Where were you when it happened? How did your parents react?
Where were you when it happened? How did your parents react?
This even was a big red pill on women for me. I noticed that in general, men understood the horror of what had happened while most women couldn't see it as a big deal or actually argues that they had it coming.
I was in D.C. My parents were scared but I got the sense it would be overblown and that we would be at war soon early on. Was a hell of a start to high school. I'm glad in retrospect we went through an age of neo-imperialism as it is now over and we have seen the harms but I feel bad for the soldiers who went into the meat grinder.
I remember thinking "Oh man, America is gonna fuck a lot of people's shit up for this"
Dad (exact words): this will be the fucking muslims.
I was watching morning TV I think.
I said I don't get what the big deal was, it was just some building collapsing and people die all the time. I got scolded
I didn't have to go to 4th grade that morning, West Coast fag here. My parents didn't tell me anything for three days. Teacher offered flat, flimsy 'condolences' to any of us who may have been affected.
I have a more personal memory attached to when they broadcast Baghdad being bombed, live.
I was fucking my girlfriend at the time when the 2 planes flew into the world trade center and i turned off the radio and continued with having sex.
I was 2 years old
I was in elementary school and didn't know until I was picked up at the bus stop
My mom tried to explain it as a plane made a mistake and crashed, so I thought it was a small Cessna or something and didn't think much of it until I saw some footage
then that graphic documentary came out about firefighters inside and people jumping out the windows and it was scary to watch
just about 3 or 4 years later in like 7th grade my one friend was going off about how unconstitutional the patriot act was and other issues with what happened. It got me deep into conspiracies and set me on a path that I'm still following to this day.
Parents? Fuck if I know, I was at work like a big boy.
We were in bunker
Detailed planning
Did you just assume my skin color, whiteboi?
On a school bus when a radio host said'
what the fuck is going on' as the plane hit the Pentagon.
Laughed our asses out because Amerikeks got schooled by a bunch of cave dwellers. That's before I took the 9/11 redpill, then it stopped being funny.
I was 14 and saw it 6am on the morning news. Parents were worried as my older sister was in transit on a plane when they first heard the news
Was at home and saw it on drudge on my debian 2.3 box. newfags btfo
The memory is very hazy but I remember being at school and thinking it was a bad thing
I was already a NEET back then
>wake up
>turn on PC
>play Unreal Tournament for 8 hours
>dinner time
>turn on tv
>wtf is this
>my dad gives me the
>you didn't know?
>I don't care
>back to Unreal Tournament
so yeah I found out about it like 16 hours after it happened
still NEETing after all those years
CTF instagib ftw
i dont know what happened to my parents, they disappeared, told me that they were going to america to do some business at the world trade center. never forget
When I saw the towers collapsing on TV I knew we were being coup'd.
>Be 8 years old
>Wake up extra early to watch DBZ
>Maybe this episode Cell will finally be defeated
>Turn on TV
>Some movie about buildings falling is on
>Must be the wrong channel
>Keep changing channel
>Same shit on every channel
>Wake up parents and tell them buildings are falling down in the city
>Acted in disbelief, took them a moment to realise it was in the world trade center
>Later that morning go to school
>American teacher turns up extremely late
>Acted sad the whole day and kept leaving to make phone calls
>Later that week she tells the class about the baddies in Afghanistan
>Learn to hate Arabs more than Poms
My parents said; 911 did
I said; no.
I was a freshman at university and it was during a lecture that the word started spreading. We went to the next bar and set there for about an hour watching the smoke, then I went home and watched the news again until about 3 AM in the night.
Back then it was a common sense knowledge that Islamism == terrorism and there was not #NotAllMuslims and #ReligionOfPeace. Now the number of apologetics has exploded, but they can't hide the truth forever.
Because women can't identify threats, they lack these instincts. Just look at the rapefugee petting women in Europe who don't understand why they are getting raped. A few decades ago you dad told you who you are not allowed to date and for a good reason, a teenage girl or even an adult woman underestimates threats and falls for "he just needs some care and help". We know the results.
camping in the swamp doing military service, clearing tent of mooseflies and our piglike gopnik lieutenant says some big building has been hit by an airplane in NY
a week later when I get back, so many crying eagles and a huge suspicious circus is going on
then the US media is hyping them up for war with zero logic behind it and I go down the deep state, mkultra etc. rabbit hole
God, people like you are the reason I have mixed feelings enlisting. It's not the thought of death that scares me. It's the thought of sacrificing my life for someone such as yourself so you can say, "I feel bad for the guys who died," with your repulsive and patronizing tone. No one gives a FUCK whether you "feel sorry" for them. Keep that shit to yourself. That and your reductionist crap.
