We found THE missing emails GET THE FUCK IN! CLITLER IS GOING DOWN!!! mega.nz
28,882 Never before seen Clinton emails
Other urls found in this thread:
Are these actually new or the old ones?
Did you now
Just read through them, nothing here. Sleepy and shit. Yawn.
Dated 2016
Enjoy the virus
Your read 28,882 emails in 2 minutes?
Obvious shill is very obvious
they look fabricated, the hashes don't match
>not posting jpg of email for proof
bump for interest
Join this discord to help out! (fill in the blanks yourself it keeps flagging this as spam) discord:/gVFANQ
Discord is operated by the CIA
IRC or bust
These are new ones
Delete your system32 folder afterwards and you'll be fine.
Bump for interest. Someone good at cyber click that shit.
you can't just bring back deleted emails. in fact, those emails most likely never existed! do not read!
So what's inside those emails?
Post screencap OP or die in a fire.
ok, i can confirm that the emails are fake, not a single one has proper hashes, and if you look at the modification dates, they've been recently modified from a real batch
Get the fuck out shill
Screen cap proofs or else you're a shill.
This is funny on at least three levels.
That shit sounded scripted like you're trying way to hard shill
Why don't you check it out for yourself then.
Be sure to leave screencaps of whatever you find.
Not sure if I can trust a file called Clitler
You replied to this within two minutes. I seriously doubt that you looked at them. This is why Sup Forums has been ruined by shills.
Numbers wants proofs.
What are you afraid of?
Fuck off you daft cunt. You looked at all 28,000 already?
Eat shit trator.
You'll all die in the revolution.
These emails were released by a twitter account called whiterabbit last week.
Nobody posted any articles or that he had any damming info after over a week of massive amounts of traffic and downloads to this leak / hack
I'm hoping there's more but someone would have pulled the smoking gun by now
I'm not set up for cyber. I ain't clicking that shit.
this, fuck the discord shills
either use IRC or gtfo
We're here to support user
as soon as I noticed redactions sifting through them seemed pointless.
I see a common tactic of shills trying to psyop yawning in late-night threads
Oh that guy. Apparently turned on George Webb. Became buddies with Defango. Never trusted that guy though.
They can't be that embarrassing surely? Bet half of them are larping retards pretending to be psyop.
Here's for all you guys wanting a screenshot (sorry, we're doing a lot right now and we don't have a very big team)
>>that flag affiliation
Checks out guys.
Ok have fun looking through them.
I'm going to get some shut-eye. It's going to be a nothingburger anyway. When I wake up I'll check the thread to say I told you so.
That's from 2015
Dumb shill
WHAT THE ACTUAL. It's fucking real, guys.
>new emails
>parts are redacted
>being this stupid and not realizing redacted = FIOA = not new
Sage this shill shit, these were just pdf file of already released emails
For a real hack, recent (leaked yesterday) related to clinton foundation that is not yet been carefully gone through, get in here
Dude, you're a retard. These are just the emails from the first Wikileaks dump - the ones released by the State Department. These aren't the missing emails.
Did you get this from whiterabbit? Should have read his twitter feed. Jackass was already told in there that these were the old ones from State.
Kek, I'm sorry. I just opened the first PDF I saw.
another big nothing burger
Motherfuckers I knew it! But what exactly did that Western lowland gorilla have on her?
Nothing's redacted. This is from whiterabbit. These shills are full of shit, and they're the reason we're spreading them.
RIP Harambe
It's a trap.
I actually do not give a shit.
No one will go to jail on either side they are both just swinging shit to keep us citizens busy.
I was just making a point that it was a shill
Give them to Wikileaks, then. Clinton's server was DKIM-enabled, so if the emails are (1) the missing ones and (2) legit, then Wikileaks can confirm and publish.
Much better than trying to dump it here.
And before I click on anything, I want to see a screencap of something I can't find in the Wikileaks archive, or I'm not touching it.
^Literally this^
Its a copy pasta from some CIA nigger after their zero days got leaked.
Link please
Why are you posting them on Sup Forums while the autists are asleep? When the thread expires and the people who saw this thread forget about it, you and your team will already be dead of helium-suicide. Submit them to Wikileaks
Oh well, my statement in still stands, bar the last line now
Alright, let me say that I have not looked into these. The guys in the discord server I'm in just got really hyped up about it and wanted me to spread it everywhere.
It goes deeeeeep
This is from rabbit's own twitter feed. He tweeted this. They're fucking redacted . . . ergo, released by State.
