How do you reconcile your hate for Israel when you realize they are greatest purgers of Islamists in the west?
How do you reconcile your hate for Israel when you realize they are greatest purgers of Islamists in the west?
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Takes some pretty big balls to pull something like this off:
>greatest purgers of Islamists
Pick one. You don't know shit about ME politics huh
How do you reconcile your hate for Muslims when you realize the are the only ones attempting a modern shoah/intifada?
Why is Maria Brink so perfect?
I reject the proposition that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" All the Abrahamic faiths are enemies, of us and of each other.
The globalist forces are also trying to destroy Israel from the inside with the same type of shit as here. Just read Haaretz for example. As for Israel in general they advance their national interest foremost, nothing wrong with that.
most people are just jealous that they can't get in on the best secret society in town.
Even most of those fucks will be sad when israel is "thrown into the sea" by the muslim fucks and the whole festering situation spreads to europe
Islamists want you to bend the knee to allah and you support them because your baby brain anti semitism feeds into hysterics
Islam cucktrianity and judaism are all semitic religions
>Islamists want you to bend the knee to allah and you support them because your baby brain anti semitism feeds into hysterics
Israel fights against Arab nationalists, whilst support degenerate Islamists like ISIS and Jabhat al Nusra.
I only started hating Israel after Obama declared Israel the enemy at the UN.
Please archive
>thehill com/policy/international/un-treaties/311715-israel-obama-administration-colluded-with-shameful-anti
>thehill com/policy/defense/311836-israel-will-share-evidence-of-obama-un-collusion-with-trump-ambassador-says
>Iran and hezbollah are good guys bro because they are against Israel XD
they want every american dead, you're a good little cuck huh
True, but Islam has a very large portion of the world population right now, we need all the help we can get to win. That, and secular Jews are actually pretty cool, generally quite intelligent and they value education and capitalism. Religious Jews are just as bad as the other zealots though.
Thanks yet again Norway archive bot.
Yes i support anti isrsel over pro israel
>How do you reconcile your hate for Israel when you realize they are greatest purgers of Islamists in the west?
You mean while systematicly convincing the west to allow the shitskins into OUR nations? Fuck you.
What do when you realized they found the is to destabilize the west?
Let secular Arab nationalists have their nation state and Europeans have their nation states. Zionism and islamism are both metastatic cancer and they are on the same side fighting against the Arab nationalist forces
Israel is an extremely important geopolitical ally in a hotbed of mudskin terrorists who want to turn the west into a caliphate. but keep supporting literal jihadists you fucking retard
why do they send islamist in EU,
why do they debt EU,
why do they racemix EU,
why do they attack EU in culture,
why do they not let EU colonies,
why do they damage white nations relentlessly when whites are the only one caring for their safety and existence?
they are really lowiq tier similar to their arab cousins
i don't see any movement/attitude from israel that is friendly to eu/usa
Yes I support the demolishing of Israel, and iran is an extremely important geopolitical alky to do so and destroy Jewish power.
What a stupid fucking shill. I hope you try to KYS and fail like you fail at everything else. Then I hope the attempt leaves you retarded and unable to take care of yourself so your parents have to, which makes them even more disappointed in you (yeah I didn't think it was possible either.) then when they die after wasting their life on you, you will be put in a home where the staff mistreat you
There wouldn't be a radical Islam problem in the west without Israel.
Anti west cuck
Problem, reaction, solution. Doesn't make kikes allies in my eyes.
This site is fucking shit. I take 2 weeks off to work, come back and realise how many people here are shit at life.
it's israel that wants white people fucking gone. they have tried to do this for centuries. if iran hates us is because we ruin the ME at the behest of Israel. it was israel that killed 3k american on 9/11, not iraq.
But kikes aren't Western, so fuck off with the mudslimes.
Okay, so let's say that your apartment has been desecrated with both Zionism and Islamism. The thing is, Zionism is a booger, and Islamism is 52 gallons of liquid dog shit. Both are bad and do not belong inside your apartment, but one of these two problems is a lot more pressing right now.