Well its more that I didn't think their sacrifices were worthy of their efforts. I was not trying to be patronizing either then or now. I felt that going to war to make sure Iran couldn't have nuclear weapons and had military bases on all sides was foolhardy. I mean I didn't know exactly why were at war but my history teacher was a Vietnam War veteran and he felt like it was misplaced aggression as well. 9/11 was an excuse for war, and I knew that it would be used as such early on. It was more my old sympathies with minorities that informed my perspective; I felt the Iraq War was a funnel for aimless brown young adults to be orchestrated by the wealthy.
Came home from school. Saw what happened. Laughed my ass off. Told my parents. They didn't gave a fuck.
Yeah your dad said so. Lel, you certainly aren't pushing any agenda, your dad really said it.......
You got me. He was an Israeli CIA Haliburton shill running a psy op on his 9 year old child.
I say stop being a reductionist and stop patronizing people and then what do you do? Patronize some more. I'm not asking you to explain yourself. I'm not asking for a history lesson or what your ideology might be. I'm simply remarking how what you're doing is repulsive and you should FUCKING STOP.
What's more is that you can't even understand why I would say this. Instead of assuming I don't understand your position, why not do something else for a change, why don't you ask yourself why I would say what I've said?
Oh, that's right, getting someone to have an original thought instead of vomiting out ideology and regurgitating someone else's opinion is impossible anyway.
The hell is your problem?
I was holding a meeting and just recieved my cheque and informed everything went according to plan, then I smoked a cigar on the balcony and looked at the sunset
forgot all about 9/11
9/10 on the other hand was fucking great.
I will never forget that day.
>taking a nap
>my mom comes in
>"a plane has crashed in one of the towers of the world trade center in new york!"
>say "ok" and go back to sleep
Parents explained about all the good men who died that morning.
And how it was okay, bc even though we lost 19 of our best, they took 3100 infedels with them,
I was 10.I remember seeing it on the news,and going to play Lego Racers on my new computer(Pentium 3-was super cool back then) after.
I also remember my dad saying how finally Americans got some taste of the war,since you haven't had destruction on your soil since forever.
You realize people under 21 (most of Sup Forums and Sup Forums specifically) rarely remember it, right?
I don't have a problem. You do. It's telling that when someone asks you to reflect on something besides ideology or dialectic that instead of doing so you simply assume that there's something wrong with the person who asked you to do it.
So, there's your problem. Have a good day.
You just seem upset over nothing.
Actually, my dad was pretty redpilled without me knowing at the time, he knew this shit would blow up the next 25 years and he's still right to this day..
> babys got PTSD
tfw no pentium 3 \serious sam playing croatian gf
Woke up early to watch cartoons before school. WTF planes crashing into towers in America on every channel. Run to wake up my parents to tell them what I was seeing. They still half asleep thought I had a bad dream or something. Go to school (grade 6) and discuss the geo political consequences with my mates. Teachers just shaking their heads at how stupid we must've sounded.
Lol you seem a little triggered there GI Joe
Huh, you reply that quickly and essentially repeat what you said in .
You really don't see the irony given what I previously just said? Now it's kind of hilarious reading what I've said to you so far. It's like I predicted your response. If you reply at all now it's just going to be more fake astonishment or something to attack my character to avoid dealing with the truth in my statements.
If you read our conversation in full you would see that I'm not a combat veteran. Do you always speak from a place of ignorance?
No, I'm being honest. If honesty equates to some sort of emotional breakdown or meme then I have to wonder if you're not a fundamentally dishonest person.
You had a weirdly emotional reaction to someone saying he felt bad for the soldiers who died. If you were actually a veteran with PTSD then a reaction like that could be considered understandable but since you're presumably some high school kid who hasn't done anything yet you just come off as a little unstable.
4th grade. Teacher told us after we got back from PE. Watched the news in class for the rest of the day. Parents were glued to the TV for days.
Why would I need to have PTSD and be a veteran to get sick and tired of people dictating truth conditions around thousands of deaths? Also, why would I need to be a high school student to facilitate that? I don't speak like a high school kid nor am I actually in high school.
