If Trump says global warming is a hoax, then it is a hoax and we have nothing to worry about.
If Trump says global warming is a hoax, then it is a hoax and we have nothing to worry about.
It's the door to the alien bases opening.
Nothing to see, keep watching Kardashians ....
Do big-ass pieces of ice not break off normally?
Fucking kys.
If it's real there's nothing we can do about it.
So what's the fuss about ?
And for everyone who tells me "typcial defeatist french attitude"...
Be realistic. China is not going to sacrifice its economy for the environment..Meaning whatever effort Europe or America does will be useless...
One more thing...Africans aren't gonna stop breed like mosquitos , so you also have that to worry about...(insane demography) of course, none of that would happen in the first place had whites not sent billions in food and medical supply.. They probably would've end up the wayof the dinosaurs
Not when they are 4 times the size of fucking London. No that doesn't happen very frequently, Abo.
Pay your carbon tax, goys, it's good for the climate!
Why would we be worried?
Unless it's heading towards us and picking up speed? It's not going to ram our continent is it?
>global warming
>huge gigantic, colossal chunk of ice
Pick one
>complaining about nonpolitical source
>jumping on the CNN hate train in defense of a fucking sperglord redditor in the first place
>involving yourself this emotionally in American politics while being a filthy australian
Nah mate, off yourself first
No but the environment seems to be poised to sacrifice China.
The services the environment provides is many times the GDP. And environmental wealth is greater then constructed wealth. China is for most purposes poorer today than 30 years ago.
The only thing that scares the elites about that picture is a crack on the wall of the flat earth. Right now we have 22°C in Spain... Such a heat wave!
So what? I'm pretty sure nature can figure out how to make ice again.
No one has attributed this to global warming in this country. Even the ABC, which would love to, hasn't attributed this to global warming.
it broke off but it can't move for another 300 years
you are a fucking retard, global warming means colder summers and hotter winters, it creates more extreme temperatures
>uses CNN as a source
I'll let you see yourself out
Kys shill
>icebergs in Antarctica are American politics
maybe this is CGI hoax
Icebergs calve all the time, most of the time it means the glacier is expanding.
>it can't move
>therefore it can't melt and lead to the rise in sea level.
No news outlet here said it was global warming, they said it was one of options, the other being the natural cycle of the ice in the antartic.
It can't contribute to any rise if it's already in the water.
I think you forgot to use the new Orwellian term which is "climate change", that way no matter what the climate does you're always right.
>Global warming
>Colder summers
>Hotter winters
What the FUCK am I reading?
Fuck CNN
It's fucking water breaking off into water
who gives a shit
>that opinion
>from an American
No surprise there.
Let's make a game, share here how your local media compared the Iceberg to make your inferior goy brain understand how big it is.
In italy they told us it was big like six plates of lasagna
Haven't you ever out a bottle of drank in the freezer to cool it and forgotten about it?
Ice takes up more space than liquid water.
i know right?
it's all just water afterall.
i'm sure that if the icecaps melted in their entirety, nothing would change.
Local news said it was 3 times bigger than a large order at Mickey-D's.
It'll be fine. I'm above the sea level rise.
Let's see your home flag then, fuckboy. Hiding behind the Ancap flag doesn't help any of your cases.
>If Trump says global warming is a hoax, then it is a hoax and we have nothing to worry about.
This Iceberg is currently not dangerous, and trump being a terrible president doesn't have much to do with it.
global warming is man made you cant prove me fucking wrong, it is some what out of earthly causes but it is mostly man made, and its mostly china aswell. But it is everyone aswell with all these factories and other atmospheric destroying shit
>"free markets are the answer" ancap saying this
>kind of impressive
Nephilim are waking up.
>45 quadrillion ton iceberg, 3 times the size of the northern hemisphere breaks off in another stunning example of totally-not-hoax (((global warming)))
Did you know that pieces ten times larger than that has previously broken away from Antarctica?
Fuck off.
what a shitty analogy
Water is more heavier than ice and as a result will take up more space when it melts.
what do they teach you guys over there?
What percentage is man made?
i accidentally clicked the shit didnt mean to change to ancap
I forgot to mention the only reason that this piece broke off in the first place is because the shelf is growing.
How would you know? Are you some kind of polar ice sheet expert?
>what do they teach you guys over there?
Well, our politicians are bought off by oil, so our authority figures are lying through their teeth and confusing the issue. You get a lot of sheep that fall for that. But I agree with you, I'm just giving you kudos for being AnCap and not denying the harmful effects of industry on the environment.
It could melt while it was still attached too. In fact it's been doing that.
Ah, oh well.
