Why can't White folks build something more than or just as impressive and ingenious as picrelated?
Why can't White folks build something more than or just as impressive and ingenious as picrelated?
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Well, considering that they are basically just piles of rocks....
And we have been to the fucking MOON....
>shaky fake clip shot by a Jew is the greatest White achievement
and was built by slaves
nobody really has concrete evidence of how the pyramids were built and who exactly designed and erected them son. In many instances they werent even inhabited
>implying we haven't
>>shaky fake clip shot by a Jew is the greatest White achievement
The Simpsons.
how is this impressive?
no it wasnt
because its big and old.
given the tools available at the time, it was quite an accomplishment. The fact it stood the test of time this long is also a pretty big deal.
Still, its not particularly complex, its just big.
We literally split a continent in half.
>white people created electromagnetism
But... a few dozen white men with whips built the pyramids...
Like... its literally recorded in every written history.
Whelp, you tried.
>he thinks ancient Aryan (white) people didn't build everything
There's a reason the gooks hide their pyramids away.
the entire road network of australia
I've seen alleys in Glasgow more impressive than this pile of fucking rocks.
what a reddit-tier post
Egyptian leaders were white. Pharaohs were white. They valued light skin. Cleopatra was from Greece, you fag
>literally a pile of rocks that serves no purpose
>Temples and palaces are the only monuments left of mankind’s early civilizations. They were created by the same means and at the same price—a price not justified by the fact that primitive peoples undoubtedly believed, while dying of starvation and exhaustion, that the “prestige” of their tribe, their rulers or their gods was of value to them somehow.
>The great distinction of the United States of America, up to the last few decades, was the modesty of its public monuments. Such monuments as did exist were genuine: they were not erected for “prestige,” but were functional structures that had housed events of great historical importance. If you have seen the austere simplicity of Independence Hall, you have seen the difference between authentic grandeur and the pyramids of “public-spirited” prestige-seekers.
>In America, human effort and material resources were not expropriated for public monuments and public projects, but were spent on the progress of the private, personal, individual well-being of individual citizens. America’s greatness lies in the fact that her actual monuments are not public.
>The skyline of New York is a monument of a splendor that no pyramids or palaces will ever equal or approach. But America’s skyscrapers were not built by public funds nor for a public purpose: they were built by the energy, initiative and wealth of private individuals for personal profit. And, instead of impoverishing the people, these skyscrapers, as they rose higher and higher, kept raising the people’s standard of living—including the inhabitants of the slums, who lead a life of luxury compared to the life of an ancient Egyptian slave or of a modem Soviet Socialist worker.
Why don't you realize that Yaqub the Black Scientist gave the Blackman the secret knowledge of harnessing cosmic enerjizz and whitey stole it from him.
Right, Egyptian royalty were white. It was a multicultural society that valued light skin lol but these 'hotep' retards think pharaohs were black
>what a reddit-tier post
Shut it, you shill....
>hurr y whites cant accomplish anything?
We walked on the fucking moon, commie scum. You of all people should remember.
>user, I...
There's a giant pointy marble penis in the center of DC, if you didn't know
All of those were built by negro slaves
the blocks were pulled by elephants.
sorry I can't hear you about literally the sound of the power of the sun coming down to earth
this, and before they did it they were busy building stuff like that in africa...oh wait
>Hungarian, Canadian and British Parliament building built by niggers.
the white man made cyber space
It's gigantic. And before Islamic people ruined it by taking the outer rocks. It would have looked amazing. Smooth white rocks that fit together perfectly. With a Gold cap on it.
It was an impressive feat for ancient people to make it.
First of all we who are blessed not to be American don't lump all of Europe under one category of skin color
The credit for each of those inventions rightly belongs to the nation that inventor belonged too sorry to burst your bubble there is no white nation if there is it has had more civil wars than the entirety of the wars non fair skin peoples have had combined
>black super genius
>tricked by white people
Guess he wasn't so smart was he
White men also give their women up freely to be inseminated by negros
pile of rocks? fucking dumb burger
>Ultra expensive artificial mountain that serves no fucking purpose whatsoever.
>White MasterCard
>be tricked by Jew all throughout their relevant history
no, there are no elephants in Egypt
it was a tomb for king dumb burger
Then why didn't your country denounce it as fake? The Soviets had lots of spies in America so they had the intel. If it was fake and they exposed it, it would have been extremely embarrassing for America.
He said no purpose whatsoever. Obviously he meant practical utility
>Some trap faggot king worshipped like a god by dumb negros
>Serves no purpose
This confuses the negro, as the negro thinks that because it was expensive to build it has some inherent value.