I am Anti Israel, I support abolishing Israel giving the land to palestinians and abolishing all Jewish power in the US.
Stupid goyim
>Takes some pretty big balls to pull something like this off:
He was handed to Israel by the UAE government.
Banning all foreign lobbying is the correct answer, not just cutting of israel's political power.
>anaon explains several ways that jews are ruining west
>hurr durr not wanting to get cucked by israel makes you an anti-west cuck
When did you ever purge Islamists in the West? When you killed Gaddafi and opened up a flood of them into Europe?
Except Israel supports isis
Judaism us neither western, white, or anything but a terrorist organization set on destroying the white race, your "west" is merely Jewish interest.
>attempting a modern shoah
The sunni-sphere and specifically Saudi Arabia are allied with Israel. Unless you're talking about the shias.
Look up what an Aryan is, faggot. Without Israel, there would not even be a need for war today.
>destabiliizng the middle east and radicalizing secular muslims is a net benefit
good job idiot
Israel conceptualized, created, and fund isis. And every year they need more money to deal with the Islamisists they creste
Israel kills muslims. The West supports Israel. Muslims attack the West because we support Israel.
Israel is Charlemagne?
Israel is Vlad the Impaler??!?!
I think not. I will not fall for your kike tricks.
You're analogy is stupid. Islamism is spread and supported by Israel. Jabhat al-Nusra, ISIS, all these islamist groups that are invading europe and destroying syria, are all proxies of Israel.
Israel is the primary lesion and islamists are the metastases. If you destroy israel, the islamist problem will stop.
But sure you can keep missing the point and keep false-flagging you dumb swedish jew, I bet you're from malmo you turbocuck.
Israel and its loyal Golem, The United States of America, have committed 1/6th of a holocaust in the middle east.
Oops, haha typo, I meant 1/3rd
Israel kills muslims sends them to europe where they kill you, muslim immigration didnt exist prior to israel snd his shabo goyim.murdering children for them
>I bet you're from malmo you turbocuck.
He's actually most likely from Göteborg.
>great islam purger
>The suni-sphere are allied with Israel
Ba'athist Iraq was the only country to launch 46 Scud missiles at Israel when it was in the middle of a war against the entire world.
Nice sectarianism, but I don't think Saudi Arabia equates the sunni-sphere by itself.
An Israeli general said it would be "strategically advantageous" to let ISIS "fester", which in human-soul-haver terms means to let ISIS rape, pillage, murder, enslave, and train a generation in children to do the same, wantonly, because it would better assist the illegal coup of a legitimate foreign government.
It's quite simple... (((their))) goal is to brown out all white nationalities to create a situation where (((they))) are the ruling class, and are the only people with white genetics.
Damn, you niggers seem fucked now. Especially after Russia's stance on the issue. You guys have no more land to rightfully reclaim after the last war, so Israel now has full "rights" to level you guys if something were to happen, not to mention their recent technological developments (which seem to handle Hezbollah's latest quite easily) and their full backing of Trump and Mattis. Lebanese and Israeli officials, last month, reckoned that Israel could have 30% your country razed to the ground 48 hours max. It's pretty much only Iran that would get involved and the USA is itching for them to do so in order to have a "legitimate" excuse to go after them. This will be extremely interesting.
>Ba'athist Iraq was the only country to launch 46 Scud missiles at Israel when it was in the middle of a war against the entire world.
Different times.
The priority has obviously shifted for the sunnis.
Fighting Iran's influence is far more important than dealing with Israel.
Besides, if the oil-dependent countries were to get into a war with Israel, they'd most likely get sanctioned by the west and lose their customers.
I'm not being secterian, I'm being realistic.
saddam was a masoni pompomgirl on a leash fucked in every temple's table for pure entertainment, he then had to get a revenge and let his frustration out on his own civilians. very lowiq very savage, and very ugly indeed, very close to monkeys.
