How fucking cucked is the UK. Bunch of sand niggers running around throwing acid on random people.
Seriously what if anything will it take for these cucks to grow a pair of balls.
How fucking cucked is the UK. Bunch of sand niggers running around throwing acid on random people.
Seriously what if anything will it take for these cucks to grow a pair of balls.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's cultural enrichment, so shut up your racist mouth!
> Full of cameras
> no dead spots
> 90 minutes to police to arrive
> 1 hour later, 1 victim is giving an interview and touching his face like its nothing and says he got hit with acid.
Is this just a scheme to control and impose even more strict rules?!
i love the term sand nigger
And the victim was a Muslim man named Hussein. Def sounded staged to me.
>How fucking cucked is the UK
United Kingdom, Britain America Austraila and Canda are not KEKED! they are as their grand fathers were!
Stop spreading hatred.
Why is it that the ones that should cover their face don't?
As long as they're throwing it at hot women I'm all for it. They always treat me like shit and I want to see them suffer as much as possible.
You're probably lucky they talk to you at all at this point.
More chavs and gangs than Muslims mate
But London is still cucked and not British
Shut up you islamophobe. It's their culture.
Lmao you realize its pakis doing it to eachother.
were not as cucked as you smelly americucks who you let rape your women. fucking cucks
Never... Cucks will always be cucks. Gotta love hate. Just have music festival or some shit
Lol your police force literally let a rape gang go free for a year because they didnt want to be racist you fuck
This could be gang related user, wasn't the guy white as snow?
We are fucked. I live in london. I plan to do my own OP on Sup Forums to tell my stories, because I think they will shock most people who don't live in london. I am of the serious belief that parts of london are the worst place to live in western europe, with the exception of maybe some parts of paris.
the acid attacks are underreported if anything, they've been increasing year on year since the 90s and it's only now they're getting attention
note Coulter's Law is in full effect here
> Full of cameras
> no dead spots
welcome to London
> 90 minutes to police to arrive
again, London
> 1 hour later, 1 victim is giving an interview and touching his face like its nothing and says he got hit with acid.
the attackers used like a spray bottle for cleaning fluid, they didn't go up and chuck a beaker of the stuff in people's face. Those things have limited range
Once again Portugal reminding us that they have the lowest education rates in western Europe
Acid attacks are on the rise because of the popularity of HBO's award winning hit Kino Game Of Thrones.
tell a comfy mussie story please sir
London is right on the river thames or whatever right?
Why don't they just jump in the fucking river if they get strange liquid spashed on them?
Acid doesn't do that in a few seconds.
When I was 15 I was assaulted by two young niggers. I was carrying some seeds from a plant, I had just helped my neighbour trim her garden for pocket money.
They thought the seed packet I was carrying was weed seeds.
I had a ladder with me and battered one with the ladder, he went down bad. His friend ran away without even trying to help him. I searched the little coon fellow but he had nothing of interest, so I left him there gulping and saying he was gonna fuck me up.
more if you want, I have so many of these fucking stories
>drown in river
Pick one
I also live in London. I was going to say you are probably being melodramatic, but maybe I've lived here too long and am desensitised.
But yes, acid attacks have been incredibly underreported. Probably because it's a typical Muslim act and the media don't want to mention Muslim violence if they can get away with it.
Lived here for 20 years, I am also very desensitized. And yeah I think you're right about that media thing, check out Coulter's Law on wikipedia, it's shockingly accurate.
These last few acid attacks may also have been nig nogs though, robbing deliveroo is their sort of thing.
Yes, every street in London is right next to the river. Kill yourself.
I don't see a problem.
As long as they keep the shit in their hive, it's all good.
The moment they leave the quarantine, that's when we'll deal with the problem.
Besides, a few roasties getting toasted... especially British roasties. Well, there's not much room for there appearance to get worse.
Some might even call it an improvement.
Bin that acid.
arent most of the latest attacks being done by whites on muslims (hehe karma)
I don't blame you. If our women hated us as much as your women hate their own men, I'd think exactly the same thing.
The entire world should know, never bother with swedish or german women.
27% of British state pupils are non white.
The Future is here, and it's dark and crime ridden.
Lived here for 10 and have had more grief in the 99% white post-industrial Northern town I grew up in to be honest. I think living in relatively hipster areas and having mostly white middle class friends helps.
Saw a victim of that once. It's horriffic. It's one of those things that's 100x more impactful in real life. Imagine a 5'10 slim fashionably dressed woman with a skull for a face sitting on the train mostly just looking at the floor giving the impression that she was embarassed for causing people distress. Fuck every virgin edgetard in this thread.
