Why are acid attacks on the rise in London?
Why are acid attacks on the rise in London?
>50% increase since 2010
Hmm... That really gets my gears a-whirrin'
Shouldn't we be posting this on normiebook to redpill instead of circle jerking here?
They started cracking down on knives.
Raising Bangladeshi population.
Countries with the highest levels of acid attacks in the world: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan.
Enjoy diversity.
But at least you can get a good curry dinner...
Acid bombs are meant to deform people.
It isn't about killing anymore.
Insufficient acid control laws obviously.
The 2014 increase is interesting. Whitey catching on, or the flood gates being opened?
obviously islamophobic whitelashes
You already know the answer. Sage.
>more than a single attack
the fuck?
Hmmm I wonder why??????
Most of Honorkillings/attacks (including acid) per capita occur in Pakistan. 40% of London is Pakistanis.
But lets not jump to conclusions, we should instead fight racism and islamophobia!!!!
Pakis and Bengalis. As long as they stay in East London, I don't give a fuck if they blind each other.
This is what happens when you ban guns and knifes.. People get more creative and end up disfiguring people.
I think the US only had 44 in 2016. Londons up tick is the result of banning convention weapons. The most recent one is a result of the knife ban.
Good point. Guns are better they just remove the problem before it complicates things.
Didn't they just catch 2 teens that committed the recent rash of acid-ings?
You're obviously correct. They need tighter acid control laws. 21 and an ID being shown is the clear solution.
Guess who pays for medical costs
>UberEats driver Jabed Hussain, 32, was one of five victims targeted in the spate of attacks that all took place within 90 minutes on Thursday evening.
>“I’m really scared. I’m not safe. I live in one of the most multicultural cities in the world but I don’t feel safe. I just want to know why,” Hussain told Channel 4 News after being treated in hospital.
What gives? Why isn't one of the most multicultural cities in the world safe from these attacks?
It is part of the Muslim culture to throw acid at adulters. Just wait until they start stoning women in the streets. A little bit of Islam never hurt anyone right libfags? The slope is just starting to get steeper; watch your step Bongers.
>Why are acid attacks on the rise
find this man, then you will know
Acid attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city.
trying to get people to source their post is like pulling teeth lately. ty, user.
>clear solution.
reported to scotland yard you racist bigot.
this is a normal part of indian culture
Terrible source, we imported this culture. Can't find the one in the Economist as its buried in recent news articles.
Because popcorn time hurts sonys feelings
wasn't there 119 acid attacks in london last month?
really gets that bonce ensconced
You love part and parcel dontcha? .
also ISN'T IT FUNNY that only after a white chav allegedly threw it at two muslims is there public outcry about it????
Cause guns and knives are banned while if you get caught with a water bottle filled with acid nope not illegal carry on law abiding citizen.
>news reports acid attacks
>doesn't say attackers ethnicity at all
>Radio trying to say it was probably white people
>Check area of London it happened
>Second most diverse area after Tower Hamlets
Hahahah I can't wait for this country to burn to the ground.
what did the radio say exactly?
Acid attacks are just part and parcel of living in a big city. Quintessentialy British you could say.