Is Muslim hating the new fedora tipping?

Is Muslim hating the new fedora tipping?

Think about it

Then it's been the "new fedora" for red-blooded Americans since 9/11/2001.


Hating Islam the only reasonable position. Go back to your shit hole.

I'm thinking about it...and...


nope, the opposite is true

virtue signalling is looked down upon and the majority of people can see that muzzie lovers are just stroking their own e-peen to get social justice points. pretty similar to the fedoras pretending to know about religion to seem smart.

dude weed lmao!

i dont get the far left on this meme. everybody looks at sjws and male feminists and the more cringey athiests (reddit types) as fedora tippers (thus "m'day" is a thing).

It's never applied to right wing people.

muslims rape virgins, fedoras protect virginity

my ancestors hated muslims for hundreds of years, nothing new about it.

Fedora tipping atheism never came with the risk of getting arrested by the government for hate speech, it was purely empty masturbation.

Muslims will act as victims when their minority and slit throats when they are in majority.Nothing wrong in hating muslims. They are not a race.Islam is an ideology and following an ideology is a choice.

No it is not.

If that were true India would be 100% muslim.

Actually Islam was spread to India by sword.Pakistan and Bangladesh were already partitioned from India because of Islam.Even now in states where Muslims are majority,minorities are being killed.For eg -Kashmir.

No. But MGTOW is.

If we acted like Europeans there wouldn't be a temple left in India, we had the time and strength

>Is Muslim hating the new fedora tipping?
>Is having common sense the new fedora tipping?

Actually you didn't have that much power.In order to rule one had avoid internal resistance.A big and vast country like India with a huge population couldn't be controlled completely.Despite that Hindus and other minorities were genocided in India by muslis invaders whenever possible.

>implying there is something wrong with tipping fedoras

1k years is a long ass time, we could have killed all the men in one village and kept the prime pussy and eventually got the job done.Could have built sanitation systems as well no idea why we didn't.

>Is Muslim hating the new fedora tipping?
No. If only because Muslim hating is an imprisonable offence in Germany and the Anglosaxon world today.
>Think about it
I wish Brits would think, Nigel.

Neck yourself faggot

It's the only fedora worth wearing, you dune coon cunt

Learn about Indian history first before speaking rubbish.You never had power over the entire Indian subcontinent.Only a small part of it at a
time.You were constantly in war with other empires too,both Indian and foreign. More over there were also collisions with mughals and many local rulers.Yet you did as much as possible and built a huge radical Islamic population in Indian subcontinent.

No Achmed, Muslim hating is a response to seeing what a shitty death cult you follow

>Thinks people didn't hate Muslims before 2001.

There's no 'you' here Indiabro, if he's a muslim he's 90% likely to descend from malay slaves brought here by the Dutch.

While India was grinding along his people were being shipped off here to do dumb labour.

>Be 6000BC
>Do not POO IN LOO
>Fast forward 8000 years
>Still do not POO IN LOO

>If we acted like Europeans there wouldn't be a temple left in India
So wait when the British ruled India they destroyed all the temples?

You think you know about India because you saw "slumdog millionaire".Indians working in US earn much more than an average american.Indians are present in huge number in all top companies like Microsoft,google etc.Even Indians make a huge part of NASA.

There's lots to hate about muzzies but its normie tier

kek is the new tip.
fuck off with that starcraft shit, lel is superior, was superior.

That's because you're a country of cheap labor
>Claims superior intelligence
>Can't shit in a toilet
Sad! Many such cases!

Religion is for fags and Muslims are the most religious of all.

Cheap labor didn't make Indians the CEO of Microsoft and google.Moreover Why does an Average Indian working in america earn much more than an american???

who cares
fuck islam
mohammed is a pedo and can eat my shit
allah is a pagan moon "god" worse than the dragon shit jews worship

Nice taqiyya ahmed

There are 2 billion poos. Literally just 10 of them are intelligent.

Fedora tipping is pretty much any idea that makes you believe you are a special little snowflake and/or you derive an undeserved sense of moral superiority for it so you won't shut up about it.

Like veganism or nationalism for example. It's more an attitude than anything else.

Any evidence to substantiate your claim??

>! post by this ID

Nobody would hate muslims if they would act like normal human beings keeping their muslim shit to themselves not bothering anyone about it plus if they'd strop crying that the west is too west for them

Or how there is a 15 point difference in IQ between blacks and whites and how it explains everything.

Everyone hates muslims (except for stupid Nazis and Ustashe), and for a good reason.

Indians are like ants. Crawling all over each other. Ants can get a lot done.

Same goes for jews, Shlomo.

>we're smart, promise
>isn't ashamed of wearing magical wizard hat in public

Oh yes, those faggots too. Regardless whether it's true or not, fedora tipping is about being an insufferable faggot about it too.


The insufferable ones are the apolitical retards that still vote. If you don't care, don't vote.

Jews hate Muslims, what are you talking about?
I hate both btw.

SJW/Antifa LARPing is the new fedora tipping.
And you know it.

>Everyone hates muslims (except for stupid Nazis
>stupid nazis

This is how you gave away being a jew, Shlomo.

>I hate both btw.
Sure, Shlomo, sure.

Lmao check the flag. Jews aren't like 1% population.
My great-grandpa was in Ustashe.
Great thing for keeping Croatia together during the communist invasion, stupid because gave Islam a credibility.