What do you think of The Man in the High Castle?
What do you think of The Man in the High Castle?
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Boring as shit as a show.
Interesting story and a great premise.
Stupid, i watched one video and it overexxagerates natsoc
>nazi empire
>le slaves xDDDD
Book was great.
S1 was meh, slow buildup.
S2 ending was glorious, holocauster ride.
Honestly, I love Phillip K Dick but this show is so boring. I want to like It but nothing happens.
It's alright, I don't really like the unexplained time-dimension jumping stuff and the magic tapes though, the show would have been much better off with another story explanation although I did like the Season 1 ending with Hitler watching the tapes of how Germany got fucked, which was what drove and helped him to win the war. It's actually funny how Hitler is sort of the good guy in this show.
season 3 when
read the book, then you will get tapes and dimension jumping
qt nazi girls? lul might watch
how high is the castle
Could have been better. No one is even implicitly queer, not even the antique dealer.
Antifa characters are all bad people who get whatever horrible shit comes their way due to being shady and awful
Nazi and jap characters are honorable people who are good and generative
Its something ive noticed with kikes overplaying their hand in scifi lately, where the protagonists are boring due to diversity checklisting and the bad guys are sympathetic and understandable because theyre le evil white men so they dont have to walk on eggshells.
Look at Rogue One or Force Awakens, in both cases you have fucking BORING and awful characters as protagonists, but the le evul nazi bad white guys are motivated, interesting people.
As high as hitlers eagles nest
There wasnt a single good new character in either new starwars movie
Star Wars has been about ww2/nazis in "space" since the first scene of the first film.
>Look at Rogue One or Force Awakens
I'd rather not
Does the show just demonize NatSoc completely and is full of Jewish propaganda or is it actually fun to watch?
I love the show desu
National socialists call themself nazis, this is what burgers really believe in
>fails to see the parallel in reciting the pledge of allegiance in American schools
Only a communist can be this stupid.
It's pretty cool. It shows good and bad nazis.
Rogue One was actually pretty fucking awesome. Probably the best Star Wars made since the original 3. Far better than the prequels or the newest aftermath Star Wars.
It's like a discount Game of Thrones
I fucking hate the protags in The Man in the High Castle, they're so fucking dull and their entire characters are built around MUH DRAMA. John the Nazi dealing with his kid though, 10/10.
Haven't seen S2, but so far it doesn't seem to demonize NatSoc as much as the white middle class American lifestyle. There's an awkward conflation.
>if you live in the suburb, have conservative values, your children are NORMAL and you're all white, you're literally a NAZI
hate it to the guts
Before dubya dubya dos, estadeunidanses had their kids doing it.
>but the le evul nazi bad white guys are motivated, interesting people
What? Star Wars nazis are bland af
Im aware burger reading comprehension, im saying in the new disney films that only the bad guys have any depth
Unintentionally redpilled. The Nazis just want the best for their people, they have all the cool tech, the Lebensborn kids are all hot and cool, and Nazi occupied America has the aesthetics and manners of 1950s America. It really makes me miss the good ol' days.
The nazis are the good guys whether the showrunners wanted them to be or not
Nazis make good movie villains because no screen time needs to be spent characterizing them.
Sounds more like glorifying National Socialism than demonizing the traditional family to me lol
Krennic and Ren specifically I think are well fleshed out characters, if only compared to their fucking STALE protagonist counterparts
You think farm boy is more interesting than scavenger?
Its exactly that
Extremely odious and on the nose anti Trump propaganda that had the opposite effect because you can only run from the truth for so long
(the truth is that jews are evil subversive nation wreckers as has been noted countless times across history)
I think a farm boy who dreams of doing big things than does big things is better than a scavenger who wants to stay on her planet the entire movie and is reluctantly forced into conflict and wants no part in it the entire time
This. The purpose of the scenes in Nazi occupied America is to show the audience that America in the 1950s wouldn't be any different than if Nazis had taken over. It's supposed to make the audience feel ashamed of America's past, but it just makes me like the Nazis even more.
The jews jewed themselves
Has massive potential. Alternate dimension where hilter won and mysterious films reels showing our dimenson where he lost all placed in ww2 era? Are you fucking serious? AWESOME!!!
I was so FUCKING HYPE when watching it...
IT WAS SHIT!. Fucking SHIT they took this awesome as fuck concept and RUINED IT COMPLETELY it was so fucking boring
the key piece of plot, the movies don't even play any real role in the whole show, in the entire first season they are given like 10 minutes of screen time total.
I don't think i was ever this much dissapointed in a tv show before
It's alright, I just think how it tries to paint natsoc as ebil was really annoying.
I like how the ending wasn't extremely predictable also
I think the movie is redpilled as fuck.
