Hey Americucks. Make Kid Rock a senator because it will amuse me and piss off Elizabeth Warren

Hey Americucks. Make Kid Rock a senator because it will amuse me and piss off Elizabeth Warren

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Okay. It'd probably be good for lulz.

ITT: eurocucks who know nothing about American politics thinking kid rock as a senator will be something "new" and "outrageous"

Just stop. This is so cringy, as cringy as my flag. You idiots aren't memeing anything. Youre just a bunch of horny perverts and thats all you'll ever be

>piss off pocahontas

good enough for me

what are his qualifications?

you need to learn how to read. He pisses off pocahontas, what more do you want?

Who is he running against? I hope the politicians start to take note that it really doesnt matter who we put in office, because the career politicians are just working for their cronies who give them money and not the American people. Ie: Who wants to repeal Obama's net neutrality protections? The people, or the telecommunications industry? People did not vote for this.

His name is Kiiiiiiiiiiiiid

He produces liberal tears