>Graduation picture of a german school class
Please end our suffering, this is a school in Duisburg.
It's over
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What a sad state of affairs, kraut-bro. We are all doomed. Start preparing for the worst.
Kraut bros are cucked, but, its own wrong doing, so ...
You played the game, and lost it.
Now play it again, think positive.
>look at me I'm the german now
That bitch got the dunkelheit.
Deutschland unter Allah
why do you keep reposting this
They want you to hate them as much as they hate themselves pole bro.
Türk or Serb?
>Muhammed Tahir Tokgür
So a Serb then
she is german though
I see no problem, they look like young healthy germans to me.
LMAO!!!! Look who is talking!
At least they are all white.
Stop watching porn!
Well duh, it's basically the Ghetto of Germany
are the standards for immigrant students lower? Or will they be able to make Volkswagens ?
BILD: this abi photo is a German success story!
Not sure if I should laugh or rage or cry or burn down the Reichstag. lmao
I-I-It's just Duisburg!
Sure thing, Mehmet.
Most of them suck in school but still get a degree
They are significantly lowered, the entire system was dumbed down over the last 15 years and was and is rotten to the core.
If you want a decent education for your children in Germanistan, you HAVE TO send them to a private school.
Not a graduation, just typical big city Realschule/Hauptschule. Gymnasium graduation pics look different.
He's about to share her so...
>got the dunkelheit.
At least the rugs will cover the ugliness of german females
You're all wrong again. It's a picture of migrants who successfully learned german and just passed their exams.
God damnit, those sandniggers at least speak german or try to fit in not like many others.
Sup Forums is fucking retarded.
Opening a mosque is the worst thing you can do if you want integration...
Also note it's completely funded by non-muslim taxpayer money.
Why are they building mosques?
Here a few random Abitur pics I just got off the internet in a few secs. True randomness.
No. The worst thing to do is to allow networks that are literally named after Ibnu Taymiyyah, the founder of Wahhabism.
Lailah ilallah allahu ekber!
You can count the number of whites on one hand. When is this literal shithole being glassed already?
Not dark-skinned and genetically and morally degenerate enough to be a disgustingly filthy mongolian (turkish) cockroach. So yes, probably somewhat aryan. But let's just castrate that animal anyway, to be sure.
Probably to make the Turks feel more at home and keep them in Germany. It's all part of the (((plan)))
can krautbros be jailed for talking shit about muslims and merkel on the chan? Or is this your last platform for freedom?
>Castrate him
Who is gonna make babies then?
Wow what beautiful ((diversity)) Germany has!
>that thousand cock gobbler stare
I love being Welsh.
If you look at all of those pics, there are 3 things that become transparent:
A. Germany has no obesity problem when it comes to high school graduates
B. Germany has no radical Islam problem when it comes to high school graduates
C. Germany has an SJW problem when it comes to high school graduates
Islamists, obese people and right wingers all end up in the apprentice system.
Literally see nothing wrong with it
You wh*te boiz just jealous you gettin BLACKED
Machine gun friday, anyone?
kill me
t. duisburg user
Are you retarded?
calm down agent malone
i don't think the stupid NetzDG holds any value, since it violates EU law
personally, i can't imagine the german (((government))) actually bothering to control Sup Forums
How many times has Germany fucked up now?
Might as well wipe it off the map at this point.
This is about the correct kindergarten demographic in pic related in Germany.
das und Deutschland verschenkt Abitur an Mädchen.
That's probably some socialist cucked part of Germany. How's Bavaria? Isn't it quite right wing?
Checked Adolf
So glad Germoney is such a modern tolerant and diverse country free from bigotry and hate. We should send all our immigrants and refugees o Germoney only they know how to integrate them.
Shut the fuck up
Rapefugees don't know we exist and just go to London in droves. It's a blessing.
Funnily enough I was just watching this video. The cities were bustling with activity back then. Granted cities are still packed but people are organised like sardines
I count 2 whiteys
We truly are blessed, brawd.
You better not be american you commie.
German education is terrible. If you can spell your name after 9th grade (with help) and sing refugees are welcome here you are already set for the Abitur with top tier grades.
Krauts have no fashion sense. It looks like turkey
>das und Deutschland verschenkt Abitur an Mädchen.
There is also a lovely CAPTION THIS in this picture. My guess is the one in the front is getting fucked in orgies every second day.
It's fucking over
>Deutschland verschenkt Abitur an Mädchen
es ist abscheulisch wie viele schülerinnen 1 oder 2 bekommen, nur weil sie eine fotze haben und der lehrer notgeil/feministisch ist
How fucking retarded can you get?! The fucking USA allied with Stalin and Bolshevism to crush the last hope of white Europe to win WW2 for (((them))), you mouth breating retard!
>Giving shekels to MSM
Get cancer and die Cletus
So is this some ghetto school or what? Probably something more to the story of this class photo.
then why does it say "Abitur"
>Krauts have no fashion sense.
Don't you know the old joke about fashion in Europe?
Italian women dress up to fit the latest fashion trends, French women dress up to fit the fashion trends next year... and German women dress in fashion trends from the last decade in the hope those trends come back at some point.
>German humour
my school is wh*ter lol.
love the fedora in the back line
>They want you to hate them as much as they hate themselves pole bro.
That's not possible, I h8 them way more than they could h8 themselves
>German education is terrible.
Yet somehow they still got great technical talent that's fueling the economy. Bullshit. They have a great education system.
it's a chain reaction. tell me where that chain started genius. Besides we were attacked or we would have kept out of it.
I graduated from there ask me anything Sup Forums
That pic hit me right in my nationalism.
This can't be allowed to continue.
Bus stop in latvia !! So you can see why it looks funny to me !
>>German humour
Oh, I forgot, British women dress so everyone knows they want to get laid, but so that nobody can complain they contract an STD.
That is truly disturbing and disgusting.