
CNN doing what it does best.
Anti-White, Pro-rape tweets by CNN journalist Rashard Elijah, plus much more.

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wtf is a Holi photo?

I want CNN to burn

That Indian festival where they throw powder at each other

A hindu festival to celebrate the coming of spring, and some other mystic bullshit about the triumph of good over evil. The entire goddamn point is to throw coloured powder over everyone regardless of who they are, your brother or some complete stranger who isn't even hindu, and the Sikhs ended up roped into it and even officials from the British Raj were expected to get covoured in coloured dye in the days of the Empire, so its possibly the worst thing to choose to complain about cultural appropriation.

>Fuck you, whitey. Don't you even go on Holiday in my country.

>Hey guys I'm here to accept my automatic American/Canadian/British citizenship! You guys won't mind if I rape some of your women, right?

Am I a racist if I get mad when I see black people in cowboy outfits? GET OUTTA THERE NIGGER! is what I shout sometimes.

Sorry I don't like niggers.

>This account's Tweets are protected.
top kek

Maybe a better analogy would be Oktoberfest in Germany.
>get outta there nigger!

Aside from watching the american century come to a spectacular, burning end, watching white people take it on the chin and complain and moan on twitter about reverse racism is fucking great. What a time to be alive