Why are faggot millennials so obsessed with traveling?

Why are faggot millennials so obsessed with traveling?

I've traveled to multiple countries with different groups of people, and quite honestly I got depressed every time after the first day.

It was depressing seeing what a shithole the country was.

It was depressing to see that behind the smiling faces, they simply just wanted your money

It was depressing to be on a plane for 8+ hours cramped with people that didn't want to talk to you

It was depressing to know you weren't welcome in some parts

It was depressing seeing my dumbass friends do stupid things, and were somehow able to forget the world around them for 2 weeks.

It was depressing seeing people living in abject poverty and just accepting that and not improving themselves or their lives. They had the look of defeat on them, yet were in some sort of blissful ignorance, and I'm supposed to look up to that?

Traveling is the most blue pilled thing you could do. I would not recommend it unless you are a braindead drone.

If you want a dose of multiculturalism, just go to a major city and talk to the working class people there from around the world. They speak English and aren't lazy bums and will give you the real story on why they left their shithole and what the current reality of their world is. This is probably what Trump did and why he's so successful and understands the world better than your average yoloswag millennial whose traveled to 10 different countries yet still think Bernie Sanders is the messiah and free college education is the key to America's success.

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Have you tried killing yourself?

You sound like one of those teen girls on a stupid mtv show that think its like so like sad that some people domt have a pool and a bmw.

It's easier to travel than have a real functional household.

Europe was nice before the rapefugees took over.

its a narcissistic ego thing, sorta like "look at this amazing adventure I had"

It pollutes tbe atmosphere,millenifags travelling 1000s of airmiles to stare at poor wogs.

I'm pretty redpilled and I like to travel because it allows me to take a fucking break from my fucking job and I can relax and let go a bit. Not to mention I love interacting with the locals, especially the women.
Here's a bit of advice
>reee people don't want to talk to me in flights
Learn flight etiquette jackass
>reee 8+ hour flights
I can agree with that, THEY FUCKING SUCK, but again, do research on what airline is the best to take to go to your destination, and maybe try putting in a bit more money for premium economy, airlines like Emirates and Etihad have great seats
>reee people ripped me off
Do some homework about the country you're visiting, and talk to locals about any "no go zones", also, don't be like a nigger and show off your wealth if your're in LatAm or any major city
>reee I hate seeing poverty
then don't go to third world shitholes, instead go to first world countries like Singapore, Japan, Spain, Switzerland or some Caribbean island like Curacao or San Marteen.

Ethnomasochism and rootlessness, boomers destroyed what their parents though they were dying to protect.

Millenial WOMEN travel for exotic cock. Nothing more