Thank you GRU! Hillary is finished
Alright, we'll try and fix this. We just got our hands on this and we probably should have prepare for this better. Sorry :/
Whatever, I honestly think shits about to "get real" and humanity is about to crash.
So I am focusing on that.
Only thing I can think is that, these were the in the folder that the Russians supposedly slipped to Don Jr.?
>May 10 GOP opp Looking for Hillary's Email Suicides
> June 3 Don Jr Email Chain
> June 9th Trump Jr is slid guccifer2.0 by Fusion GPS/Russian Lawyer/Publicist/Still yet to be named?/?/?
> June 15th 1st post guccifer2.wordpress.com
> July 10 his name was Seth Ritch
> July 22nd DNC LEAKS
> July 27th Trump to the Russians: If you're listening, I hope you find Hillary Clinton's missing emails youtube.com
> August Roger Stone, states Wikileaks has an October Surprise
> September 7dc58-ngp-van.7z ) 1st drops on Webb.. (AKA Who Spoofed the Seth Rich Files?
> October 4 Drip Drip Drip twitter.com
> October 19 wikileaks post Premise Data Corporation /w Clinton photo twitter.com
> October wikileaks releases the Emails w/ Todd and Clare twitter.com
> OCT 30 Phase 3 twitter.com
>Nov 8th Pic Related
Just searched a few random emails from this, they all seem to be already leaked by wikileaks.
Show me the emails you looked through, please.
More fake hacker LARPing. Wikileaks or gtfo faggot.
>not being a speed reader
Nice try Trump shill.
You're clearly trying to distract from the real story about Trump and Russia. You losers have been storming this place for months.
Yep. When I see the yawners and sleepie heads - I pay *extra* attention...
Thanks. Like the internet cares you're sleepy.
Here, have a Hillary _ sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite.
In fact, you can sleep with fishes _ many of Hillary's best people sleep 6ft under.
Why don't you join them?
Now that's a clever psy ops with a twist _ a shill calling out another shill.
The psych is getting cute!
Ain't it the truth.
So much suicide _ HRC is like Ebola.
In fact..... More people have died of Clinton than have died of Ebola ..... Bill and Hill are an epidemic of death!
Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia
24/7 365+ days .....
*What* was in the emails?
*what* is Podesta talking about with "pizza-related" maps on a *handkerchief*
But yeah....
Again, Join this discord to help out! We need help to sift through it and fact check it. (fill in the blanks yourself it keeps flagging this as spam) discord:/gVFANQ
Kek, good to see some non-shills in here!
Was beginning to think it was just shill talking to shill...
Or me talking to ..... Well no one !
Now that's a smoking gun.... Right there...
"Paramilitary"..... Why, that'd be ISUS ....
One day, maybe, the American people will understand what was done under the banner of their so-called "national interests".... Hopefully there will still be enough good people to care .....
My team is confused as to the purpose of the message. Can you put some context behind it?
Get a paramilitary force
Funded by Saudi and Qatar
Destroy Syria
Israel "security"
ISIS = US + Israel
What is it dude ~ I can't read that shit....
Cliff notes ... ?
I see this stuff posted all the time, where is proof these guys are who you say they are? all muds look the same, there's like three variations of them
Those were old email you fucking spastic
Alrighty, thanks for the info and clarification!
r/thedonald is censoring this info. Or were you referring to the emails? We're still looking into them if so. The purpose of posting these is to get help with digging.
There's. big wide internet where 1hr or less of research beyond the mind-Kontrolled US media provides unequivocal evidence of who these guys are..... Why McCain was meeting with them and the objective of funding and controlling ISIS.
If you are genuine in your interest to "prove to yourself" that these dudes are ISIS and MCCain was meeting with them in 2012... I can give you links...
This pic is of al Zinki "moderate" terrorists.
They are about to cut the head of this Palestinian boy..... It's on you tube.
The week after they beheaded this boy, they were on CNN as "heros" _ known as White Helmets.
The joke was on the gullible public - people swallow the White Helmet bullshit.
It's diabolical and evil....
If you really want to "red pill" yourself..... You can... The internet is full of verified authenticated evidence of what is happening beyond the controlled narrative fed to America
Referring to the_donald censorship.
Not following what that pic is supposed to show.
What are they censoring?
I know the people in that pic are involved in ISIS shit, it's the other pic i'm more interested in. I'd be happy to read any links you can provide donkeybro