Im literaly shaking right now, im on a train and i just saw a nigger for the first time in my life(im 22) what should i do? I thought this country is black people free
Im literaly shaking right now...
That's how it starts, Poland is finished. We all need to move to North Korea, the last bastion against degeneracy.
Consider moving out of Warsaw.
Kraków masterrace
my parents are polish and I'm ashamed.
It's a backwards and fucked up country. not surprised they support Drump
I live in Katowice, he prabobly came here for the free education
The media is braiwashing them to like Trump here
Offer him your gf
jesus christ talk about an autist
I saw like 5 during my 2 day stay in Gdansk, even more than I see at home.
>No gf
How much does this cost ?
Et tu, Katowice, contra me?
I also live in Katowice, and after I am done with my studies, I am moving to Kraków.
Kraków is comfy as fuck
Kill it.
Tell the police you thought it was an escaped zoo animal.
Its free, the weak should fear the strong
That's God Emperor Drump, to the likes of you, scum.
was it really the first black you've seen?
Ah the good old self loathing white guy, backbone of the Democratic Party. I love the new DNC slogan: if you don't feel guilty you're a bigot
give him a banana to show your kindness and respect
Yes it's true, i think i'm going to throw up
>That's how it starts
this. first you start to see one alone nigger next time you look all jamal and his friends living in getto
Get used to it you're going to see a lot more.
This is how it was with gypsies in poland, good thing we have a lot of skinheads here to keep them i check
Suicide it is then
10 year ago it was rare to see a nigger in germany now its a common sight
Kill it with fire pawel!
Well, There's still Eastern Germany left, r-right?
You should have spit on him
I'm not going near that thing, what if it has aids or something
You need to turn on the swedish proxy when you make posts like this.
It's not funny, i don't want pooland to end like sweeden
Start watching to prepare for your future. It starts with one and then next thing you know there is millions.
O shieet! Here is another one What THE FUCK IS GOING ON
Original poster pic is degenerate!
Now im freaking out, is it happening?
Make ape noises at him. Act like a monkey. Blend in
Just normal bullying in Japan. Their grass eating men with gentle hearts make easy targets
Are you blind? He looks arab or Indian.
Liberate them from western imperialism and degeneracy emperor kim.
WHERE did we make a mistake?
We are racist
We are not a welfare-state
You actually need to work in order to survive
People don't trust blacks / arabs / indians
so why THE FUCK do they still come here?
Just go and live in fucking Germany, England, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Switzerland or France.
There is nothing for blacks to see in Poland. Christ.
He looks like a nigger to me, it does not matter how well he dressed. Black as night
Relax Polish dude. We don't bite. Just stop wearing your whiteboi heels in public
Stop being such a faggot, black people are not the devil and are for the most part A OK
The usualy come here to study and then go back where they came from
Found the NIGGER
>tfw no jap gf to strangle you with her powerful thick thighs
just fucking end me
based black guy
t. nu-pol
it's quite simple
show them that this isn't africa
You should kill all shitskins that invade your territory, they have proven themselves to be dangerous time and time again.
Find those guys, show them a nignog.
Problem solved.
This is the blackest Poland has to offer.
idonnow why poland so backwarded state. i see some niggs even in our countryside.
I once saw a black person (straight out of africa black) speaking perfect polish. I was confused for weeks.
Go get raped and kill yourself, faggot
Dont turn your back to them.
Pic is degeneracy!
>you will never be bullied by qt jap high school girls
Do you there are niggers more black then this?
In zabrze I saw a few Indian guys at the med university
Im 29 and iv seen black person twice in my life, to see black person in my medium size city is literally impossible.
im from Katowice too lad
>le Poland is based myth
Pooland eternally BTFO
Slavs BTFO
Proof Germany is better then Pooland
Ahahaha enjoy your niggers this is karma for expelling the Germans.
Now the niggers are gonna expel you from your homelands hahahaha
you're a slav, which makes you a light skinned nigger.
so just get your mates together arm yourselves with machetes and hack him to death, then set him on fire and do your tribal dance
Are P*les even people HAAHA
The new face of Pooland?
God is on Germany's side!
move out of warsaw, it's a lost cause anyway
How is it your first black person you've ever seen?
I saw a polish negro playing baskteball in poland when I was there for school
Stalk him, dox him to skinheads.
in which case you become the nigger, a snow nigger
>a polish negro
You said "Pole" twice.
If you unironically think slavs are on the same level as negros you're part of the problem kraut
Hunt and devour him to absorb his strength, to make him feel home
I saw a black man make out with a white girl in broad daylight and nobody gave a shit
You have some exchange students from India, Africa, and other subafrican countries like Sweden or the UK
I saw a lot of shitskin students in Kraków, and few more in Poznan and Warszawa
destroy him
This is spains go to reaction for all black man sightings fyi
>and I'm ashamed
You should never be ashamed about things you have no control over. That's beyond pathetic.
Calling Poland ``backwards and fucked up'' is like calling a meat packing facility ``backwards and fucked up.'' You don't realize it, but Poland and the rest of the Eastern European countries play a pivotal role in the EU.
Western countries, because they all speak English to a degree, are philosophically homogeneous. Ideas spread, and the popular ones, or the ones that get pushed the hardest, win.
The language barrier that the Eastern Europeans have shields them from this phenomenon. They have a different set of philosophy, and by applying it to the EU, they reduce the dangers of being philosophically homogeneous--governments work best when they are slow and inefficient. Leaning too much in one direction takes this away, and they make sloppy and poorly reviewed decisions as a result.
I see two niggers
The solution is to bleach the source
Africa needs to get whitey'd again
No one noticing this? North Korean flag?
Op never went to an airport poorfag
Operation frost bite. You got to cut off the frost bite to save the body. user do it for your country
>oh no a nigger
Finno-mongoloids will blend right in in North Korea with your Mongoloid ancestors. Its not that easy for white people to live in a Mongoloid ethno-state..
Three generations of your family will be punished for failure to not use the internet.
is that anri okita?
>full of drunk anglos every weekend
>full of whores and stipclubs
>vomit on the streets
>ugly post-commie architecture
>famous in western countries for cheap alcohol and cheap whores
Look at how he stares at that poor woman in the background. Probably raped here afterwards. POLAND IS FINISHED!
That's God Emperor Trump to you, scum. The timeline surfer. Master of 3 Dimensional chess. Destroyer of cucks. gtfo with that shit. Also Poles are based.
Hi Kim
it's kattowitz reeeeeeee