>be amerishart
>have to pay to cross bridge
>be amerishart
>have to pay to cross bridge
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Freedom isn't free, it must be bought.
Is this for real? The ultimate socialist shit
Who will pay for the roa-
Bridges don't pay for themselves. The vibration of cars takes a toll on bridges. Every single dollar is used for maintenance and their barely break even.
At least they don't have a fucking Road Tax like you Eurocucks!
Of course! All tax money taken with the argument that it's for roads is promptly used to fund niggers and beaners and people who made poor choices, and then I have to privately bear the cost of roads.
America will only be fixed by a mass-scale lynching of government employees at all levels.
> Implying everything isn't paid for somehow
> Paying taxes means things are free
You're a retard
They have to pay annual "registration fee" per vehicle, which is basically road tax.
Nobody's arguing that, niggerfaggot - the problem with taxes is that they go to things I'd never voluntarily pay for, like welfare or helping low-IQ minorities - but the few services I *do* actually want like roads require an additional charge.