In summary, you just replied highlighting nothing while making false assumptions the entire time.
we all had a hearty chuckle and went on to burn an am*rican flag
>dictating truth conditions
You speak like something alright, I just don't know what. What do you mean by this?
>not even a soldier yet
>already off the chain with crybaby ptsd
Make like a marine and kill yourself. Its for the better.
I got scared the night before of monsters in my closet so I slept in my mom's bed. We woke up to my dad calling us to turn on the news. Then we had a field trip to a government NASA-type facility that was shut down except for our tour group. So we walked around this huge government facility and we were the only people there.
I was 12
Home in Ghana. Remember hearing about it on the radio on the way back home after school. Mom called everyone of the relatives we had in the States to make sure they weren't in the tower. No one was. We had dinner and then promptly forgot about it
He's making generalizations that establish false conditions for whether or not someone's life and death had any meaning.
Oh yeah, just to point it out since you seem to lack the faculties to understand irony or anything else of abstract value, I literally just predicted that the other guy would attack my character and then you reply when he didn't doing just that.
Do any of you senseless morons have anything else to say? It would be something if one of you could compose something of any objective merit. Now I'm just wasting my time explaining myself with phrases and words that you can easily understand.
>Make like a marine and kill yourself
Ah, so now I know what class of people I'm arguing with and what they believe. Makes sense that a hateful leftist would target my speech.
Fuck off. Go die for Jerusalem ok sweety? America will be better off with you in a shit pit.
College and 90% here in their dad's nut.
I remember coming back from school to find my sister crying in front of the TV, I didn't know what wtc was at the time
It just seemed cool terorists would pull out such a stunt show
My dad was rather pleased, he raised me as a good US hating woke individual
I was a kid back then but now I understand a good american is a dead american
Mom took me out of class early that day. I wanted to kill Saddam Hussein so bad. The patriotism was in the air everyone on the same team. It was the greatest time of my life.
Dance with my father at our local synagoge, because our plan succeeded and the Retarded States of America (RSA) sucked it all up.
but now we are nuking the muslims so win win situation...oh you're german, you don't know what it feels to win.
>If you create terrorist organizations starting to take over the entire ME you win
>If you secure the existence of the Jewish state in the ME you win
I like you.
I like you too. sorry about WWII. Should have told your jap friends to not attack us.
but you provoked them and ignored the incoming attack you stupid kike tool?
I was in NJ and my dad worked up the street from everything. I remember getting out of school early and my mom picking me up. She just told me that something happened in New York. In the car I heard on the radio what was going on and I immediately got scared. We didn't hear from my dad for a couple of hours and when he did finally come home, we couldn't go near him because he had that dust all over us clothes, and he had to get undressed in our backyard and toss the clothes in the trash.
He saw some shit that day. He knew people who didn't make it out of there. The whole thing was a redpill for me.
Economic warfare can be a very sad thing, but the Japanese should have waited until we secured our own victory in Europe.
why am i a kike? Still, don't start what you can't finish.
25% of soldiers already have PTSD when entering the military. Read that somewhere once, can't find a link immediately.
Normal day. Go to school. Looking forward to eating pizza Lunchable. First period and a teacher comes in and whisper in our instructors ear. They leave the class alone for a few minutes. Teacher comes back in tears and is acting strange. Nobody gives a fuck besides people pointing it out. Announcement over speakers that school is out early. Walk home because I'm just a few blocks from school and my parents don't love me. Everyone picking up their kids and hugging them because they're overly dramatic fuckwits. Get home turn on TV. Cool footage and retards talking. Family eventually gets home and are all emotional and being faggots. Sat around watching it all and eating Lunchables and dinner rolls like a fat little boy. Was all in all a good day.
Fat fuck.
I was about to start my second year of high school, so I woke up late-ish. Turned on the TV and the newsman was interviewing then Mexico's Foreign Affairs Secretary and asking him about his upcoming trip to the US to negotiate am immigration pact (remember "The Whole Enchilada" thing? Yeah, that).
As the Secretary boasted how well the US-Mexico relations had been going during the Fox administration, the news anchor said they had to cut to a shot of an incident in New York, cutting to a feed of one of the towers already smoking. Both of the news anchors and the Secretary discussed how this had to be an accident. When they finished that sentence, the second plane slammed into the other tower.