And other 5000 people that died between the blocks during construction.
utilitarianism is cancer except applied to software
No proper sarcofagus or human boduparts were ever found inside.
>number of Man made wonders located in Lithuania:?
electricity always existed it was just found how to use it exactly the same as the internet
what the fuck are you talking about white people invented ALL those things you fucking paki... get out of my country you fucking mudslime scum
That Hungarian one is majestic
beta's do paki
KYS for allah
mohamed was a fucking prick who i would love to have fucking stomped his fucking brains out of his sub-human face
u dont understand its purpose I will explain it, Egypt was very rich and Egyptians got easy life, so Kings didnt want to spoil the workers by letting them without work, because u know a lot of freetime =LGBTQ, revoulations, feminism and all of humanity bullshits so they built the pyramids
and many other tombs found empty, because it got stolen years ago, before the researchers start working in the egyptian history or discover the tombs, the only tomb of king found untouched until its discovery was Tutankhamun tomb
Just goes to show how tasty elephant meat is.
who did this you say?
some dumb muslim king wanted to use the rocks to build castle and he failed
the empire of egypt fell because of islam?
not exactly, it is just life cycle of of civilisation,
hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men and weak men create hard times
Egypt kingdom started to fell before islam, and islam helped later+ many other invaders
Just like yours Jamed
can you recommend any litterature about the egyptian kingdom? hows life in egypt? havn't been there in a while, miss the land
tahya misr
sweden shall never be my country, but i'll give sweden my social duty with time as im not a leech to this once beutiful country
>tahya misr
are you an Egyptian? :D
i dont know exact books in English about Egypt, most of my information from my father he is guide touristique and egyptologist
Nope, paid workers.
Weak bait.
Why the hell would anyone want to waste money building over sized tombs? Yeah, they are neat to look at but come on. This thread is dumb.
Whites did build that you fucking nigger.
> pile of rocks
اة ياعرص يبنلمتناكة
>American education
Some day the "white folks will classify the LHC as the 8th wonder of the world. Pretty sad imho senpai.
>implying it wasn't pic related who built the pyramids
That's... actually a pretty good post
At least the parts about the mummies and other shit being stolen
But i think the pharaos only build them because they believed they were like gods, not for fear of potential movements, although that would be more interesting
Is there anything that proves it?
Err the sun uses nuclear Fusion not Fission which was used to create the atom bomb...
it's a giant expensive triangle. you can't live in it, you can't have a concert in it, you can't store grain in it, you can't shop in it, etc
it doesn't DO anything except hold a corpse. should have used that stone and labour to build apartments or aquaducts or a colliseum at least
well nothing is proved 100% about pyramids to be honest all are theories but this the most logical one, normal people who thought pharaohs are like gods but pharaos them know they are not gods this just a way to rule
Because aliens help build the pyramids. They cut stone with lasers and levitated the stone blocks.
are you retarded?
> Literally useless structure
> Built by kangz
I'm willing to concede this claim
Pyramids are fuckin useless and 100% built by black laborers.
I mean your parlament was built by croatian slaves
so pretty its much the same
we wuzn't kangz aided by ayy lmao
it was a form of taxation. work on the pyramids for a number of years in exchange for the state's protection and whatnot. Labourers were well fed, had access to the top medical practitioners are the time and those who died during construction were burried in the pyramid's shadow, that kind of honour is too great to bestow on slaves.
>Why can't White folks build something more than or just as impressive and ingenious as picrelated?
Ancient Egyptians were white, Toby.
we wusnt sheit n sheeeiiitttt
You want to talk about pyramids, huh? Where's my fucking arcologies!?
Shut up nigger there is only 1 skin color in europe
the worst bait i have never seen without doubt. congratulations faggot.
>Ancient Egyptians were white
>The problem, it was thought that mummy DNA couldn’t be sequenced. But a group of international researchers, using unique methods, have overcome the barriers to do just that. They found that the ancient Egyptians were most closely related to the peoples of the Near East, particularly from the Levant. This is the Eastern Mediterranean which today includes the countries of Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. The mummies used were from the New Kingdom and a later period, when Egypt was under Roman rule.
>tahya misr
Is there any white left in Swedistan ?
There are elaborate passages and secret rooms we haven't even begun to explore yet. We have to send robots in there with cameras, so we don't have to excavate. Sure they're functionally useless now, but not entirely uninteresting.
they where too busy conquering it.
Beats picrelated
Ancient Rome wasn't lily white. It was a melting pot.
Archive clickbaiters
And besides, Rome and the Vatican created Islam, which is now conquering the Western nations today.