>If our women hated us as much as your women hate their own men
He means your women hate your guts because of femenist parties and importing brown muck.
Swedish womans loyalty is something that doesn't exist, like Tartan paint, or a Glass hammer.
Who are the usual victims and perpertrators of these attacks?
How badly by do whites in London get shit on when it comes to getting hired and getting promoted by these "diverse" London business's/corporations?
How badly do whites get abused by the other races in general?
>The moment they leave their quarantine
Delusion. They've taken over birmingham and bradford already, manchester is one of their rape playgrounds, they're even leaching out into the countryside now. What you gonna do?
I can guarantee I'll have some trouble if I go out after dark where I live, and it's likely to be racial (anti-white) I am not exaggerating when I say that being white has made me a target for muggers, abusers and other scum in the past.
If you're white and working class, you have two choices, never go outside, or join one of the wigger gangs that imitate the black/muzzy alliance.
Sounds savage as fuck.
It's mostly Muslims doing this acid shit, right?
it is _only_ muslims.
if there was even one white attacker his mug would be on every newspaper front page by now.
>Usual victims and perps
Blacks and muzzies are the usual perps. If the news report doesn't mention anything, the perp was not white.
Pretty rare that one of these acid attacks is done by a white.
>How badly do whites get shit on for jobs
Very bad. All the hiring staff in london are not white now. Go onto oxford street and take a look in the shops, almost nobody will be white british. If you're lucky you'll get white europeans from the baltics, mediterranean or eastern europe. It's a fucking nightmare getting hired in many places because entire areas now have their businesses dominated by demographics like pakistani, bangladeshi, jamaican or indian. They obviously treat their extended family and their race with preferance, but whites don't do this usually.
>How badly do whites get abused
Not quite south africa tier, but its getting worse every year. Its very dangerous to go out at night in one of the muzzie owned areas, or fuck around near the council estates, you WILL get robbed, or beaten up for being white. You have to be willing to commit violence at the drop of a hat if you live in a shit area, that will keep the cunts off your back, they can smell it.
Guarantee it was some muslim bastard who did that.
might be wise to carry an alkaline in areas where it's prone to happen so you can neutralise the effect as quick as possible.
But ye, the UK is cucked and fucked.
>join one of the wigger gangs that imitate the black/muzzy alliance.
>He means your women hate your guts because of femenist parties and importing brown muck
its funny cause the feminist party only has around 1-2% of all votes in the country most of which come from Södermalm regardless of gender.
And it's not like Swedes get a choice when it comes to immigration policy, if we vote for our """"""consernative"""""" party we get just as many muds as we get as if we voted for the social democrats, SD is really the only 3rd option but its demonized as fuck by our """"neutral"""" state owned news corporation.
>Swedish womans loyalty is something that doesn't exist
one of the most retarded things Ive ever read
unfaithful relationships are non existent here and racemixing even less so.
Batikhäxor are practically the only racemixers here.
vid related
I went to look this up and OMG... 1500 acid attacks in London since 2011. Fucking rag heads need to be kick out of the UK. Damn.
California is currently under constant attacks by large mobs of either nigs or refugees who keep zerg rushing trains full of people and robbing them all. The cops don't want to release video of the attacks for fear of mean comments
Don't try to deny it Sven and don't try to deny their colosall miscegination rate either. I've heard about this from so many people that have spent time in Sweden (most of whom aren't even political) that there's no way it can be false. You guys have a huge problem with feminization of your men too and an extremely high homosexuality rate don't you?
There was one. And his mug was all over every newspaper for weeks. Look it up.
The very fact a party like that exists, is enough for me to say that Swedish womens loyalty is pretty dire.
It's a piss take, you should use it. Shame the women for voting for or even mentioning pro immigration policies.
Part and parcel.
There was a white attacker recently. It was the first, and only, attacker I've seen a picture of. And all of a sudden acid attacks are big news.
No Humans Involved.
Seriously though, I live in California. This is fake.
>I've heard about this from so many people that have spent time in Sweden (most of whom aren't even political) that there's no way it can be false
the last time I saw a racemixed couple was 2 months ago and I live in a town where immigrants are in majority yet I barely ever see racemixed couples, and when I do actually see them they're usually wmaf relationships.
