fact: 80% of a male life is shit, we always have to prove, we always have to fight, we always have to be the one to make the move, we rarely get compliments and the majority of the time we have to suffer because of our pride.
Fact: When a women is at work for example and is acting distant, a swan of men and women will comfort her, say is she OK and offer the world, men just suffer in silence because no one couldn't give a flying fuck, if anything get talked about and usually in a negative way.
Fact: Western life and laws is now tailored towards women, men are always wrong even if they are right, they feel alone and neglected, pissed off and hostile to this fucking world of women rights, gay rights, transgender rights and fucking immigrant rights, the white western male is a object of disgust and ridicule.
Men who lose confidence in themselves then start doing degenerate shit like this because being a sissy slut, CD etc to a dirty old hairy man is easy to stimulate a generic sexual desire.
When you feel worthless and degenerate, you'll act it.
Become a MGTOW, Grab hookers, lay of the internet porn, get a fucking hobby, start soldering, wiring, learn to use a multimeter, fucking buy a shitty broken car and fix it, increase those testosterone levels and reclaim what's rightfully yours.
I'm straight, but I get off on the idea of being turned gay. I just can't find dick or men even remotely attractive. I just fap to pictures of naked women with captions calling me gay. What the fuck has porn done to me.
How has that cover not wound up on a thrash record. That image is metal as a motherfucker.
Haha dude I don't know why you have the fetishes that you do. But quitting looking at porn is always, always a good thing.
Porn is making 0.003% of the population into trannies?
Pretty sure they just have mental problems.
I think I can speak for most of us when I say that posts like this help to make us switch off our minds and embrace femininity and bimbofication. I'd wager at least half of the guys reading this thread are now in the process of ordering their first make up and dresses/lingerie and high heels in order to be as attractive to baby boomer men as possible, with submissive demeanours to boot.
Well they will learn soon how quickly their minds will mold. That educated stupid, literally retarded mindset you see going up against Tucker Carlson every night? This is your one way ticket to having that mind. And if you aren't careful, it's going to bring a world of shit into your life. It will become a highway to hell.
This is pretty hot. The idea of dressing up and kneeling in front of a guy turns me on like crazy, but so far I've not had the guts to try it
Maybe theory is better than reality
I really hope you die soon
I know. It's absolutely wonderful isn't it? That absolute regression ans degradation of a human male mind, seeing its dreams of a real relationship with a girl crumble and descend into shallowness and a complete lack of actual thought and real confidence. It excites me.
Why do you think you find that hot? Are you an agreeable man? Were you submissive growing up?
If it's driving you crazy, maybe you need to stop watching porn and get your mind focused on other sensual pleasures that you forgot about.
When you stop looking at porn, and tone down your masturbation to a couple times a week or something like that, the change is black and white. It's like you're fucking high. Every time you cum more than is natural, the food you eat gets more bland, the shits you take get less satisfying. Life is an order of magnitude worse when you sap your energy, and it kills confidence too.
That doesn't mean you can't get on your knees. But it shouldn't be your primary desire. Some years ago, it was mine, and it was a very dark time in my life. I had sex with over a hundred strangers in less than two years. It's a wonder I don't have AIDS. I was in very seedy places. It happened because I combined my fucked up libido with my natural submissive desires. Correct your libido and you can have your submissive self. If you don't, you will think you are walking up a stairway to heaven ( in heels no less ), but you will be crawling down to meet the devil.
>not taking the hormones
What's the fucking point then? Don't get SRS though that shit fucks up your life
Considering your argument. I need more information, please. If I continue watching porn and feminizing, will I get that Alice in Wonderland dress and white stockings as a bonus?
Even most of the trannies I talk to say srs is a fucking horrible idea.
Trans are fine without SRS. Chances are, if a person doesn't like or approve of transexuals without SRS, they won't like transexuals with SRS.
Im on nofap right now
hentai is good tho rite
porn makes them take pics like this and get addicted to asian Feet
Stop jerking off will help you socialize & talk to women better.
You'll also go outside because you get bored being all pent up & sitting still.
Stop. Jerking. Off
Worst fetish
porn turns you into a transgender!
Thanks user, I'll think about your words. I guess I'll get that cock one day, but there are certainly more important things in life
>Were you submissive growing up?
Yeah definitely. Perhaps the sort of porn you're talking about in this thread preys upon people like me, but it doesn't create people like me
>play a bit of Dwarf Fortress
>a bit
her face is disgusting
Yeah it preys on men like you. I don't literally believe porn is making random men go out and become trannies.
>Literal eggman face
A bigger problem that porn is causing for men in the West is that it's promoting cuckoldry. I'm talking porn in general, not just cuck porn. It's like this:
>Man finds some pornstar he finds desirable
>Fantasizes about being in a sexual relationship with her
>Finds a video of said woman
>In the video, the object of his desire fucking some random other person as he jerks it to her getting off
It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that Western men end up dabbling in cuck porn and then cuckoldry in real life. It's a natural progression if you think about it.
Watching porn is training your brain to be a cuck.
porn and Sup Forums made me quit videogames
where are the posts about trannies regretting conversion
It is that simple
This stuff... Does that even count as porn? No one's even naked.
damn that's hot
Bumping this
I had to drop my desktop at my parent's appartment to stop playing dota 2, I played video games during 15 years and outside of Wow (which I eventually got bored of) I never encountered something as addicting as MOBA, it's purely designed to hook you, it's cocaine on a screen.
>tfw trying to quit porn for past three years
The furthest I've ever gotten is only 22 days, I just want to break these chains.
For what it's worth. Last week I prayed really hard to not turn back into porn.
I know porn is a poison. The funny thing is that I once made a 600+days streak on nofap. I'm not lying, it's one of the few things that I can tell myself I did better than 99% of the people who tried.
It was a few years ago and slowly I got back to porn when stressed out. I restart my nofap counter, and this time I'm adding prayer. I can tell it made a difference. Stay stronger brothers!
Kind of funny.
>be men
>have all kinds of rights over women
>be women
>fight for all kinds of rights to equal or exceed men
>man becomes woman
Getting into drone racing has made me almost totally stop playing video games. I've made a lot of new friends in the hobby and it gets me outside for many hours a week. I also have been exploring my local area finding secluded places to fly where I don't bother people (powerful drones are really loud).
It's like playing a video game but in real life and outdoors. Racing is only part of the hobby. Just flying for fun and exploring places from the air or working on stunts is also a blast.
Not my video
Hahahhahaahah ok :3333
My goal is to go at least a week without masturbating every time and I tried it once. Every day I got more and more horny until about day 5 and my libido dropped off fast. I was scared my testosterone was dropping or something so I just jacked it to get back to normal.
Its easier if you avoid Sup Forums as its a breeding ground for degeneracy
It's normal, after a few weeks you get the same kind of drop. It's normal and you should persevere.
Reminder: when you don't perturb a system, it eventually goes back to normal, but to do that it goes through different phases, keep calm and continue nofapping.