You're making the mistake of engaging the leftist in a debate as if he's actually a reasonable person looking for a discussion rather than some internet commie that binge-watched TYT bullshit and comes on here to talk about "duh republicuns are destroying the planet" bcuz muh manbearpig! Don't engage leftists they are not here to debate but to agitate, troll them at most
It's the only way Antarctica knows how to fight.
Yeah but how much heavier? Maybe water is 10% heavier than ice but ice has 10% more volume (which would explain why it's lighter) leaving right back at sqaure one = ice displaces the same ammount of water as does water.
It's a possibility no?
How frequently does it have to happen so leftists don't use it as a means to push a political agenda?
>More heavier
>Water is heavier than ice
Punk, science doesn't work like that. Mass doesn't work like that. a trillion gallons of water is a trillion gallons of water regardless of whether it's frozen or liquid. Water's denser so when it does melt there'll be less displacement than if the whole iceberg were pushed under the waves.
im going to sleep good night anyway
Isnt the ice on one side of Antarctica growing and the otherside is shrinking, i thought i read that somewhere.
>he thought science was a collection of opinions
How is it creating more extreme temperatures if you're saying it's warming up the cold winters and cooling down the hot summers?
In any case, in my anecdotal expirience that i know counts little, i have seen the forests retreat, the mountains warm up, the droughts becoming common and the fires in the countryside increase. It might not be man made but something's going on
"more dense" =! "heavier" sorry lad.
I'm more interested in what exit Frank took on M*A*S*H.
fucking kek
Wow. Nice burn dude
Hahaha, you need to go back little fucking faggot
Wew, getting sleepy.
Oh no, a tiny little sliver of ice broke off the rest of the ice, how could this be happening?
This isn't AT ALL the exact same shit that happens literally every year!!!!!
You need to go back.
Hahaha, one thing I've noticed: 70% of american posters here are fucking laughing stock
>coastal cities about to be flooded out
>USA instantly becomes 90% conservative
What is the downside?
wew Darumfkinz BTFO!
>this fucking meme
If your only argument to conserned people not wanting humans to destroy the earth more then they already have is "what percent" then you are on the wrong side of humanity.
Why did we start flushing our shit?
I could only imagine your argument being used back in the day when people would get sick from people pouring their paid, shit , and garbage in the street.
people's waste is causing sickness
>how much waste causes the sickness?
Does it matter?
>yeah it does, how do we even know it causes the plauge, ignore him, he doesn't even know how much shit in the street causes your infected sores.
usa and china won't suffer much because of global warming
russia would gain enough new arable land to feed 2 billion people
don't expect the above to care about it
it's africa-middle east-europe-south asia who would get fucked with floods
I'm not a scientist so correct me if I'm wrong, but a block of ice in water breaking off implies it's melting, so since water is more dense than ice, the sea level would lower. In its liquid state that iceberg wouldn't have as high of a volume and thus sea level would drop.
The main global warming argument is that sea levels rise due to more runoff from glaciers into the ocean. So the arctic ice cap melting, since it's not on a landmass, would lower the sea level same as this ice sheet. So it's countering the effects of the rising sea levels
Global warming didn't do this one.
>You need to go back.
Born in America, thanks.
>Seventh time this year
There has been at least a dozen "OMG WE HAVE THE SMOKING GUN IMPEACH NAO!"
and I never get tired of it
Antarctic ice is growing you cuck.Of course you never hear that in the news.
Reminder that sterilizing all the niggers in Africa is the only way to stop global warming
Ever put ice in a glass and filler it with water? Ever notice how the glass doesnt fill up above and beyond
Nice pic ledditor, you realize February means summer on the antarctic right?
How do Africans contribute to global warming? They aren't very involved in heavy industry, are they?
But the science is settled goy, global warming is 100% man made.
>Antarctic ice is growing you cuck.Of course you never hear that in the news.
Actually you do, and it's not a secret. Science sites, NASA, climate sites do report this.
What you seem to have is a confluence of do-gooder cucks who think they're "helping" by lying. It's lying for Jesus, the secular version.
Of course on the other side you have mental midgets who fixate on this as if it disproves GW or AGW and that's even more retarded.
So, you all from europe, huh?
And you all said the exact same thing.
Nice attempt at social proof, faggots.
They're commies, dumb kike and commie tricks. Because an iceberg is breaking off, they think this means that a world order must be established and all wealth and production from western productive nations should be seized and redistributed to "developing" shitskin nations.
>muh Paris Climate Accord
>muh America didn't surrender
they are fucking commie scum
living alone contributes to global warming
when mongols killed so much people the world went into a mini ice age
but ofc not on a scale american or chinese industry
The specific gravity of ice is 0.917.
If one liter of ice melts then it will take up 917ml of space.
Sea level would not rise.
Google tells me the water level will be the same if ice melts.