Discover your ancestors user, thick as fuck
2.5% here
Discover your ancestors user, thick as fuck
2.5% here
2.5% is nothing you snow nigger. if youre not at least 3% you shouldnt be allowed to post on Sup Forums
Blonde haired blue eyed so I'm 100% neanderthal.
sorry subhuman, I have rh negative blood, I'm from outer space.
4.1% here
do you have the weird skull protrusion ?
Largest i heard was 3,2% surely you can't be serious my valleyman
i have a thick brow ridge
Khaz Modan confirmed
fucking with you it'a around 2.9 to 3%
of course who knows with 23&me biased horeshit
>tfw 20%
>this is what atheist actually believe
>Not a Christian
Neanderthals aren't you main ancestor if you are white.
Cro-Magnons are.
I know, but nonetheless they are our ancestors since they are in our bloodlines.
this is a joke btw, im on 23andme right now and it says i have 286 neanderthal variants. how many do you guys have? it says i have more than 62% of 23andme customers.
There is no concrete proof modern humans interbred with Neanderthals. The shared dna can just as easily have been carried forward from our common ancestor.
oddly enough supposedly neanderthals were smarter logic wise than modern whites, however they say they were severally unable to deal with stress and large amounts of contact with strangers , basically they had autism
mine said more than 56% of customers
Which of these "ancestry dna" sites/organizations are actually legit
They're expensive and don't wanna be swindled
Reminder that if you ever see any neanderthal skeletons, to pick up the skull and thigh bone to remember who you were.
There brains were as large as mldern humans, most of that however is due to them having better developed vision than we do
282 variants
You guise full Euros?
Nothing wrong with that I suppose. But still, it's the cro-magnons that whites mainly descend from.
DESU none of them can give you can exact report on your ancestry but a pretty close one I reckon, I payed for for three sites
( only done one test bought on 23andme)
They all have similar results but with varying numbers.
I am mainy scando but some western europe, eastern europe and Mongolia minor
Did Neanderthals evolve from yetis?
Maybe that's what happened, niggers evolved from apes and we evolved from yetis
2.4 percent here. It was my older sister who did the test though, not me. We share same parents. Bloodline is 99 percent British Isles and the rest is East Asian and elsewhere in Europe. No Balkans trash, Jew, or Subhuman African. Feelsgoodman.
Is that supposed to be an exhibit? They look like regular white people.
Are we actually just cro-magnons?
So which gave you the best result/most detailed
yes slavo-nordic-celto amerimutt mostly slavic though
it says im only 99.3% European. 0.1% is East Asian, another 0.1 is Unassigned and 0.6% is Middle Eastern & North African....
>tfw one drop
i think its because my dad is Italian.
mine gave me 99.8 euro 0.2% east asian
Cro magnon isn't a species, it's just were they were found, they are homo sapiens sapiens just like all modern humans.
>Did Neanderthals evolve from yetis?
Makes sense to me
>Neanderthals aren't you main ancestor if you are white.
>Cro-Magnons are.
Isn't cro-magnon a hybrid of h. sapiens and neanderthal?
Because they are the very people who white people descended from.
Hard to tell you
23andme was probably most professional looking
Or they want you to think you descended from them so we don't identify with them as much. We're probably the same.
You gave your DNA to a bunch of jews, congratulations you're a fucking retard.
Define same, ability to interbreed?
But yeah pretty much same, just aname for ancient man
Neanderthal variants
This is less than
76% of 23andMe Customers
>inb4 hurr durr not huwhite
Oh not the jEWS!!!!!!
my life is ruined now
>fedora looking up at one of these thinking "My ancestor :)"
I'll prolly get this soon
So what is all this based on? How do they determine it?
idk shit about genetics but I didn't know they varied so precisely to a specific relatively small region
What will they do to it? will they clone him now?
Who told you that?
Wax statues?
Yes, but white populations have very little Neanderthal DNA
Usually 2-6%
Peer reviewed research you fucking cunt.
>(((Using Genealogy Companies)))
You're really a naive fuck aren't you? You must be new here.
