Why are black people naturelly more muscular?
Is it because they are pure homosapiens while whites are a mix of homosapien and neanderthal?
I still quit havent figured it out yet.
Why are black people naturelly more muscular?
Is it because they are pure homosapiens while whites are a mix of homosapien and neanderthal?
I still quit havent figured it out yet.
Blacks are mixed with homo erectus and other hominids.
Civilization has made us soft.
not knowing neanderthal were more muscular
Homo SAPIENS means "knowledgeable", not "chimp-like ripped". We stopped needing sheer strength by the time we evolved our brains to outsmart our preys. If anything, blacks didn't quite catch up on the "sapiens" part.
They're not actually more muscular, but the reason they have different muscle structure is from evolution, you dumb shit.
Neanderthals were fucking jacked bro
Why do they have better muscle structure?
Bred that way through many years of slavery, only the strong would survive to spread seed.
All reasons for evolution can be traced back to make makes the animal better at reproducing. IN this case black women are larger and the males needs more muscle to move the fat bitch around when they copulate.
I didn't say better. It's different because they had to run from lions.
keep the hood safe, h
I don't usually give a shit about stuff like this but blacks in the US are a lot different than blacks in Africa.
Blacks in Africa are small. Blacks in America are usually like other Americans in that they're fat sacks of dog shit.
There's a portion of blacks in the US that are pretty gnarly athletes. Sure. But whatever.
It's your pathetic ignorant perspective that makes you think that blacks are massive Godlike creatures. When in reality, most black people are just regular fucking people.
Here's the big fucking difference.
All of the Alpha Godlike white people are career military people. All of the Alpha Godlike black people are working at fucking Arby's.
I hope this nonsense makes you feel better.
All of the strongest men on Earth wuz europeans. Negros only exceed in speed, probably because natural selection by running away from lion in Africa or police in US made them this way.
Cont. From...
I'm saying I'm pretty fucking sure I could take Obama in a fight OR a debate.
Who the fuck cares, man?
Neanderthal had more muscle mass. They were stocky little creatures with thick bones and muscles.
That's not even fucking right, bro!
You all need to get a fucking GRIP. Good God. Find some like minded dudes, squad up, go into town, and have fun. You're all a fucking embarrassment. I hate all of you.
You make me fucking sick. You're cancer. It's absolutely no wonder why none of you get laid.
None of you mother fuckers have ever done anything. You have no spine. You have no friends. You have no trust. Good God. Look in the fucking mirror you fucking twerps. Who in their right mind would let you inside them? Look at how weak and pathetic you are. You're a disgrace! Jesus. Fucking. H.
Man, I'm like 5' 7". I'm in my early 30s. I'm white! And I've been with, literally, like a hundred chicks. And I don't even fucking try. Some hot. Some not so hot. But dudes, what the fuck do you actually fucking expect when you literally spend your friday nights ON FUCKING 4 CHAN!?!?!
Dude I've gotten laid plenty of times and I have friends what the fuck are you trying to get at you manlet
Thanks for the new pasta, manlet
Because this is obviously an "OMG the black men are taking our white women and I don't know what to do omg" thread. It's fucking stupid. Also, suck my dick, bitch.
Suck. my. dick. user.
Because they have high testosterone.
It also explains their massive BBC's
You're such a fucking cuck
Also, like the others said, Neanderthal were a lot more muscular than Sapiens. They were almost the dwarves of history.
Man I'm not even fucking white or black I don't care about what black men and white women are doing I'm just stating that neanderthals were stocky robust creatures and ancient Homo sapiens from Africa were tall skinny twigs built for running away from lions
It's not all blacks, but a subset of blacks. In particular, it is West African slave descendants. And they aren't necessarily more muscular, but they definitely have higher fast twitch muscle fiber ratios on average, which is beneficial in most athletics. Dark skin tone also makes muscles look bigger/more defined, so that is a factor as well.
Never the less, suck my dick. I don't like your attitude.
Less brain power -> brain needs less energy -> more energy for muscles
Plus they are mostly good for manual labor, so they will naturally gain more muscle mass.