Touché. 5D chess.
There are actually multiple aspects to it. They try to make the Nazis come off as extremely creepy with phrases like "Nobody locks their doors around here" But fail miserably. They also entirely misrepresent the Eugenics program but still it's entertaining.
Have the book, haven't read it yet.
Not interested in the TV show.
It's funny to watch NatSoc Berlin and compare it to RL Germany which is infested with rapefugees, Turkroaches and so on. Best part is when we're introduced to the young Germans who grew up after the war and are experiencing with LSD in a chalet in the mountains. NatSoc Germany safer than modern day Germany, cleaner, majestic as fuck AND more free. Also the Nazi have an advanced space program on way. Win everywhere, I don't know what the writers of the show are trying to convey.
Wow, I did not know that.
It felt like the Nazis were too evil. A bit too much "hurr eivl nazis" under tones.
I watched the first season and I had a really hard time buying into the premises
>They try to make the Nazis come off as extremely creepy with phrases like "Nobody locks their doors around here" But fail miserably.
This one made me laugh, hard. When I was a kid (I lived in the Finnish equivalent of suburbs), nobody locked their doors. It was that safe in our neighborhood.
It's genuinely messed up that the only association the current generation draws from this is that not locking your doors means you're living in a creepy surveillance/police state, where it's implied that you have no privacy.
You prevented this future.
Here as well, in our village no door was locked, you don't even had to lock your car.
WEll, everything changed with the refugees..
I mean the premise is pretty retarded. The world building started and stopped with Axis win, and all they did was cut the world into two parts, Nazi Controlled, and Japanese controlled. They put no thought into actual plans or things that might become issues for example: Japan wanted control over the entire pacific, but Australia and New Zealand are white majority, surely Hitler wouldn't want Japs raping white people like that. But this isn't even a thought in the show, because all they did was take a map and draw a line down the middle and say, this half is Nazi, this half is Japanese.
Japan is probably the most autistic part, the year is 1962 and they still have no idea how nukes work, it took Russians 2 years in our timeline to rip us off, but apparently in 1962 the Japs are literally still at square one until they are given blueprints. Japan also apparently doesn't care about German racial laws, and Germany doesn't care about this, or the fact that they are controlling millions of white people around the globe, and allowing the kikes and niggers a refuge from the Nazis. Population is also something forgotten in the show, as Japan is in control of all of China AND all of India. Meaning they have billions of people under their jurisdiction, the fact that even with this sheer number of people they are complete retards compared to the Nazis is mind blowing.
All in all the show is really shitty. All the protagonists are complete sjw self righteous faggots. They all have a hero complex and are resisting for no other reason than Nazis are the bad guys, which is subjective to our timeline, not theirs. The entire plot about the tapes and the man in the high castle is complete autism, and exposes how awful the author is as a writer. But it is fun to see Nazi Germany/ Nazi America, because they are like literal paradises.
Its the same in my small Iowa town.
It's so fucking blackpilling. Fuck Churchill, fuck Roosevelt. What could have been..
Stop being a salty cunt. We all know our country had a role to play in it. How the tables have turned, though.
That timeline is too good to be true.
Once I make a few mil, I'm moving the fuck out of the city. I hate the constant exposure to complete and utter degeneracy that plagues our nations.
I don't know about that. Occupying so many foreign territories could've not ended well, especially pulling off shit like this
You gotta love the aesthetics of the Nazi regime, but I don't think it could've worked out in the end.
I'm confused why Germany wouldn't take all of North America. Why let the Japs have the west coast? Why let a strip of independent states?
>look at this Evil you stupid goyim
>can't see see how awful a white-only civilisation is ?
You know, that narrative would have been more effective if they didn't depict a literal paradise, heaven on Earth.
>no cover edits
its literally the superior salute, sucks that its so stigmatized now
i like how the nazi characters are most enjoyable than the rest
It had potential, but it has no idea where it's going. It's going to end up like Lost
John is a protag
It's typical kike fiction, sometimes entertaining. The premise itself is utterly implausible as even if the axis had won in eurasia they never would have had the manpower for a US invasion and occupation. Japan literally colonising California with 75% of people being Japanese in 1962 is absurd. It's funny how hard they try and portray nazi society as evil at every turn, even when it clearly isn't or is an improvement on our society.
>that scene with dramatic camera angles and evil music when it's just a doctor giving the mc a standard external medical examination.
That's why I mentioned that particular scene as an exception.
To call it typical is to downplay the fact they unwittingly promote conservative ideals that include antisemitism for a generation that is currently bouncing back from 40+ years of liberalism.
>tfw you'll never live in that timeline
Our fault desu for believing west would help us.
i think its because the nips invaded west coast first and got there first and hitler didnt care and let them have it