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So degenerate we even corrupt the Muslims.
Dont worry, they will either be killed by their cousins or divorced. Fags are incapable of fidelity
Why does this upset anyone? It's the perfect approach.
>Those doubles
>that flag
How was it a Muslim wedding
I hear it didn't even have an imam.
Digits confirm
This guy's already getting death threats from other members of the religion of peace, every article about it is filled with muzzie comments calling him a fake muslim, an insult to god, a sinner, etc. This is actually great because it's redpilling normies about how intolerant the majority of muslims really are.
i mean
good for them but they wont last long will they? next weeks headline will be their roofing im sure
Yes let the liberal mind virus flow through them
They're probably the gayest group ever considering they rape pretty much anything in a "sexual emergency"
i hope they have a blast
It really isn't. It placates the natives to accept more immigrants, because the natives are degenerates. But it also infuriates the immigrants, who only came for the money, but have to put up with the degeneracy of the Brits. It doesn't reflect the actual Muslim community. The left one is a fucking convert too. Just like Christians, Muslims hate heretics even more than straight up heathens. Soiling the practices of Islam with faggotry will only make them mad, and that wouldn't be a problem if the UK wouldn't import more and more of them, but with painting Muslims more tolerant and progressive than they are, this is exactly what's happening.
It's a truly suicidal act, you only think it's a good idea if you hate the UK.
This was the first reply the last time this shit was posted
Are SJWs like white blood cells to isis goat fuckers? Maybe they'll go home rather than watch half their people turn gay.
Nah, people won't bother reading the comments but instead see how tolerant Islam is against homosexuals.
How does this work, will they cut each others head of or does somebody else do it for them?
Those jacket cuts are /fa/ as fuck. Like old military uniforms. Anyone knows what it's called?
It was in their head, and that's what counts.
Meanwhile in Sweden.
As a furfag, this enrages me.
What the fuck am I looking at?
Hmm, what if the millions of refugee muslims who grew up in fundamentalist countries that we destroyed incompetently have a problem with us dragging their religion into the toilet? What do they usually do about that in Islam-majority countries? Peaceful protest?
trash and a dead goat
That's what the powers that be hope will happen several generations down the road. They don't care the cost to get there. Be it wars, genocide, the chance of completely collapse of civilization; they'll be ok because they hold power (not just wealth).
> implying muslims would stop raping the goat just because it died
A dead and fucked goat thrown away in the muslim part of my town. Yes the goat was FUCKED, the police did a forensic analysist to establish if there was any cruelty done towards the animal (wich is illegal in sweden). It's not uncommon that goats get stolen from farms and end up dead and throw out in streets in muslim parts of Sweden though.
Will a Muslim please tolerate these fucks off of a building.
Everyone should watch this bit. Shitskin woman gives fags the truth about Islam, and all they can respond with is feels.
>all these swedish women around
>geez, I could really go for a nice goat to fuck right now
Jesus. How did you even hear about it? Isn't it illegal to report on the bad things muslims do in Sweden? Like you aren't even allowed to mention the ethnic background of criminals anymore I thought
Unlike most of Sup Forums I won't laugh at Sweden, I'm still hoping they recover from this disease in the 11th hour.
>two years togather
Most gay marrigas last monogam for 4 years. Most gay marriges last less then 10 years.
Why do they even bother to get married? Whats the purpose?!
lol.. They are going to be a target by other Muslims. Just watch the news over the next few months. Muzzies hate queers more than Sup Forums does.
I remember considering buying a Saab like 12 years ago. You could take "European Delivery" in Trollhattan and I thought it sounded like fun. So much changes in a decade...
Are they both women, or are they both men? Also, I just realized the the entire concept of homosexuality implies a certain discreteness of any supposed "gender spectrum" which may of may not exist.
Don't worry. All Swedish brands are already Chinese. You wont endorce the Swedish barbarism with a purchace.
Report them all to the police
It was posted on our local news website, but taken down after a couple of hours. I've seen a dead goat thrown outside an apartment ther when I drove through that neighborhood once. This country is fucked beyond repair, it feels like it and myself are slowly dying of cancer.
I used to work as a foreman in the SAAB factory. It's sad to see it all gone.
>sowing the seeds
Gay islam coming to Pakistan and Afghanistan soon
I hoped that at least there will be a chance of a muslim renessance inEurope. But as things are looking to be, the decay will not spare anyone.
I guess old habits die hard.
SAAB group is still swedish, they make surveillance equipment, weapons and fighter jets.
When i want a good blowjob i always go to england, there is a lot of male prostitute. Britbongs are very talented with their lips
ahahah, its working.
The mudshits are actually falling for it.
Great job guys