>Why are black people naturelly more muscular
Africa nigger refugees are fucking skeletons, the niggers living in America/Europe and part of West Africa were literally selective breded slaves for physical labor.
Africa NEVER wins anything in the Olympics, they always get BTFO in world sports.
Yet Brazil niggers are the best world's soccer players, America has the best nigger Basquet Ball players and nigger boxers, that's because nigger slaves descendants are physically better than their ancestors.
Are they really? Where are the black bodybuilders and strongmen? I know they can run distance, thousands of ears running from lions, but sports wise in the US black kids know their only way out is sports so they play the shit out of them while white kids study and play video games
Relax guy, I got my licensing exam coming up, don't worry I'll be slaying puss again in two weeks while you'll still be a manlet
kek new pasta was needed
Literal micro manlet living out a fantasy on Sup Forums
Dark skin gives the illusion of being leaner and more muscular, hence why white bodybuilders use extremely dark fake tan before photoshoots and competitions, also blacks tend to have slightly broader shoulders than other races which also gives the illusion of more muscularity
Less food make muscles more proeminent
Besides their way to gather food (aka very few agriculture and way more hunting) was primitive, some of them didn't even have bows so darwinism made that the fittest had more offspring and so on but it didn't make them supermuscular, in fact a lot of africans are manlets with not so much muscles, it was slavery and selected breeding that made those in America stronger (but not smarter at all)
Ever seen a liger? They're all tubs of lard. Tigers are not. Lions are only a bit. The genes getting swapped during hybridization can lead to weird shit.
Theyre not more muscular, just more ripped from all the crack use
Neanderthals were strong as fuck. They were shorter and stockier, lower center of gravities with lots of muscle mass. They were basically dwarves.
As for black people appearing muscular, it might have something to do with race and geography and test levels or something, but it also has to do with how muscles simply show better on darker skin tones. Think about how bodybuilders all use that obnoxious fake spray tan to show off their muscles. Same principle, except it's natural for black people.
Sure they do
>Ifunny watermark
summerfag spotted
Aids and baboon meat.
They're not. Where are you seeing "muscular black men" you little queer - in your bm/wf cuck videos?
Nigger loving faggot
they have niggers in apefrica still living the way they did thousands of years ago,go ask them
Hey , im no nigger lover. It just seems if a white guy doesnt go gym they are usually either skinny or fat. While niggers seem to be like lions. they'll do fuck all and still seem muscular
ive read on Sup Forums that blacks have higher levels of testosterone and thicker bones.(the thicker bones is why theyre bad at swimming, theyre less buoyant)
Why are wild animals like bears more muscular?
Is it because they are pure animals while whites are not?
I still haven't figured it out yet.
I couldn't find any other forms of this meme on duckduckgo. i'm not a sumemrfag though. Trust me
Humans are animals too dumbass
Varg's ideal man.
they are not. races are a social construct. nothing to see here, keep going.
please. asians dominate the middle and lower weight classes in weightlifting. middle easterners dominate the heavier weight classes. blacks just have muh aesthetics. in terms of practical strength, they're quite weak.
They aren't, look at old photos of niggers from before their current hood culture they look pretty bad.
True story, I met an American guy who came here to visit, he described himself as muscular, but by our standards he had the body of a 15 year old boy, over here it seems that every kid starts going to the gym when they hit puberty.
Especially if you LARP as a white nationalist that's going to fight in RAHOWA you have no excuse to be weak. Not even talking about getting shredded and having chiselled abs, but you need to start lifting heavy things and putting them back down.
American blacks were generally bred from the strongest slaves, as they were required for outdoor physical labour. Because their gene pool is smaller there is less variation, so the average black tends to be fairly consistent in size and shape.
Whites never had this level of genetic bottle necking, so have a much greater variety of shapes, bodyweight, muscularity and so on. African blacks are the same, which is why they are positively scrawny by comparison.
It might be why african americans are so prone to becoming obese, being the fattest group in america after lesbians.