I'm actually a pure viking and an atheist, I just figure Islam is a bigger problem since they're everywhere here and most people I know have never even met a jew, let alone a non-secular one. Also, there are basically no jews left in Malmö, the Muslim immigrants killed or chased away all of them.
I will demolish any goid goyims who support israel irl they will support isrsel as an enemy of the American people whi send our men to die and murder.
Recently Israels defense minister openly said that it's not in their interest to remove ISIS and should allow them to exist, they aren't purging shit, they just shoot a few arab kids on the border for fun.
Also instead of women with 80% west European genes show some real Israeli bush pigs like pic related for once.
Ba'athist iraq was a secular country with a Christian PM. Saddam's government was filled with Christians, his deputy was a christian, the secretary general of the ba'ath party was a christian (and the deputy secretary general was a druze), and most of his bodyguards were christian. He even had plenty of shi'ites in his government. It's hardly an example of a "sunni state"
>but I don't think Saudi Arabia equates the sunni-sphere by itself.
Nice digits by the way.
And it certainly does. A lot of sunnis (Arab) look up to the kingdom and suck its dick.
Tis can be observed even here, just look at hariri and his followers.
+0.1 shekels have been added to your account
Tranny face with knuckle tats
He stopped the moors from expanding into France and doing there what they did to Spain.
Then Built nations that could withstand them and later those nations pushed back and Reconquista-ed.
and who let those millions of muslims in? who do you think is directing them? you think they let themselves in or someone opened the door for them and led them in?
Jews = eye of Sauron, millions of brainless islamists = orcs
You need to cut off the head of the snake. the head of the snake is israel.
Good goy
>The priority has obviously shifted for the sunnis.
It's more like Egypt is completely fucked right now and Syria is in the middle of a civil war (although I expect Golan retaking operation S O O N), and these two are/were pretty much the only sunni countries in the region opposed to Israel.
Kinda funny how South-East Asians are in general much more activist/aggressive when it comes to the kikes. I propose we air-drop containers filled with Malaysians and Singaporeans on Tel Aviv.
>A lot of sunnis (Arab) look up to the kingdom and suck its dick.
Huh. Not really the case here, everyone hates the gulf and thinks they're weaklings who give a bad name to the arab world and can't do anything without NATO backing them up.
Yeah, I know, that wasn't really the best wording... just that when people refer to the "sunni-sphere", they're generally talking about countries that aren't in the Iranian sphere of influence (AKA what Iraq used to be although it's a complete puppet state for the Muricans and Persians rights now).
You're either an American, a Jew or a Muslim. Only you 3 get emotionally invested in these conflicts. Out here for us it's fun to sit back and watch 2 sides go at it.
Not an argument. Not that I was expecting one. There's not much to argue on when facts are open. Lets hope nothing happens, unnecessary deaths over something unwinnable is dumb.
Get some standards
>and these two are/were pretty much the only sunni countries in the region opposed to Israel.
Well, in Egypt's case, they've been good goys ever since Nasser was gone, so scratch that, I guess.
I don't hate jews or at least want to hate jews. Most jews are just normal people getting by. But it has become undeniable that there is a concentrated, conspiratorial attack on white western people, their culture, their businesses, their institutions, their right to organize, even their demographic ability to exist into the future. They seem, very openly, to consider it a virtue to eradicate whites. Their methods aren't by the bullet, but they are just as deadly.
>jew calling other people jews so that he deflects the notion of being one
>Lebanese and Israeli officials, last month, reckoned that Israel could have 30% your country razed to the ground 48 hours max
Also, source?
At this point all I would care about is that she's white... you should too
>Lebanese incapable of coming up with an argument so he needs to resort to ad-hominem attacks and chimp-outs because facts are getting to him
Your frustration is showing. No need to be a sore loser. Stay mad Ali. See ya.