After that, I got dressed and kept watching the news until both towers collapsed. Two days later (September 13th) I was with my GF and a friend and wondered why the terrorists didn't do it on that day to avenge the battle of Chapultepec. Noticing how nowadays no one remembers the CIA backed coup in Chile that took place on September 11, I think it was for the best.
I was in 6th grade at the time and the teachers told our class about what had happened and let us go home. I knew immediately when they told us what happened how bad it was and got worried unlike most of the kids around me since my dad worked in WTC2 at the time. Shit made me think about planes just crashing into everywhere around me when I was on the busride home. Got home saw a car that I've never seen before in my driveway which accelerated my worries and had me run to my door/house. Got in and saw my dad with his suit in shreds with cuts all over his body and debris coating everything on him. Went over and hugged him/started crying etc. Watched the endless news broadcasts for the rest of the night knowing full well what a catastrophe it was. I'm leaving out a bunch of stuff that my dad told me later on that makes the story alot more dramatic but meh.
Kinda weird that to this day I still find ways to joke about 9/11 even when it had a pretty profound impact on me in general. Oh well.
I was in 4th grade, we definitely had conversations of nuking the entire middle east the next day on the bus. Felt really comfy everyone was on the same page.
We were singing, dancing and drinking.
Microwave field generator technology (adapted from Nikola Tesla's work) combined with thermite charges placed into the steel beams took out the towers.
The planes were just for the coverup story.
Home alone, watched it burn and smoke. Both parents worked 10 min walking distance away. They thought a war started.
Oh yeah well for how my parents reacted it was probably the first time in my life that I can recall my dad visibly crying. My mom had to be driven to the hospital earlier that morning by my dad for what was unknown illness before that morning that later ended up being breast cancer but ultimately ended up saving my dad's life since he was late to work that day doing so.
I was in Greece when it happen and parents started laughing out of joy when they heard the news.
Manhattan 78th street and lexington, 6th grade history class.
Went home, dad was watching tv stunned. Went to room and shitposted on AOL email thread with all the other kids from school. Thought it was dope I got the day off next day, asked mom if we could go to Sharper Image.
Did not appreciate gravity in slightest.
Eat cereal, as I was two time-zones away at the first "plane-strike". Didn't hear 'bout it until homeroom in high school when a few people were talking 'bout it; shrugged it off, at the time, thought it was an accident. Only when the teacher rolled in the television did I realize it was a little more than a wayward Cessna.
Made two towers with blocks and knocked them down. Got shit for it from a bleeding heart teacher. Was a young kid at the time.
I was in the kitchen cleaning a dish.
I was at a Subway eating lunch. Thought it was a movie.
My pops said it was probably the muslim Osama Bin Laden, first time I learned about Islam.
>be world police
>have powerful intellligence
>cant stop this
till this day i doubt this is a job for mere terrorists
>1st grade in catholic school
>Kid sees a burning building over the river.
>Teachers panic and throw us all in the gymnasium and lock us in
>Parents begin to arrive
>Teachers say no child is allowed to leave
>We were literally locked in steel gates
>Parents begin to riot and one muzzy threatened to beat a teacher up if he couldnt get his son
>My dad , a housing inspector threatens to bust the gate open with his truck
>My mother was too scared to leave her office
Morale of the story. Dads are the most competent people of the household.
I just remember being at school and all regular classes were cancelled and we ate pizza and talked about it, thanks jews!
I was in [spoiler]hell[/spoiler] Russia. The end.
Lucky. We got no special treatment as I recall. was really young though so might remember things wrong.
I was in fifth grade at the time. After coming back from gym class, a bunch of teachers were gathered around this old ass TV they had drug into the class room.It was CNN coverage of the burning tower.
The second tower had not been hit yet. The whole situation was still thought of as an accident. When the second plane hit, I knew we were going to war.
I was on a trip in Egypt.
Egyptians were happy, even our guide who was not an integrist (well...).
trying to sing happy birthday to myself
fuck you for reminding me
Parents was happy because mad about WW2
I was like, six years old and in first grade. I don't even remember the day. I didn't learn about 9/11 until 2004. However, in fourth grade we spent a whole week learning about it though.
I was part of a crew that was there to document the event, and we were hastily deported without due cause or process :(
I was phone when Heidi rung
>WTC is kill