>You guys have a huge problem with feminization of your men too and an extremely high homosexuality rate don't you?
maybe more north up by Stockholm, but no men here arent any more feminized then they are in any other place in W. Europe but the thing about high homosexuality rates is probablly true judging by the amount of homolobbying they do in Malmö and Stockholm.
Elliot? Is that you?
It's just part and parcel of living in a big city goy.
>The very fact a party like that exists, is enough for me to say that Swedish womens loyalty is pretty dire
they hold one single seat in the European parliament and that's the limit of their influence.
It honestly doesn't go any further then that
And like I said earlier, the only people who vote for it are hipsters from Södermalm.
I live on the outskirts of london.
I would like to build a wall round the M25 so that all the shit there stays in containment.
Vulgar stuff, who are the usual victims though? other blacks and Muslims? I hate to encourage white-flight but maybe you should get out of there amigo.
>Targeting weak believers and women
In pakistan there was also a rise because of "honor" related incidents
And this happening in a paki area of east london where girls with the last name of Khan are being attacked, the BBC show pictures of them before showing lots of skin so it must be religiously motivated because they havent said its related to islamaphobia or far right yet
Its muslim on muslim violence like the same thing which happened to the scottish shopkeeper they tried to push as anti muslim
Read up on takfirism
How do I survive an acid attack? Water is the best option right?
Whats an alkaline easy to pour
It's paki on paki violence.
Who cares?
They attack their own right?
>It honestly doesn't go any further then that
This is retarded. The fact it went that far is cause for concern. Hence swedish womens loyalty.
When your country is ran by cucks and antifas, it's impossible to get anything done
you survive by eliminating the threat beforehand.
London independence when?
water, depending on the type of acid used, can make the effect worse.
So you're just fucked for life?
welcome to multiculturalism
Checked. What if we archive that.
You know those "Emergency Shower and Eye Wash Station"s they have in labs?
You do that.
They were doing it to steal mopeds, Wasn't an islam thing. Thanks for trying though!
Though I guess forcing folks to "bin the knife" end up with far worse chemical attacks.
need an alkaline to neutralise it, like bicarbonate soda i believe. would have to be carrying it with you at all times though or else your face will melt.
Different story if they throw a stong alkaline on you though, maybe vinegar or something a bit stronger.
Aren't headscarves worn for "modesty" so the women don't attract random men? I'm pretty sure that's not a problem for her anymore lmao she can take it off now.
Thought it was "modesty" as in not showing your head to God, like Catholics. You should know this stuff Satan.
The uk really is a hive of scum and villany
>shitskin muzzie mayos says it's normal
I mean, it probably is for him.
Bin that acid!
reminder that if you get hit with acid (which i actually think is something alkali because of the speed it reacts with skin) you should mop your face with dry clothing as fast as possible starting with the eyes, and rinse with copious water once your face is dry
i imagine people hit in the face spend quite a lot of time floundering around in disbelief and pain trying to get their hands on water. also, both concentrated acid and alkali heat up on contact with water. just get it dry as quick as possible.
sorry for your loss. london has well and truly fallen
>they're even leaching out into the countryside now.
can confirm
I hope they don't have crop dusters in the U.K. The muzzies could melt an entire street
Once the girls the faces are all fucked up I dont care anymore, but when its a hot chick who got raped i still fell bad cause they still are cute.
So was their intent to steal or impose their sense of morality. I suspect the former if black, only muslims would have a problem with that.
Chemfag here. Carry Sodium bicarbonate solution in a little spray bottle for acid attacks. Dilute vinegar if they actually use lye sometimes. You can see if whatever you applied works, if it foams and fizzes at contact. Rinsing with water would be helpful too after, but as the the other user said, if no water at hand drying the face with your shirt or something is the way to go.
Whoa, are you aristotle? That was like way fucking deep philosophy, user. Kudus on the intellect pal.
Tell more. Its always good to hear stories from a third world country
Another protip, the cigarette ash from public ashtrays can be used to somewhat neutralize the acid too. Disgusting as fuck to do that, but better than losing a face.
Maybe she wont vote for open borders next time hey?
i bet her family still does. Serves her right.
The Freudian underbelly of the Swede.
>character gets blinded by literally a magic wizard casting a spell on her
>green explosive that has nothing to do with acid is used
>this inspires acid attacks
hmm they're onto something there
How do we save London?
Please tell us stories! I wanna know! You ever been harassed?!
Most disturbing, i`ve stoped to care about such things happening in UK/France/Germany.
Few months ago they just became everyday occurence.
If you say that you don't understand the scope, Poland isn't safe brother. And none of these countries is to blame.