Israel funds terrorist
Zionists are scumbags who promote multiculturalism in other countries while they hold an apartheid state on palestinian in their own (((state))), whoever likes Israel is a traitor of his country.
>runs away without giving a source on his claim
So your argument was literally built on bullshit huh? Why the fuck should I invest time in it if that was the case?
Kill yourself you filthy kike.
If the conspiracy that the capitalist jewish elite is trying to turn the world into helpless easy to control drones is true then I agree that helping the spread of Islam makes sense, since it's a religion that encourages conformiting, thought policing and a helpless victim mentality (god's will, I can't do anything about it, etc.)
But I have a few problems with this. Is it really optimal to breed a society with mostly socialist/communist valuess and then try to rule it as a wealthy zionist top class? It seems like it would clash. Secondly, part of the Islamic moral compass is basically "Kill or enslave all the Jews". It seems like the Jews would want to control them rather than spread them all over the world and let them go from 1.5 to 3, 4 or even 5 billions.
Regardless of how much of that I believe is true, I still like the secular Jews. They're intelligent, witty, charming and value education and success. I personally care more about ideas and values than what ethnicity a person has, but if I were interested in a secular society where superior races ruled, it would consist of jews, whites and asians. They have the best values and score highest on intelligence.
> How do you reconcile your hate for Islamists when you realize they are greatest purgers of Israel in the west?
Better question
it is insane, muslims are animals that will turn against them, they are forgetting klaybar and other muslim on jews massacres, it is insane in every aspect to destroy the whites in favor of muslims, and this proves to me that allah is the commander in chief of satan
They purged them out of the middle east and into every white country on earth.
Islam would be a another religion if not for jews and merica..
>Islam would be a another religion if not for jews and merica..
Baseless claim.
Yes, the Arab world would look very different if not for the meddling of the two terrorist states, but to say that the religion itself or the people would be different is retarded tbqhwyf
Alfonso already reconquered galicia in 740ad long before charlies campaigns.
Imagine if white people as a whole would just outlaw retarded moral ideas justified by claimed divinity. Either by taking over the world or by building a wall around one or several countries and letting the zealots fight each other on the outside. It baffles me how people seem to have somehow forgotten the Age of Enlightenment, it wasn't even that long ago.
A coal burning quarter nig is far from perfect.
Muslims have been attacking the west nonstop since seven hundred ad you retard
>How do you reconcile your hate for Israel
I don't hate Israel, I hate the disproportionate amount of influence they have on western countries. If they wouldn't be such massive hypocrites, they'd be alright.
the ones they support are the jew-friendly muslims that don't hate jews. Like saudi arabia and ISIS, notice they never harm any jews. They just like killing christians, but never hurt a jew.
but you're a fucktarded "atheist pagan" anyway, you're in the palm of the jews to destroy christianity whether you like it or not, heck you probably even support it. You said it yourself, you like "secular" jews.
>How do you reconcile your hate for Israel when you realize they are greatest purgers of Islamists in the west?
Israel is in cahoots with Saudi Arabia though.
I don't hate Israel, israel is the only way we're going to get Jews out of our country. We do however need to stop giving Israel assistance. Our interference in the Middle East only contributes to the lack of stability, and only with a stable Israel will Jews migrate in mass.
>Muslims have been attacking the west nonstop since seven hundred ad
Yeah, those pesky muslim nations also known as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Oman, and Yemen which have been attacking the west non-stop since the beginning of the 20th century when they were created
>they are greatest purgers of Islamists
Yeah, they purge them all the way to Europe.
israel claims 48-60 hours. lebanon discussed this with russia and not israel and russian minister of defense agreed and advised against lebanon getting into this. they reckoned israel's new defense system/airforce could have devastating consequences on civilians. hezbollah wont want a war because of this. they know it too. they're just flexing.
Israel isn't part of the West.
Hezbollah didn't advocate for Iraq war, Hezbollah didn't advocate for Afghanistan, Hezbollah doesn't get BILLIONS of dollars every year to support their Apartheid state.