Lets talk about the negative effects of video game addiction

Just as porn stimulates dopamine and makes you feel good, videogames stimulate you adrenaline to rush while sitting, causing heart to beat faster and adrenal gland to release hormones in situations which dont require fast and quick reactions - "programming" your body to silence any aggression when dealing with real-life situations.

Other urls found in this thread:


>dont require fast reaction
>silence any aggression in real-life
im a hyper aggro manlet so wrong again

also i know niggers that watch porn 5 times a day and fuck old white women every night


It helps to have something to back your claims up before making them.


>t. desperate liberal roastie and probably a normie as well
nice try

Jebi se albanjac

Interesting theory. I've often wondered this myself. I sometimes abuse video gsmes, I think. I'll play total war for hours instead of fixing shot around the house.

No different than women checking their facebook and twitter 24/7

>Lets talk about the negative effects of coffee addiction
>Lets talk about the negative effects of porn addiction
>Lets talk about the negative effects of nicotine addiction
>Lets talk about the negative effects of alcohol addiction
>Lets talk about the negative effects of video game addiction
>Lets talk about the negative effects of gambling addiction
>Lets talk about the negative effects of food addiction
>Lets talk about the negative effects of drug addiction

Video game addiction is one of the lesser evils.Why would I go to the club to waste my money on drinks, whores and drugs when I can just spend my time and money on something objectively harmless?