They're making a database of everyone's DNA, that's why law enforcement can request it from them and use it against you - at least here in America. That should tell you enough that they are storing your DNA. They are looking for genetic markers and anomalies. CISPR, gene editing, bioweapons, whatever you can imagine. You're fucking dumb for aiding them in their pursuits.
I think they have some parts in the DNA that they have pinpointed to certain areas.
Something along the lines of gathering DNA from people who claim "full ancestry" from those areas and other things.
She has some nice tits, but I still wouldn't.
Niggers be chasing ugly ass white women that you can tell they came from that cave beast…..
But they get DNA from maybe a few thousands at the most from these websites, meanwhile they get millions upon millions of them every year from arrests.
Are you sure you've not fallen into some whacky conspiracy theory now?
You're saying they are gonna use it to frame me?
I'm sure they could use this for something else than I agreed to if they wanted and I'd never know but this isn't some fucking conspiracy movie kiddo. You sound like you were born out of Alex Jones' ass
It says I have more Neanderthal variants than 92% of 23andme users yet it only makes up like 2.8% of my DNA, am I human?
What's everyone's fascination with their ancestors they know nothing about?
Come again when you can retell stories about heroic deeds your kin did once. Counting O
one dead species of genus homo as your heritage means nothing.
You're down to 2.5% ethnic swedes now? SAD!
Pic looks like a slav.
>meanwhile they get millions upon millions of them every year from arrests
Usually the most the police will get here are fingerprints.
>But they get DNA from maybe a few thousands at the most from these websites
Police aren't doing gene sequencing. Identify one person within a family and you've got a pretty good basis for those fairly close to you.
Care for where you come from in a land rich with flourishing accomplishment, and amazing history
Also, if you figure out where you truly come from there is alot of fun in researching the history of whatever people you come from
I wouldn't expect a muzzie like you to understand
me in the middle
Well considering I get asked from time to time if I'm ethnically Swedish and my family situation being pretty shitty I found some comfort in looking shit like this up.
>Police aren't doing gene sequencing.
That is what you say ;^)
Why haven't you jumped board the idea that they share the DNA register to the jews which the gene sequence it for the glory of the Jewish race too?
Out of spite for people like you
i think i have plenty of neanderthal ancestry, i have a slighly forward brow ridge, very slight, a large enough jaw to fit every wisdom teeth, a large chest, blond hair and my muscles are fast twitch dominant, never took a test though
Our police don't even process rape kits
*blocks your homo-sapiens path*
well, Sup Forums?
Your immediate family is your only concern, burger.
Thinking entire nations are your family is just really dumb because it's just being part of a big flock of sheep, herded by a politician-Sheppard you do not know, instead of your clan chief you actually know and respect.
>Well considering I get asked from time to time if I'm ethnically Swedish
Not easy being a race-bastard is it.
You probably count other people's achievements as your own, don't you. And all because your only personal achievement and identity in life is is that you vaguely look like successful white people.
No. It's out of wanting a community of my own. A place to be a part of. And what you, shitskin have robbed from me.
Our police don't even prosecute rapists.
It has it's pros and cons
At least full I.E!
That sucks, but thanks for reinforcing my point
>No. It's out of wanting a community of my own
So you're a useless lonely fuck thinking "the other" (shitskins) are the root and cause of your own self-loathing because you suck at life.
Get sorted.
are you a mutt?
No, as white as porcelain. That's the funny part about this.
I sense some projection in that, bong. It's like 1 AM in Europe and you are here typing at the computer.
If you are ignoring what's been happening to the western world for the last 30 years I can't help you.
there are lightskinned muslims too
You're talking to yourself, not me.
I have >86% with 304, I thought that was sub-average for Euros, considering the fact that many non-whites are using 23andme.
guy gonshole with peppers and cheese
Nope, the ADN that is used to estimate European neanderthal DNA is from a Denisovean/Neanderthal specimen found somewhere in central russia.
A pure neanderthal like there was in Europe would probably have much more in common with current Europeans.